7/14 Update: Endtime Prophecy/ Conspiracy
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Watcher Website Millennium Apocalypse Updates: Conspiracy & End Time Prophecy
JULY 14 UPDATE! printer friendly
You've all been asking why we havn't updated since January, but with July 16th approaching, we thought we'd throw this out just in case. Speaking of dates, remember how analysis of Sept 11 tragic events had so many re-occurances of the numbers 11 and 77 ?
The Muslim year is 11 days shorter than the Western calendar system. It is a LUNAR system, where every year consists of exactly 12 moon cycles. The Muslim calendar is known as "hijra", referring to the flight of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later Madina). The Hijra LUNAR calendar starts counting its days on JULY 16 , 622 CE, which is considered the foundation date for Islam. The Quran uses the word Hijra as a transition or initiation, from a "bad state of affairs" into a good one.
JULY 16 , 1969 saw the LUNAR flight of Apollo 11 take off, witnessed and discussed by author Ayn Rand. Note how the event was a triumph, in contrast to the "bad state of affairs" in the lives of most men today:
So it looks like for Muslims, and for Moon Enthusiasts, July 16 th is associated with a beneficial transformation. But another July 16th anniversary is definitely an initiation into a "bad state of affairs", AND its rememberence is associated with a Hindu text. Should we look further into a link between Muslim moon-worshippers who begin their calendar from a historic occurance on July 16th, nukes, and those followers of the religion quoted by the inventor of the A bomb?Apollo 11 - The July 16, 1969 Launch: A Symbol of Mans Greatness " That we had seen a demonstration of man at his best, no one could doubt this was the cause of the events attraction and of the stunned numbed state in which it left us. And no one could doubt that we had seen an achievement of man in his capacity as a rational being an achievement of reason, of logic, of mathematics, of total dedication to the absolutism of reality. Frustration is the leitmotif in the lives of most men, particularly today the frustration of inarticulate desires, with no knowledge of the means to achieve them. In the sight and hearing of a crumbling world, Apollo 11 enacted the story of an audacious purpose, its execution, its triumph, and the means that achieved it the story and the demonstration of mans highest potential."
Quote thanks to this site. "On the dawn of July 16 ,1945,Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the atomic bomb watched the first nuclear explosion in world history in the desert of Alamogordo New Mexico. Oppenheimer stated ," I remember the line from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita which says, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. "
Hmmm, what could Muslims, Nukes, and Hindus share ... or will they perhaps be sharing it on July 16th?
Speaking of the July16th anniversary of the Manhattan Project, (which should remind us of bombs) ... do you think we should make a connection with the 9-11 Manhattan Twin Towers attack?
Photo of Oppenheimer with Einstein in 1949 writing the letter to Roosevelt that led to the Manhattan project.
Let's look at the numbers associated with the September 11th Manhattan & Pentagon attack.
There is a dualism at work in the events that Twos-day. I was watching the live coverage of 9-11 on television when some reporter said "breaking news, a loud explosion heard in Kabul" ... at that point not many people knew where Kabul was, and it certainly didn't seem connected to the New York events. However, after the terrorist planes crossed the 72nd MERIDIAN WEST to crash into the Twin Towers, the retaliation for that event occured when the US forces crossed the 72nd MERIDIAN EAST to attack Afghanistan via Pakistan.- Flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers on "Twos-day" the 11th ... that makes sense, the Towers looked like the number 11, and in fact the local channel 11 used the Twin Towers in their logo. Just one of those odd coincidences.
- Flight 77, another "twin number", crashed into the Pentagon. So? The Pentagon is on the 77th meridian. Big deal? The foundation stone
for the Pentagon was laid in a masonic ceremony on September 11th, 1941.
What's with the number 72? It is one of the hallmarks of a Pentegon. The internal triangles of the Star Pentagram have TWO 72 degree angles.
