Have you ever thought back on the elders, min servants, pioneers and all the other people that have such a high rank in the cong and thought, " These people are incompentent self rightous slugs" These were are rolemodels? Half stuttering dillusional half minds. Everybody has to remember the certain elder in the cong. who could barely change his own depends,none the less remember your name in the Sunday watchtower reading. And the four hours practicing your comment went to waste because everybody is staring at the podium wondering if he knows his dentures have fallen out of his mouth.
Then you have the thurs night num. 2 talk where the person on the podium is stuttering his way into a 12 min overtime, then after the meeting they are praised on how good of a job they did. Knowing damn well that everybody was squirming in there seats just hoping to get home in time to watch Jay Leno.
Then of course you always had the Two North centerfold that would raise their hand on every question and would be ignored until that one defining moment when no one else would raise their hand. And that was my favorite circus show of the meetings. The nuerotic bablings of a obvious schitzo with 14 crying babys in the background trying to grab the attention with a brilliant comment.
I almost want to get some popcorn and go back on a Sunday and watch Gods people at work.