I wonder:
Suppose someone is threatened by elders with being df'd in response
to their intended exposure of a crime? Would courts simply look at
df'ing by a church as an absolute or not?
I also continue in my belief that df'ing threatens this corrupt
organization in that it provides proof of its centrality. Clearly,
guys like J.R. try to fend off their rotten actions by calling
such decisions "local". Look and see that the Society puts effort
into maintaining the falsehood that elders are not under their control,
ESPECIALLY in directing the secret handwritten df'ing instructions
in each elder's book ("never refer to the Society...")
If a person is df'd is DF'D IN EVERY CONGREGATION , with records
filed at Brooklyn, this suggests a centralized hierarchy that can
be held liable - if an acne faced burger fryer at McDonalds hands
out a hot coffee which spills and the Golden Arches get sued for
70 large and lose (!) , what does this say about the ladder of
liability in modern corporations?
Same thing for Circuit Overseers - what does their existence
threaten for the Society in establishing a chain of command,
just like the Catholics, just like a hierarchy. And, Yes, there's
also the matter of WHO owns many Kingdom Halls....