Favorite relaxation method- stress buster

by Cappuccino OC 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC


    So I'm at home kicking back. My little one is working on a math workbook (during summer break). She tells me as I type, "I love you momma". My heart flutters.

    One of my reasons for furthering my education was My daughter & offering her a better future. This hasn't been easy. At times it has been pretty Stressfull with research papers, tests, work, catching colds/flu, etc.

    I was told by my chiropractic Dr. that I'm a persoanlity TYPE A. I looked info on the net about type A personalities & found that many of the qualities are true. I'm overworked & stressed 99% of the time.

    So, I'm reorganizing my lifestyle & simplfying things. The question is "What to do do to relax?"

    Is it a bubble bath, professional massage, sports, reading? Any tips for me? Just remember that I have my daughter 24/7 except when she's in school.


    Hope to hear from you all. (Mulan, Princess, Naeblis (keep it clean please), 006, lovely Prisca, Saint Satan, Spice & others.

    I really appreciate all of your comments.

  • Satanus

    Does meditation work for type a's? What about yoga? A hobby like painting, or something else creative? Rollerblading, biking, swimming, gym workout?


  • joannadandy

    Meditation--good times!! No not the no fun crappy type the WT Society always harped about. I'm sure lots of you know this technique already.

    Right before bed when I am really stressing I take a hot steamy bath with rose oil, go to my room, put on the softest music I have, get comfy by either laying on my back all stretched out, or just sitting on the floor. Then pick an object to focus your attention on. I have a niffty little candle I let burn. Focus on your object and mentally relax your muscles. I always start at my toes and work my way up, feeling and forcing the tension out of my legs, torso, shoulders, neck and finally till the top of my head. Then just focus on your object and try not to think of anything. No-demons will not flood your mind, I promise! After doing that for a good 20 min, I am whiped and pass out on my bed. All stress is melted and gone.

  • LyinEyes

    I love to read, that relaxes me. It doesnt matter what I read even reading the threads on this board are relaxing.

    I just bought my daughter two parakeets, and i have them here by the computer and they are so cute. It is relaxing to watch them. I wonder if they sing, havent heard a peep yet.

    I love to spend time with my kids in our big bed, they come into my room in the morning or before they go to their beds, and we talk and snuggle. Sometimes they play like they are operating on my feet and they get all kinds of things as instrusments. It is relaxing to just play and spend time together.

  • DakotaRed

    For me, I put on a good CD and kick back in my recliner. Woe unto anyone who rings my doorbell then.

    Another favorite of mine is take a peaceful walk down near the river. Being near water really relaxes me, for some reason. When I lived in Florida, it was off the the beach.

    Lew W

  • SpiceItUp

    Can you say Bathtime...

    I just love to take a nice long bath...sometimes I will take a good book in there with me...and have even been known to include a glass of my favorite wine.....

    just make sure you have lots of bubbles---they are very soothing----and get a scent that you love---oils can be good as well.

    (also I have a water toy that I bring in as well sometimes...talk about releasing all that pent up pressure )

    Spice of the land of bathtime bubbles class

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hey thanks for the advice.

    I'll try the bubble bath, wine, music & oils. Joannadandy's advice sounds real good too! Dakotared, I also enjoy being by bodies of water; I live by the Pacific Ocean.

    When I was a teenager I used to drive about 3 hours to get to the ocean (Carmel, Pacific Grove- CA) just to smell the saltwater, feel the ocean breeze & wet my feet in the water then I'd drive back home.



  • not interested
    not interested

    how to beat stress, well i like to burn candels, listen to music, and

    i always have my incence burning

    edited to add: merlot or any adult beverage always helps

    Edited by - not interested on 19 July 2002 22:21:21

  • Mackin

      Mackin's Stress-Busting bath recipe:

    • Buy a selection of 'bath bombs' and some candles and your favourite incense.
    • As soon as you get home strip off the clothes you've been wearing all day and put on something loose and comfortable. Baggy T-shirts and track pants are great. Get rid of underwear.
    • Run a hot bath. Don't use cold water.
    • Go make dinner while the bath cools. Don't rush dinner, eat it unhurriedly and enjoy the meal.
    • After dinner go into the bathroom and light several candles and a stick of incense. Turn off the light and fan so that the room is quiet and the only light is from the candles.
    • Place a 'bath bomb' in the water and let it dissolve.
    • Slide into the bath and just r-e-l-a-x. Let the stress, strains and cares of the day evaporate with the steam. Visualise all the pressures of the day disappearing into the mist.
    • Make this as quiet a time as possible. Relaxing music is OK but try to avoid loud music or a lot of noise.
    • This is a great time to meditate.
    • If you have someone special in your life this is an ab fab way for the two of you to relax together.
    • When you feel it's time to get out, dry yourself off and get straight into bed. Sleep naked. If you have trouble sleeping burn some lavender oil in the room before retiring.

    Edited by - Mackin on 20 July 2002 3:39:47

  • Prisca

    I only just caught the "lovely Prisca" comment - thank you

    My suggestions are exactly like the others b4 me - have a relaxing bath with some candles and gentle music. Actually, after reading what Mackin wrote, I feel totally relaxed - and I just might go and have a relaxing bath that way tonight too!

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