Pedophiles turn into murders?

by RubyTuesday 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    This morning I was watching NBC and they where talking about how child murders evolve.The expert said that they usually start out with porno.Then the fantasy escalates to the need to acutally control and dominate a child.But wait the thrill dosent stop there.After awhile the "monster" needs the ultimate control...Murder!!

    So what do you think...should we try to rehabilitate these monsters.

  • Twisted

    I have a hard time believing that people like that could be rehabilitated. How sick can a person be to think of a child like that or want so much control as to kill a child? Sorry, I wouldn't even want to know someone that would have ever done something like that. Luv ya lotz, Twisted

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    One male paedophile said on a documentary a few weeks ago shown in the UK, that once he got on the paedophile band wagon - it was not possible to get off. So all things considered, they should be contained for life in a secure environment or killed. It is proven and known by many police and workers who deal with these people, that they are offenders for life and will always have this mentality to the grave.

    If you have a certain sexual desire, it is very hard to overcome that desire. Infact, I would say impossible to completely dispel it from ones system. So if there is the merest possibility that a child molester will be attracted to another child again, would you want him/her in your community?

    There is no room for rehabilitation.

    Sadly. I know of an elderly member of a congregation who is based in the UK, who confessed to a sister that when he was a younger man (in has 20s) that he took part in the abuse of a minor. I will not have anything to do with this man now. I used to think he was a witty and charming man, until I heard that horrible confession (told in confidence). How can I trust him again? Even though he has said that he has not commited another act since (he is now 60+) I cannot forgive him for ever being involved with a minor in this way.

    It is one crime that it is hard to ever reconcile with ones emotions.

  • plmkrzy

    I read Crime Stories.

    I read in the parer about a week ago an article by a profiler who researched seriel killers.

    Her research tells her that a child born from a prostitute has the highest chance of

    becoming a seriel killer. Some survey gave stitistics of 80% or better.

    Involving killing and raping innocent children.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 19 July 2002 12:11:23

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    plm that is pretty vague. Do these kids stay with the mother/ Were they taken away? If they stayed with the mother were they exposed to her lifestyke? I think a lot of factors would go into that statistic.


  • invisible

    A massive sweeping wide generalisation you have just made. Perhaps you might like to back the theory up with a well researched paper on the subject?

    The psychology involved in such a process would be very very indepth, I'm not at all sure how a tiny post here on the subject would be enough to quantify your claim as simply as you state it.

    Provide proof please rather than random supposition.

    Take care.

    'Celtic' Mark

  • invisible

    Dizzy Cat.

    Please do not take this the wrong way.

    I am again left wondering on the validity of your statement, i.e. the impossibility of the situation.

    How do you know this? Do you honestly think that by just 'killing off' these people, that this action is going to get to the root cause of the problem and forever root it out? Hardly. If there is to be research upon this subject of which I have vast experience in a professional capacity, then surely it makes sense to find the root cause of the problem in order to effect any kind of meaningful solution.

    It's not as simple as you state, you certainly would not cure it with your reccommended action by any means. Such writings only serve to stir up actions of vigilantism which is in no-ones overall interest.

    It's a very indepth subject with no easy answers, solutions.

    If you would like more information, can supply.

    'Celtic' Mark

  • plmkrzy

    Ladylee. I didn't write it I just read it.

    I thought It was a pretty incredible statistic myself.

  • plmkrzy

    I dont remember the article I was reading that was written by the female profiler but here is another that is very similar to hers.

    This is the usual source of the information plus others

    The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, by Michael Newton December 1999, Facts on File; ISBN: 081603978X


    BBC News United Kingdom Washington Post International
    The Associated Press
    The National Examiner


    Serial Killer Archive
    Serial Killer Central
    Morbid Fact Du Jour


    Michael Newton; Ron Laytner; and several BBC reporters.

    Pedro Lopez in custody

    Pedro confessed to investigators that he had murdered at least 110 girls in Ecuador, 100 in Colombia, and many more than 100 in Peru. I like the girls in Ecuador, he told them. They are more gentle and trusting, more innocent.

    Upon arrival back at police headquarters, Pedro was quickly charged with 57 counts of murder, however Pedro saw the ante boosted to 110 as a result of his detailed confessions. The director of prison affairs, Victor Lascano, later explained: If someone confesses to 53 you find, and hundreds more, you tend to believe what he says. Lascano also told reporters that, I think his estimate of 300 is very low.

    No information is readily available on Pedros brief trial, however it is known that sometime in late1980, Pedro Alonso Lopez was convicted on multiple counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

    Just days after his initial confession, Pedro was taken from police headquarters in leg irons so that he could direct a police caravan to his various dump sites. The investigators doubts soon began to vanish when Pedro led them to a secluded area in the vicinity of Ambato, where they discovered the remains of 53 girls, aged eight to twelve.

    One chilling pattern that emerges about serial killers in general is the number of them reported to have been the children of prostitutes. Henry Lee Lucas, one of this century's most infamous serial killers, apparently started his rampage with the rape and killing of his own mother, a prostitute.

    Robert K. Ressler (Louis Myrie/LMI)

    "It's part of the profile," former FBI profiler Robert Ressler once said. "Serial killers very often have obsessions of some kind with their mothers. A love-hate relationship, in popular language. These moms usually aren't candidates for mother of the year, although they aren't necessarily abusive either. The common thread seems to be the sexual element, mothers who were very seductive, who had many sex partners of which the son was aware. Of course, the children of prostitutes are more likely to be exposed to this type of behavior."

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Celtic Mark:

    I tend to side with the Police I know, who I believe have more experience of these creeps than you or I. Maybe I'm wrong, you could be an expert. In many instances, due to the material witnessed, their natural response would be to take the life of these people (on an emotional level).

    I am displaying my *knee-jerk* emotional response here. If a younger member of my family were to be molested by an adult, I would not be responsible for my actions against that person.

    All the understanding and routing out the cause of the problem, does not balance the scales of justice within my mind. Sorry.

    But to be fair, if you post anything here to do with the subject, or direct me to a source of information, I'll take a look.

    Vigilanty squads - I see your point here. As the mindless rabble I have witnessed through the media seem to want an excuse for extreme violence. But there again, I can understand them wanting these beasts driven out of the community. A complicated issue, but one again that makes me very angry if I study individual cases of abuse.

    Some issues I believe are black & white !

    Sorry dude ....

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