Samuel Herd is Token Black Man of GB?
by D wiltshire 8 Replies latest jw friends
D wiltshire
I would really like to hear anyone opinion. Given that since the days of CT Russell no Man of color has been allowed to hold as high an office as whites have.
CT Russell himself felt black were good for servants, and came under Noahs curse. When I was at Bethel in the 70's they would not accept black and white couples, which latter changed around 1976.
I wounder to how Sam Herd is dealing with this all white GB with him as the exception?
Did he have to show an Uncle Tom like fawning over this all white group to be concidered safe to elect to the GB?
Will he be a force for change on the GB that has been white dominated for so long?
Also do you think the GB made him a member to quite any charge of raceism that the friends may have been entertaining? Was politics behind their choice of Herd to be part of the elete?
I had Sam Hurd over for dinner once, he appeared to me at the time to be a fine man. Excellent speaker, i'm not surpised they picked him. All politics aside.
Edited by - Dismembered on 19 July 2002 11:40:34
When I was at Bethel in the 70's they would not accept black and white couples, which latter changed around 1976.
It was the same in most congergations that I was aware of. I remember our very first Blk Wht marrage. Late 70's or possibly mid.70's.
It was a big deal then. They were the talk of the town.
My family and I know Herd pretty well. Not only was he the CO for my mothers cong down in the south, but we dealt with him when seeking justice in my case. He is a liar and a total company man. He is just as evil as Jaracz and is a Jaracz clone.
While at 25 Columbia Heights and trying to discuss my case with him, my brother and I put this question to him:"Does the GB and the Society itself really care when elders and CO's go against the written instructions of the society such as those instructions in mags, letters, and the flock book?" We asked him this question because this very thing is what happened in my case. Elders and CO's BLATANTLY ignored the flock book, policy letters, and instructions given in magazine articles.And the gb were made aware of the full situation which is too detailed for me to describe right here.
Herds answer was these exact words: "No. We just chalk it up to imperfection."
No. Samuel Herd is not interested in change and will not be a force for change. He'll lie for the borg just as quickly as the rest of them. His ass needs to be in jail too.
Edited by - worf on 19 July 2002 15:27:2
He should be in jail for what? Becuase he is one of JW'S?
he was my d.o. for 3 years in massachusetts.
i can only remember sleeping through his "talks".
thanks sam, i needed a good snooze
To Fred Hall,
Possibly you'll understand when the biggest scam known as the wts crumbles ALL the way down. Its crumbling now in case you didn't notice. And when its governing potty is publicly humiliated. BEHIND BARS!!!!