Here is my letter to the editor of NEWSDAY; a New York Paper that today Saturday July 20, is featuring an extensive article on Jehovahs Witnesses, their brushes with the law and angry mobs, and their past and most recent court battles. The article is called GOING DOOR TO DOOR Will they pint my letter? We will see.
You should be able to read the article at . Just do a internal site search on Jehovah and you should find the article. Well here is my letter to the editor, see what you think:
I very much enjoyed your article, GOING DOOR TO DOOR which highlighting the struggle of Jehovahs Witnesses, a small but significant Christian sect to peacefully practice their religious beliefs, which includes going door-to-door with their message. We as Americans owe the Jehovahs Witnesss a great debt of thanks for their efforts, which have included standing up to angry mobs and intimidating courts. Their efforts have not only helped secure some of their own freedoms, but everyones religious freedoms no matter what your personal beliefs may be.
With that said, it is now time for these same people, or more correctly their leaders at the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society h eadquarters to step up and do the right thing and protect innocent children form pedophiles within there ranks, some of whom continue to go door-to-door unbeknown to the public at large. It should be noted that the tragic failure of Watchtower officials to protect these little ones thus far, hide the very existence of this extensive problem, and silence and shun the courageous whistle-blowers exposing this problem is not just my opinion, but is a well-documented fact.
These facts have recently been exposed on NBCs news program DATELINE in the USA and the BBCs program PANORAMA in the UK. Details including transcripts, and streaming video / audio of these two well respected news programs, the plight of the aforementioned whistle-blowers, and the heart-wrenching stories told by scores of victims can be found at: .
These well researched news programs PANORMA and DATELINE, have not only exposed the extent of the problem of pedophilia within this particular group, but sadly and ironically have uncovered the concerted efforts of Watcher officials to deny some basic and fundamental freedoms to their members whom they deem as trouble makers. And what is the crime of these troublemakers? These members who have been deemed troublemakers are guilty of the heinous crime of following their hearts and making the choice to protect innocent children by exposing this on-going tragedy publicly, and this only after first being stonewalled by Watchtower officials who refused to correct the problem internally.
My question to the Watchtower leadership is very simple. How can you courageously fight in court and against angry mobs for your constitutionally protected freedoms, and yet at the same time penalize some of your own members when they exercise some of these very same freedoms? I believe it is time now for the officials of the Watchtower Society to follow the example of other churches and other organizations that have pedophiles within their ranks too. It is time to step up and do the right thing.
Dear friends, If my letter should get printed (and I hope it will), my real name and town will be exposed, so perhaps I will then be joining your ranks at last. :-) Yes the ranks of the un-alive, the shunned. Should that happen, I would be quite proud to be counted as one among you good people.
Freeman (committing religious suicide class)