Love Reign O'er Me

by Windchaser 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Windchaser

    A co-worker burned Quadrophenia on a cd for me. I've only listened to it sober. All I can say about Love Reign O'er me is that it is gut-wrenching. I'll let you know what I think of it when I get drunk this weekend.


    Edited by - windchaser on 19 July 2002 16:10:45

  • pomegranate

    I enjoy that particular record. I also greatly enjoy "Who's Next."

    Don't know which I like better. Both straight up great ya know???

  • Jim_TX


    Is that song like 'The Hokey Pokey'??????

    (I hear, if you play it backwards, it sez - "I'm an apostate".)

    Fond Regards,

    Jim TX

  • Windchaser

    You have made me feel as nothing. It isn't so. NO! Love Reign on me!

    I was in the ocean yesterday. I was kissed by the sea. The waves took me in and they took me out. You can't imagine the strength. Only love can make it rain. Like the sweat of lovers' laying in the field. I am nothing to you. But, I am something. Love, Reign O'er Me, reign o'er me. I am something.

    You wanted this for the teens, but NO, this is for ME! Only love can make it rain, that makes you yearn to the sky. I have yearned to the sky, many, many times. You have hurt me, but I am still loved, you didn't take that away. You made me feel as nothing, but that was your perception. I will give you more than you gave me: have a good life. You have left me, and now I will leave you. Love Reign O'er Me. I will always love the memory, you did so much for me. And I will try to forget the memory, how you did so little for me. In your madness, you were cruel.

    Only love can bring the rain that falls like tears from on high...

  • Windchaser

    JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that I don't have a hangover! hahahahahahahahahaha

    Was I bad last night? blanked out. But, I DO feel a certain bond toward those who were in chat last night. I will have to get into that frame of mind again to remember what I got outta Love Reign. Don't know. Do you know? I hate it when that happens.

    Okay, this is the day, Jim. I really, really, really want to wear my red shoes...

  • Windchaser

    I just reread my drunken take on Love and it's how I felt about the org and other detrimental experiences after I opened my eyes.

  • Jim_TX


    You will get to wear your Red Shoes - but not this night. Save them for another day. <wink>

    You will ALSO be ok. Just remember to breathe.

    Fond Regards,

    Jim TX

    P.S. Lots of Luck (always wanted to say that. <grin>)

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