Can DF'ing be used To HIDE CRIME?

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I wonder:

    Suppose someone is threatened by elders with being df'd in response
    to their intended exposure of a crime? Would courts simply look at
    df'ing by a church as an absolute or not?

    I also continue in my belief that df'ing threatens this corrupt
    organization in that it provides proof of its centrality. Clearly,
    guys like J.R. try to fend off their rotten actions by calling
    such decisions "local". Look and see that the Society puts effort
    into maintaining the falsehood that elders are not under their control,
    ESPECIALLY in directing the secret handwritten df'ing instructions
    in each elder's book ("never refer to the Society...")

    If a person is df'd is DF'D IN EVERY CONGREGATION , with records
    filed at Brooklyn, this suggests a centralized hierarchy that can
    be held liable - if an acne faced burger fryer at McDonalds hands
    out a hot coffee which spills and the Golden Arches get sued for
    70 large and lose (!) , what does this say about the ladder of
    liability in modern corporations?

    Same thing for Circuit Overseers - what does their existence
    threaten for the Society in establishing a chain of command,
    just like the Catholics, just like a hierarchy. And, Yes, there's
    also the matter of WHO owns many Kingdom Halls....


  • Siddhashunyata

    Thank you Metatron, all good points. It would seem to be in harmony with justice that the very things that gave the WTBTS its power would be the things that are its undoing.

  • searchfothetruth

    There was an elder this year in my old hall who was accused of abusing 4 girls BEFORE he became an elder.

    He was disfellowshipped 1 week before the court case on.....adultery.


    Yes it can be used to their advantage ALL of the time

  • FreeRangeChicken

    "acne-faced burger fryer"?

    i think df'ing just makes them look better (in their eyes). keeping the house clean, you know... most outsiders view it the same way, even if there's a million copies filed in brooklyn, because of ignorance of the organization and its structure. roles aren't as clear-cut as, say, the catholic church, which has been around for centuries, so most people are familiar with the heirarchy, e.g. the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns, etc.

    for some reason, when you see a priest, you see the whole catholic church. but when you see a witness, you don't see the watchtower society as a whole. you just see some flaky witness. i don't think a disfellowshipping reflects on the society as a whole, whether they're a publisher, circuit overseer, or whatever, simply because the wts is so circumspect about its reputation and keeps itself above it all...

  • Focus

    The overwhelming majority of dub-dubs (poor, brainwashed and arrogant fools) lurking within the skirts of the GREAT WHORE OF BABBLE-ON cannot be expected to do anything to help prevent her spreading her Spiritual-AIDS around.

    Siddhashunyata, you speak with a wisdom beyond your years - and I say this without knowing your age. Indeed, their strengths shall become their weaknesses - with a little help from "The Friends".

    Metatron, you are "spot on" target this time: the universality of a "local" jW excommunication (and the severe personal costs it therefore carries, given the cult-culture, going far beyond what other large cults impose) may well provide a way to pierce the legal armor (localizing everything) of the very Grand Whoredom itself.

    As you know, the Whore Group owns or has mortgages over most K.Hells and other properties directly (irrespective of who built or paid for them), and the $$ go with the bricks and mortar. And, natural justice requires the lawsuits to follow those $$.

    Where the dividing line between "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom to DECEIVE, Emotionally Stunt, Kill, Maim, Injure, Torment, Annoy" lies is not fixed absolutely, and may well be subtly adjusted by the courts in tune with the pulse of the people. They DO follow public opinion a little, and we must strive to keep the snowball started by Dateline and Panorama rolling, speeding-up, growing in scope, and turning into an veritable avalanche.


    We must thereforemake sure we deliver messages to her in a language she comprehends.

    (Resource Allocation Class)

  • DanTheMan

    Focus! Wow! Tan her filthy hide!

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