The Watchtower's Satanic Spirit

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Through the years, the Watchtower has painted a picture of Satan
    and the demons that includes the most extreme and ugly behavior
    that any person can perform: being personally doomed and facing
    certain defeat, they try to drag down as many innocent victims
    they can.

    Satanic is an appropriate word to describe this ultimate, final,
    and ego-centered display of hate in action, knowing that your time is
    almost up - and greedily killing and injuring as many as you can.

    So, here we are, faced with an organization that can't afford food
    service at assemblies, that is canceling subscriptions to their
    flagship magazine, that is cutting back on branch offices and
    missionary homes, that is shutting down presses and bindery lines,
    AND that may be laying off a thousand Bethelites as Almighty God
    refuses to support them.

    What do they do?

    They lie, they deceive, they try to mislead the media, they defend
    child molesters, they stubbornly make changes only when forced
    by embarassing exposure that forces their hand, they threaten more
    shunning in their Kingdom Ministry of those who disagree,

    And ....

    They persecute whistleblowers, disfellowship those who express
    disgust at their lack of ethics, they ghoulishly offer a dying
    young girl her picture published in the Awake, they legally bully
    her father into financial ruin - all while quietly deleting their
    death- dealing blood transfusion doctrine from the latest baptism

    Imagine gnarled, bony fingers clawing at people, trying to grasp
    the unwary into destruction as their organizational idol sinks
    into a tar pit of scandal, public humiliation and financial loss.

    This is the picture they've painted for years of Gog of Magog,
    of Satan the Devil.

    It's also the picture they should see when they look into a mirror.


  • The_Bad_Seed

    ...throw a few F bombs in there, and that'd sound like a Dennis Miller rant! Good shyte!

  • mouthy

    Very well put metetron ..

  • Francois

    Well said, very well said indeed.


  • nita6368

    Gnarled, bony fingers.....definitely the GB!!

  • Bhagavad

    Very good, Metatron. Thanks to your post, I can now recall how the Catholic church used a similar-in-spirit portrayal of the demon-supervised tortures of burning Hellfire and Eternal Damnation because, since those in Hell offended the Eternal God, their punishment should be eternal, writhing in cruel, unspeakable agony forever! A Catholic high school "Religion" class textbook even gave pages and pages of sadistic, fiendish details about the suffering. If any entities deserve agony at all they are the Catholic Church and the Watchtower Organization. Some might even think of other organizations that could qualify.

  • witchywoman

    Yes, you are so right metetron! The Watchtower is going to fall and the only thing they have left to do is to turn on their own. HUGE MISTAKE! Hopefully this in of itself will send a message to those left inside the walls of the great watchtower. GET OUT NOW! The time is at hand.

    When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?-----The Watchtower magazine, January 15, 1974.


  • minimus

    THE BAD thoughts exactly!!!

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