How Will YOU Celebrate???

by Mister Biggs 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    From 'Jehovahs Witnesses on the Web' ( )

    "The Israelites celebrated after thier deliverance from Egypt. How will you celebrate our deliverance from this wicked world?

    A sister in our congregation who suffers from cerebral palsy tells me the first thing she will do it RUN,RUN,RUN,and RUN some more. Myself I will take a deep breath and let forever begin. I will hug my children and those I hold dear. I will go to the nearest Kingdom Hall and hug all my friends that are there. What will you do on this day? Your loving sis Debbie" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, Debbie.... Biggs here. How are you doing? Celebrating usually consists of good food and good beverages (like wine, for example). Usually there's some music and dancing and know...celebrating!!! Where the heck is your friend going to run to? Tell her to be careful because all those folks who used to be in wheelchairs or confined to a bed will be run, run, running around, too. They might clobber each other! As for you... try not to inhale too much. After all, remember 9-11??? There was so much dust particles in the air for a long time after the tragedy (well, I guess compared to the BIG-A, the WTC attack is mere peanuts, huh?). And don't forget the stench that lurked around for a while. Gee, how long will the dust and stench hang around AFTER Armageddon? Perhaps Jehovah will be kind enough NOT to destroy all of the gas masks! You also want to hug your children. But what if your children don't "make it" through Armageddon? Will you still be praising Jah or will you be cursing Him? What if YOU don't make it? Nothing is guaranteed, you know. Or, even worse, what if JW's don't have the "truth"? You might end up as bird food or fertilizer. Didja ever think about that, Debbie?

  • belbab

    The Israelites when they were liberated from Egypt, not long after, asked Aaron for the golden calf. I believe the calf represented the newly delivered nation gambolling like a new young calf. It was idolatry, the worship of the collective self.

    People come out of the Old World and into JW organization, I thought that was the deliverence talked about in the first post above. Today, JWs have made an idol of their organization. That idol, will be ground to dust, and dumped into the brook. They will be foced to drink that water, whether they like it or not.


  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Dang, Dude! You know how to kill the mood don't ya? LOL, you go boy!

    JWs always think THEY will make it. I just love that arrogant attitude they have...even though they (im)modestly say they don't.


    Edited by - Fire Dragon on 19 July 2002 10:46:37

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Like Kingdom Halls are going to be around. LOL

  • SYN

    Hehe. They've also gotta be careful they don't run into Abraham or Moses, who will be almightily confused when they wake up in the New System, that's for sure.

    "Hey, watch out for the guys in the flowing Arabian garments, Publishers! You just might whack a prophet if you're not careful!"

  • Dutchie

    The Bible does not give anyone the assurrace they will be saved no matter what they do. Remember the scripture in Zephaniah says "...PROBABLY you will be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger"... A case of counting your chickens befor they've hatched!

  • joenobody

    Good God!

    Can you imagine the scene after Armageddon? If it falls on Friday, you can be damn sure the meetings will be on for Sunday. No matter! I am sure all of the same talk outlines about organizational rules and principles will apply.

    The elders will assemble and begin receiving instruction from the Governing Body. The same organizational methods that were in place for the preaching will now be used for the cleanup work. Everyone will either meet at the bookstudy group or at the Hall for cleanup service just in the same manner they would for field service, or better still pre-assembly cleanup. This will consist of the pioneers getting the glamourous cleanup jobs like restoring trees and flowers, the elders moving from group to group "supervising" the efforts, and the general peons left to haul rubble and poke at the dead bodies with sticks.

    A great identification work will likely go on. Find a body? Pick through the pockets and get the ID. Bring it to be added to the master list. Find any jewellery and bring it to the proper authorities to be smelted for building those big new assembly halls we need for all the resurrected. Don't dare keep any - but I'm sure there'll be a few incidents like those that stole the carpets from one of Israel's war spoils.

    After a few weeks, the elders will need to focus more of their efforts on stirring up those who have started to lapse in the cleaning work.

    "Brother Selfish! Why are you working on building your house? There's forever for that! Put it off and help in the cleanup and continuing building work! You should be thankful just to be here."

    Sisters - please keep in mind while you are cleaning up that you would want to exercise modesty when dressing. Skirt hems should adhere to the local conscience. Besides, trying to look nice when hauling around all those dead carcasses is pretty pointless.

    Remember all of those pictures of paradise with the bounteous meals and playing with the animals? Well hold your horses brothers! We've received "new light"! These thngs actually happen at the end of the 1000 years... Seven years to clean the earth? Well we can't take that literally it seems. We've now seen prophecies in the Bible that point to a time in the future when the cleaning will end and the earth will be restored: details to follow! For now, show what kind of Christian you are and get moving in the cleaning work.

    Don't forget to submit your service reports every month! See how easily the old forms translate to the new ones? You've still got the Hours cleaned (infirm brothers and sisters not yet fully healed may report in 15 minute increments). Instead of magazines, please mark "Jewellery found", for Studies conducted mark "Apostates Identified" and for Return Visits mark "Bodies Hauled for incineration". Please note that you may count Apostates identified, but not the time for hauling off their bodies (this means you YouKnow).

    Enjoy Paradise!


  • Nikita
    wicked world

    Ahh, I can remember well how I used this term so casually about anyone who wasn't a JW! My Dad used to get into arguments with us about that term "wicked". My mind was so closed to what his perspective on wickedness was.

    Now, it just makes me cringe to hear others refer to the whole human race as "wicked".

    Lol, joenobody! I can just see it all so vividly!

    Reminds me of this picture I saw on a website Sirona had posted about:


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