The Conundrum of "Taking the Lead"

by berrygerry 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    For a Borganization that boasts of "Happy Family Life" there is a striking disconnect, particularly post-50's Happy Days reality.

    Adherents who were faithful in not pursuing "a career" end up in dead-end jobs. The wife has been programmed to not work, to not place children in daycare, and to somehow suffer it out financially as a family - while not missing any theocratic event, field service, monetary donations, KH building and maintenance.

    The vast majority of elders seem to have a "Stepford" wife at home, who has been encouraged by the Borg telling her that "Jehovah sees" her sacrifice of the time and lifestyle that her family has devoted to the Borg.

    Very often, I have seen wives fed up with the BS and leave their husbands, sometimes their children, and certainly, the Borg.

    The females that stay seem brainwashed with the indoctrination, and any seeming unhappiness or failure must be the fault of not applying the Borg's urgings.

    Having heard personally, and from others, that family happiness comes from the requirement of the male to "take the lead" lends to an interesting search:

  • aintenoughwiskey
    I agree, the insane "Father knows best" image that the Watchtower corporation puts forth, is so out of touch with reality, is beyond ridiculous. Watchtower images look like a twisted parody. They expect people to live a lifestyle that would require a healthy 6 figure salary, without the tools (education) to do so. Combine that with the pressure of reaching out, maintaining a perfect family image. It's no wonder men are walking or coasting. As for the women, no personal growth, no aspirations beyond raising a family, keeping a tidy home and happy man. What was the unvarnished reality for a post war housewife? Smith, Kline and French, now GlaxoSmithKline were selling boxcars of amphetamines to bored housewives. The Rolling Stones song "Mother's little helper" cements the fact in popular culture.

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