Channel One--please help

by VeniceIT 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    Ok starting about 10 years ago Channel One was and is a newstation that is for Jr, high and high school students. I remmeber watching the Gulf War on it, Bosnia and a lot of differnt events. It was a 15 min news program that we watched everyday.

    Lisa Ling was on it before she left to join 'The View'. Anderson Cooper was on of the reports as well and is now on CNN. Another notable is Serina Ashlutz (sp?) who does the news for MTV.

    I brought this up in chat and noooooo one had a clue what I was talking about. Has anyone heard of this? Anyone else watch 'Channel One' PLEAASSSSEEE I'm not KRAZY I SWEAR!!!! it's real!!



    nope....I remember the school talking about this too...though it did not get put into classrooms untill about 2 years after I graduated...(92)

  • NotBlind

    Channel One - In my opinion, it's too commercialized and somewhat annoying, but it does get some of the news out to high school kids, and it's definitely real! It lasts about 12 minutes and is shown every morning in most high schools.

    Side point - Channel One was the way many schools got a TV in every classroom. When the schools promised to show Channel One on a daily basis in the early or mid-90's, they got a TV for every room. Not a bad deal!

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