Do you feel that right now, in your quest for understanding of where we all are in our lives, that your relationship with God is better, worse or the same as before? Please do not equate the organization as being the same as God. We all know that's not true....thank you.
by minimus 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I dont believe in god...then again as a child I think I always had my doubts...
I do however believe in Gaia and it is much better...thank you for asking.
Much better. Now I spend more time thanking God than making petitions for help all the time. As a JW, living up to the "rules" required so much struggling and heartache that I was always asking for strength. Now, I appreciate my life and I can investigate who God really is.
My God is not the God of the bible, neither is God Male or Female to me. I see God as both Male God and Female Goddess aspects - which is just a way for us humans to get to know God. I find that this allows me to really delve into the percieved nature of God. Looking at the universe reveals more about God than any book.
I pray much, much more now. More in a conversation style, and more for others. I feel the Goddess in my life, she corrects me, and is always near.
Having left the JW's and become a Christian. I have a far greater relationship with God than ever before.
As a JW that relationship was never there because it relied on you being part of an organisation. Even then you could never have a true relationship because only the "anointed" where Christs brothers. At meetings there was no feeling you were there to praise and worship God. You were there to be told what to and what not to believe. It was one of the things I always felt was wrong.
I now attend a Pentecostal church, the comments of "amen" Hallelujah" the clapping and joy of singing and show of emotion. It all would horrify a JW. Why not show emotion! If you have a relationship with someone, wife.husband, girl/boy friend, father, mother, don't you show emotion about having that relationship. If you can show emotion if you go to a football match etc, why not when worshipping God.
My church teaches that my relationship is between me and God not between me and the church.
I'm writing this at the end of my night shift I will finish at 6am Sunday morning, I will be back for another shift at 6pm. Which means that I will not get to church today. But no one will be on my back because I don't. The Pastor knows that some people have to work on Sundays. Not being at church doesn't mean I can't speak to or worship my God.
Whether I stand or fall before God depends on me and no one else. Not belonging to some church/organisation.
When we stand before the Lord its no use saying "I was a Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Anglican etc"
The Lord will say "Thats nice. But tell me what were you like as a Christian?"
i have to say the older i get the less i believe in the existence of a god (omnipotent whatever it's meant to mean) and the more i believe in the nature of the universe, karma, what goes around comes around etc, do good and good happens, do bad and bad comes, to me the idea of worship is abhorrant, because to my mind no being is worthy of being workshipped. i think workship is archaic and backward to be honest.
my relationship with god... everyone's idea of god is different so there is no real answer, i'm cool with me as a human being and that's what matters.
that your relationship with God is better, worse or the same as before?
spice brought up the concept of gaia. and indeed, if i recognize something for which a label such as "god" applies to, this would be it.
my relationship with myself is better too.
the thing is that one's definition of "god" is everything. in the anthropomorphic sense, my definition of god has become a metaphor. i do not think it should have ever been anything other than that.
gaia would make my definition of god terapomorphic, or even cosmopomorphic. meaning that the new definition has taken on genuine aspects of the earth and by extension the cosmos, without overarching interference of anthro and subsequent self-interest. if my new definition of god includes a form of anthropomorphism, then it's brought into the definition via my Self. this fosters the understanding that while being a human only plays a small part in my definition of "god", there is a definite apsect of it that is human since human springs from earth and by extension cosmos.
The million dollar question is:
Since asking this question as your 170th post, how has your view changed now that you're nearly at your 20,000th post?
r's hubby