Child abuse, crime, and the authorites

by Robert_V_Frazier 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Robert_V_Frazier
    I have said in some of my recent posts that the articles on child abuse posted at the Watchtower's official website do not contain references to the police or crime. That's not true. I did a search on all of the child abuse articles there, and here's what I found: "Your Child Is in Danger!"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" "Assaults on children are often cloaked in secrecy, so much so that they have been called perhaps the most unreported of crimes."
    "Even so, such crimes have evidently spiraled upward in recent decades."
    "Often, those who report that they were victims of such crimes are treated with incredulity, not compassion." "How Can We Protect Our Children?"
    "police" "Or: 'What if (Mommy, Daddy, a minister, a policeman) told you to jump off a tall building?'"
    "The police later apprehended the man."
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" Does not occur. "Prevention in the Home"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" "Inevitably, then, some of them do seem to get away with their disgusting crimes." "Common Misconceptions"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" Does not occur. "If Your Child Is Abused"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" Does not occur. "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" Does not occur. "Child MolestingYou Can Protect Your Child"
    "police" "'Nobody should touch you there, even if it is a schoolteacher or a policeman.'"
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" "The crime and anything that happens as a result of iteven if a close relative goes to prisonis not her (or his) fault." "Comfort for Those With a 'Stricken Spirit'"
    "police" Does not occur.
    "CPS", "Child Protective Services" Does not occur.
    "crime" Does not occur.

    Comments: ". . . they have been called perhaps the most unreported of crimes." Yes, and the Society is apparently determined to keep it that way. "Often, those who report that they were victims of such crimes are treated with incredulity, not compassion." Particularly if the victim is a young JW girl and the perp is a JW Elder. "Inevitably, then, some of them do seem to get away with their disgusting crimes." Yes, if the abused victim cannot produce any witnesses who saw it happen, it is indeed inevitable that the Society will let the rapist get away with it.

    Again, I was right in saying that nowhere is the reader advised to ever call the police. The only mention of police is as someone who might tell you to jump off a building or touch you where he shouldn't. Oh, and one passing mention of the police arresting someone:

    "PLEA to Jehovah Halts Molester's Attack on Youth," declared a headline in the U.S. newspaper The Arizona Republic, on May 5, 1993. The alleged molester abducted the 13-year-old youth at gunpoint, taking him to the perpetrator's apartment. When the youth cried out, "Jehovah, help me!" the molester was shaken and let the boy go free. The police later apprehended the man.

    Even there, no mention that a good JW should call the police under any circumstances. No mention of the existence of the Child Protective Services. No phone numbers where you can call to get help or counseling. The silence is deafening.

    There is some very good advice in these articles. Following it can help prevent child abuse, and that's good. But if the worst does happen, these articles do not tell you the right thing to do. And no, I'm not buying the "rogue elder" theory as an explanation for why they do not.

    Robert V Frazier

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