From 'Jehovahs Witnesses on the Web' ( )
"The Israelites celebrated after thier deliverance from Egypt. How will you celebrate our deliverance from this wicked world?
A sister in our congregation who suffers from cerebral palsy tells me the first thing she will do it RUN,RUN,RUN,and RUN some more. Myself I will take a deep breath and let forever begin. I will hug my children and those I hold dear. I will go to the nearest Kingdom Hall and hug all my friends that are there. What will you do on this day? Your loving sis Debbie" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, Debbie.... Biggs here. How are you doing? Celebrating usually consists of good food and good beverages (like wine, for example). Usually there's some music and dancing and know...celebrating!!! Where the heck is your friend going to run to? Tell her to be careful because all those folks who used to be in wheelchairs or confined to a bed will be run, run, running around, too. They might clobber each other! As for you... try not to inhale too much. After all, remember 9-11??? There was so much dust particles in the air for a long time after the tragedy (well, I guess compared to the BIG-A, the WTC attack is mere peanuts, huh?). And don't forget the stench that lurked around for a while. Gee, how long will the dust and stench hang around AFTER Armageddon? Perhaps Jehovah will be kind enough NOT to destroy all of the gas masks! You also want to hug your children. But what if your children don't "make it" through Armageddon? Will you still be praising Jah or will you be cursing Him? What if YOU don't make it? Nothing is guaranteed, you know. Or, even worse, what if JW's don't have the "truth"? You might end up as bird food or fertilizer. Didja ever think about that, Debbie?