Simon: Changes to List of Names

by Amazing 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Simon and everyone: I respect your comment to my previous post regarding The List of Names. Although I did not say what the list is about, for good reason, nevertheless I respect, agree with and understand your concern ... so here is what I am going to do:

    Simon: Since the "edit" function is locked out after a few days, would you go back to my previous List of Names post and delete the name, and blanks I placed on the list. Thanks. I am going to host a "List of Names" on a private web page that I will create in the near future, and then it may be linked as Simon noted.

    Liability : I am taking FULL responsibility and liability for the List. The List of Names will only state the name of persons of significance and their general last known wherabouts as to city and state. It will not give any specifics as to why they are on the list, or what the The List is about. Since I am not stating what the list is for, then my liability should be about zero. Peoples names and locations are not private, but public domain, and as long as I am not stating what the list is about, then I am convinced that there is little they can do about it.

    I will accept submissions: Anyone may email me and make a request for submitting a Name to The List. I will then delete the email (that is, the source of the Name) so as to protect and shield any and all who wish to submit names and locations ... however, any details provided to me, beyond the Name and general location of the person to be placed on The List, will also be deleted.

    Judgment Proof: There are a number of ways to make oneself "Judgment Proof" in the United States. One of those ways is to be dead broke, and have no meaningful assets except clothing, a few personal effects, and maybe a car. Therefore, if some party decided to sue me because their name appeared on The List, then three things would happen:

    1. I would bring in the Media.

    2. I would not pay any judgment because I have nothing with which to pay.

    3. The Plaintiff would have a big legal bill.

    All this is called, Playing the System ... and if Bad Guys can play the system , then I can too ... I am doing so and will do so until physically forced to stop ... and I am the only one who can take the heat, as I am going to shield all who submit names to me ... there will be some conditions for submittal of names, and I will be working on that before this goes into action.

    The List will be up in a few days, so stay tuned.

  • Simon

    Thanks Amazing

    One thing that would be worth doing is finding a web host in a suitable location which would not be under the jurisdiction of the US ... it would give people a much harder job getting things forcibly removed.

  • belbab


    I am being devil's advocate here.

    Please consider this: You may have nothing they can take away from you, but there is something valuable they may be able to touch. If your actions step over into being a crime, then a criminal record or jail time could be in store.

    Say for example, all the names on the list are members of a certain religious organization, say someone reads your record of posts on this forum including this one and sees that you are you are an ex-member of that organization and states you have an axe to grind. Would that religious organization not claim religious intolerance and interference with their religious freedom. They would immediately slap an injunction against your publishing names on a list, until the matter is settled in court.

    I too would like to see the revealing of the thousands of names on the secret data base.

    Maybe we don't even need the names. Perhaps all that is needed to be written is the address of where the named person attends his local weekly bingo meeting in the basement of his church. The other members of the group would be on the alert, and start questioning amongst themselves, to flush out the person that needs to be identified. This also has the possibility of being considered as religious intolerence.

    I do not wish to nix the pursuit of wrong doers hiding in secret within the crowd.

    I have posted in other threads, how I think the list, could be made public. The media has already picked up the scent, police have also have perked up their ears. The Catholic Church have been manouvred into releasing their lists. Any other organizations who have hidden lists are going to have to cough up also. If they have admitted to a list, it only a matter of time, they will have to release it. We must not allow the attention to die, but keep the pressure up.

    just my two scents, do your thing, belbab

  • Amazing

    Hi Belbab:

    Please consider this: You may have nothing they can take away from you, but there is something valuable they may be able to touch. If your actions step over into being a crime, then a criminal record or jail time could be in store.

    Agreed. But, I am not commiting a crime by posting a name. To my knowledge, anyway, there are no criminal statutes against this.

    Say for example, all the names on the list are members of a certain religious organization, say someone reads your record of posts on this forum including this one and sees that you are you are an ex-member of that organization and states you have an axe to grind. Would that religious organization not claim religious intolerance and interference with their religious freedom. They would immediately slap an injunction against your publishing names on a list, until the matter is settled in court.

    Let them try it ... and, "Hello, Dateline, guess what a certain religious organization is trying to do?" Such a religious organizations does not have a basis nor the balls, nor the ability to prove anything ...

    I too would like to see the revealing of the thousands of names on the secret data base.

    We can do it.

    Maybe we don't even need the names. Perhaps all that is needed to be written is the address of where the named person attends his local weekly bingo meeting in the basement of his church. The other members of the group would be on the alert, and start questioning amongst themselves, to flush out the person that needs to be identified. This also has the possibility of being considered as religious intolerence.

    Good point, except we already know that at least 50% of the certain churches have an average of one person of significance. So, we may as well publish the names and addresses of all the affected churches. But, your idea has merit in that if people publish what they know of a specific church, then this could be useful just knowing that a certain person is a member of a certain church.

    I do not wish to nix the pursuit of wrong doers hiding in secret within the crowd.


    I have posted in other threads, how I think the list, could be made public. The media has already picked up the scent, police have also have perked up their ears. The Catholic Church have been manouvred into releasing their lists. Any other organizations who have hidden lists are going to have to cough up also. If they have admitted to a list, it only a matter of time, they will have to release it. We must not allow the attention to die, but keep the pressure up.

    Also, the LDS (Mormon) church in Salt Lake City, Utah has been ordered by the Federal Court in Portland, Oregon to turn over 25 years of their records to the Court regarding this issue.

    Thanks for the input. The worst thing that would happen to me is an inquiry as to what the list is about and possibly a demand letter to remove a certain name. It is not as though I am saying John Doe of 666 Riverside Drive, Anywhere, Some State, Some Country robbed a bank at so-and-so branch on this date and time. No, I am simply posting a list of names of persons of significance.

    Now, if a person of significance had an attorney contact me and ask to be removed from the list, and threatened action, they would have to cite the law, either civil or criminal that I am supposedly violating. I am not saying exactly where the person lives, nor am I saying anything about them ... I am just putting them on a list.

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