We've connected the July 16th anniversary of the A-bomb at Trinity (the fruits of the Manhattan Project), the Hindu quote by the inventor of the Abomb, the Hindu capital of New Delhi on the 77th meridian east, the dualistic counterpart to the 77 meridian west attack on the Pentagon, which occured at the hands of moon-worshipping Muslims who date their calendar from an occurance on July 16th, which also happens to be the date chosen by NASA for the launch of the Apollo 11 moon mission, and that July 16th 2002 will be the 33rd anniversary of this Apollo 11 flight, and should we point out that the 33rd degree is supposedly the highest degree of a Master Mason? Oh yes, remember that the construction of the Pentagon began on 9-11-1941 in a masonic ceremony laying the foundation stone, there on 77th meridian west. # 77 is an Illuminated signal, the number of the Revenge of Lamech, ancestor of Hiram Abiff the Master Mason. It is not really a stretch to think that moon-worshipping Muslims might use atomic weapons against mostly Hindu New Delhi on the anniversary of the A bomb at Trinity (3), the 33rd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon (who they worship) launch & the date their prophet founded Islam which begins their calendar.If you join the vertices of the pentagon internally you arrive at the "star-pentagram" (above). The pentagram is claimed to have been the symbol of the Pythagorean Order and was given by them the name "HEALTH" [The wedjuat , the Egyptian name for the magical Eye of Horus, means health. The word hygeia inscribed in the Pythagorian pentacle is actually derived from this eye of Horus occult symbol. ] ... the pentagram is still claimed to have magical properties in modern mystic cults. The construction of the regular pentagon is given in The Elements in Book IV Proposition 11. It makes use of the previous Proposition (10) to construct the "isosceles triangle whose base angles are twice the other", that is the 72-72-36 triangle.
Well, what of the counterpart to the Pentagon attack on the 77 meridian west? Interestingly enough, New Delhi, India is on the 77th east.- SYMBOLIC NUMBERS & LOCATIONS IN ALCHEMICAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA
11th Labor of Hercules and the # 11 Correlation of 9-11 WTC- SYMBOLS are used by Illuminated Brethren to 1) indoctrinate the unwashed masses on an unconscious level and 2) signal in a cryptic way to their fellow Brothers of the House, in a language that will be understood by fellow members of the Frer Macons (Free Masons).
This is the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, invoked by illuminated brethren in the ritual worship of Isis, Osiris and ultimately Horus. According to Masonic authors Albert Pike & Manley P. Hall, the religion of Illuminated Brethren is revealed in the Isis- Osiris - Horus Mythos. Note the three-part symbol for Sirius encompasses an obelisk, a star & half dome. Towers, Pillars, or Columns are all architectural references evoking the mythology of Isis & Osiris and the religion of the Illuminated Brethren. It is symbology that is recognized by * THEM * even if it seems mundane to the common sheeple.
Comments from watcher webmaster: Today, Sept. 11 th, American Flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers, christening the twin obelisks with the blood of its 92 (9 + 2 = 11) passengers. American Airlines Flight 77 unites with the Pentagon, in a fiery alchemical working on the 77th meridian (twin7 's). Twins of Gemini are associated with Mercury, God of Trade & Commerce, also called Hermes, God of Information, also known as Lucifer, the Bringer of Illumination (interestingly, Apollo is also the bringer of illumination). Appropriately, Lucifer is the God of Trade according to Ezekiel 28:16.
Why New York AND the Pentagon? Cydonia Mars is the Common Reference
New York Latitude same is Cydonia Martian Pentagon- Wielding the Power of the Cow
- Hathor Cow Goddess of Death & Goddess of the Moon
- Hathor means 'House of Horus."
