Do You Honestly Believe ???

by 67mustang 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 67mustang

    When I first found this site I was superised to find so many people like me that had issues with the org. They say that all the negative info on the net just re-enforces that they are "the chosen ones". My response to that was, look at your beliefs and doctrines, they are controversial, what do you expect. You find the same thing if you do a search on Hitler.There are many things I would like to talk about. The main thing is I need to vent because alot of my family are in the org. and they think I'm Satanic. It's like talking to a wall. Of course anything on the net is false regarding JW's "according to them". I've had lots of doubts about certain things they preach.

    Take the 1914 prophecy for example. Daniel chapter 4, JW's say 360 day years x 7 = 2520 and from 607bc you get 1914 etc. I had my own theory about the "7 times of Danilel 4" and it's just that a theory, I'm not a prophet, just a man. Ok lets say that 607 was the year which Jerusalem was destroyed, forget the lunar year lets use 365 day year 365x7=2555 which gives you 1949. In 1948 Israel became a state. It's close, but I'm simply showing that it's a guess and really the prophecy is regarding Nebuchadnezzar's rulership, it says nothing of God's chosen ones.

    They have always seemed to throw sand in the face of the UN, almost as if picking a fight. I know about the UN/NGO "10 years on the wild beast", (sounds like a rodeo). I think of it like they want to provoke an attack and create a sort of self fullfilling prophecy to say, "look we were right". If they truly are the chosen ones why not let the All Mighty God have his will done w/out them meddling.

    If you are to be no part of the world why do some in the org. accept wellfare and other government help. I know a couple in my ol' cong. that line up anytime there is a program for the needy, but they do just fine w/out extra help their business has the market cornered in my area. To me, the Amish appear to be "no part of the world". When I told my brother this he said, "they caught 2 teenage Amish kids selling Cocain out of their buggy". I said, "I know an Elder's kid that does Cocain in your congo", but JW's squelch anything like that so as to not besmirch their image.

    One other issue I had/have is the "resurrection", people that died before JW's were around preaching the "good news" will get this marvelous resurrection and be taught by the JW's and can then make the decision to follow or not. Come on, with a miracle of being brought back from the dead of course you will go along, but us unfortunate ones that had some imperfect witness preaching doctrine at us will be deemed for destruction in this "wicked ol' system". Heaven forbid there be any skeptics, they apparently will be destroyed as well. Thats not fair I don't have great faith as somebody brought back from the dead, "instant faith". That is absurd.

    I don't want to be harsh, but as I said I need to vent, it's healthy. It seems logic and common sense are disposed of as soon as they get you. If they see signs of free thinking they trully do "snuff it out". The meetings and service are so frequent you have no time to stop and think about it. Honestly it's scary, what if "new light" says to enter the Kingdom one must die first since the wages of sin is death and therefore have a Jim Jones style mass suicide!

    Some in my area are showing there cultic ways after I stopped attending. The other day they knocked on my door for 20 minutes, "not exaggerating". There seems no dignified way of seperating.

    Never stop thinking.

  • patio34

    Hi 67Mustang,

    It's nice to see your first post and welcome to Simon's coffee house. I hope you have many enjoyable sociable hours here, as I have. This board has greatly, inestimably really, facilitated my exodus from the borg.

    This was an excellent point you made:

    One other issue I had/have is the "resurrection", people that died before JW's were around preaching the "good news" will get this marvelous resurrection and be taught by the JW's and can then make the decision to follow or not. Come on, with a miracle of being brought back from the dead of course you will go along, but us unfortunate ones that had some imperfect witness preaching doctrine at us will be deemed for destruction in this "wicked ol' system". Heaven forbid there be any skeptics, they apparently will be destroyed as well. Thats not fair I don't have great faith as somebody brought back from the dead, "instant faith". That is absurd.

    What kind of fool wouldn't go along with that? There would be no faith required. A line from a recent movie, 13 Conversations about One Subject said: Faith is the antithesis of proof. Why would a God require so much faith and not provide proof, as would be the case in any court of law?

    Looking forward to your posts.


  • sunshineToo

    When I first found this site I was superised to find so many people like me that had issues with the org. They say that all the negative info on the net just re-enforces that they are "the chosen ones". My response to that was, look at your beliefs and doctrines, they are controversial, what do you expect. You find the same thing if you do a search on Hitler.There are many things I would like to talk about. The main thing is I need to vent because alot of my family are in the org. and they think I'm Satanic. It's like talking to a wall. Of course anything on the net is false regarding JW's "according to them". I've had lots of doubts about certain things they preach.

    Hi, 67Mustang!

    You above comment is so true. I've experienced for myself. Now I'm DA'd, and I don't have to deal with it anymore. Yes, they actually leave me alone.

  • Kingpawn

    Hey 67Mustang,

    Some thoughts on your points (I like your inquiring spirit!):

    Take the 1914 prophecy for example. Daniel chapter 4, JW's say 360 day years x 7 = 2520 and from 607bc you get 1914 etc. I had my own theory about the "7 times of Danilel 4" and it's just that a theory, I'm not a prophet, just a man. Ok lets say that 607 was the year which Jerusalem was destroyed, forget the lunar year lets use 365 day year 365x7=2555 which gives you 1949. In 1948 Israel became a state. It's close, but I'm simply showing that it's a guess and really the prophecy is regarding Nebuchadnezzar's rulership, it says nothing of God's chosen ones.

    Actually if you assume there was no year 0000 (was that BC or AD?) then 2555-607 does equal 1948. Coincidence? Maybe, and maybe not.

    They have always seemed to throw sand in the face of the UN, almost as if picking a fight. I know about the UN/NGO "10 years on the wild beast", (sounds like a rodeo). I think of it like they want to provoke an attack and create a sort of self fullfilling prophecy to say, "look we were right". If they truly are the chosen ones why not let the All Mighty God have his will done w/out them meddling.

    Shortly before 1/1/2000 a group of Americans was arrested in Israel. Some church group apparently believed that their actions (they were heavily armed) could bring on Armageddon. Sounds like insanity really is contagious.

    If you are to be no part of the world why do some in the org. accept wellfare and other government help. I know a couple in my ol' cong. that line up anytime there is a program for the needy, but they do just fine w/out extra help their business has the market cornered in my area. To me, the Amish

    What I was told when in was that since you had paid taxes and were legally entitled to it, get it.

    As far as being a successful businessman, if their businesses are sole proprietorships or partnerships they can't draw out more money than they have equity in it (assets minus liabilities equals owner's equity). And if, say, they borrowed a lot of money to improve the place (worldly action, that!) then their debt to equity ratio might be so high they can't borrow more for a while. So to lower that ratio and keep their business liquidity, they would use government programs for their benefit rather than draw down their firm's assets (keep cash flow positive too).

    the decision to follow or not. Come on, with a miracle of being brought back from the dead of course you will go along, but us unfortunate ones that had some imperfect witness preaching doctrine at us

    Recall the rebellion of Miriam and Korah(?) in the wilderness after the Exodus. Not only had they seen His deliverance of them from Egypt, they'd been fed and watered, their clothing/footwear hadn't worn out, they'd been kept safe, and so on. Even so there was rebellion. So just because the non-JW dead were resurrected is no guarentee they'll follow.

    Logic and common sense are always matches for JW doctrine to those willing to hear. But so many are convinced that everything outside the Society is Satan-inspired that they won't hear. All one can do is try.


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