- Horus Udjat eye symbol of R/x medicine
- Anthrax = Bovine Origin
- Smallpox Cured by Cowpox Inoculation
- Vaccination from Latin vacca= cow
- Cow mutilations baffle ranchers, mirror ... '70s - Great Falls Tribune Aug.7 2001
- Cattle Mutilations Whitefish Montana - NY Times Article Sept. 17 2001
- Cattle mutilations back - Ranchers, Lawmen Baffled - Great Falls Tribune Jan.3 2002
- Montanans Mystified by Cattle Mutilations - Great Falls Tribune Jan. 7 2002
- The recent Cattle Mutilations in Montana parallel the 1975 - 1977 reports documented by Sheriff Keith Wolverton in "Mystery Stalks the Prairie". That book also documented the famous UFO flap occurring concurrent with the cattle mutilations. The recent mutilations are occurring in areas that have established patterns of UFO sightings. One of the earliest UFO videos is the famous Great Falls Mariana sighting 1950. A UFO sighting occurred as early as the 1800 's just North of Great Falls, which goes against the theory that UFOs are attracted to the area by the proximity of Malmstrom Air Force Base & Missiles in Cascade County. While the cattle mutilations in Conrad & Dupeyer Montana have been covered by famous researchers like Linda Moulton Howe and Colm Kelleher, little attention has been directed to the recent mutilation incident involving local politician Brian Schweitzer 's ranch north of Missoula Montana. Of course, this could be out of consideration for Mr. Schweitzer, who understandably does not want his political career to be tainted by association with such fringe topics. View our Montana UFOs webpage for re-posting of UFO flap 1998 just north of Missoula Montana.
Montana UFOs - Wolverton, Malmstrom Air Base Great Falls Movie etc.All the Evidence You Need, Tell Your Friends:UFOs Didn't Suddenly Appear in 1947
UFOs& Aliens in Medieval & Religious Art, Woodcuts, Cave PaintingsWhy are UFOs Appearing in the Holy Land? Barry Chamish on Giants in Israel
Kidima Circle - THE CIRCLE OF THE GIANTS - Gilgal RefaimWatcher's Very Own David Flynn Presents Alternative to Hoagie's "we are the Martians"
Hoagland's New "What is Really on Mars" Video - We're on there too (the video, not Mars)!Megaliths of England: Avebury, Glastonbury and Stonehenge / Cydonia Connection
Hoagland Endorses this David Percy Study of Crop Circles, England Megaliths & CydoniaThomas (the "evil twin") Van Flandern (Betrays) Scoops Hoagland
Rense Interview - New (Dubious) Artificial Structures - Giant Sand Art?Why Would Van Flandern Jeopardize Credibility? View(!) Artifacts on Mars
Answer: Tom Graduated Yale, 20 Years at Naval Observatory on 77 MeridianVideo Evidence!
Best UFO Videos on the NetEyewitness Evidence!
Your Trusted Heroic Astronauts Sighted UFOsIf Heaven's Gate Weren't "UFO Kooks" There Might Be an Investigation into Death of 39 (3 * 13 = 39)
Listen to Ranting Sollog Discuss Strangeness & Computer Encryption Link to Heavens Gate Murder / SuicidesWilliam Cooper Admits He Might Have Been Duped into Spreading Disinfo
Early Conspiracy Interview with Cooper - A Sincere & Thought Provoking Fellow!Speaking of Bizarre Coincidences & Two-Faced Dieties. Download Our 2001 Newsletter [in word.doc format]
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Support for the Double Natured Sphinx & Cherubim from Scripture!
- The Sphinx, Cherubim & Zodiac: Ezekiel 41:18
Cat Box? Not Exactly ; )
- Historical Precedents of Two-Faced Sphinx of Cydonia
Important Enterprise Mission Article Uses Ezekiel Bible Quotes!
- Best Enterprise analysis of the Conspiracy So Far & "We are the Martians" Theory
UFOs & the Bible - End Time Delusion
- UFOs & the Coming of Antichrist - End Time Delusion
- UFOs, Angels & Demons - UFOs in the Bible
- Days of Noah, Book of Enoch - Nephilim & Aliens
- Buy the Book of Enoch the Prophet - Nephilim, Watchers, Zophim
- Buy the 120 yr old Classic on Spiritism (ufos) - Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages
- WHY disguise Rebel Angels as ALIENS?
- Recommended Fiction: Lynn A. Marzulli 's The Nephilim
- Recommended Fiction: Michael Heiser 's The Facade
- Aliens in the Bible - John Milor 's Website [ as seen on art bell site ]
- Buy Milor's Book Aliens in the Bible [ as seen on art bell site ]
- Alien Intervention: Spiritual Mission of UFOs - Paul Christopher [ as heard on art bell show ]
- Tom Horns Raiders News Updates - RECOMMENDED DAILY!
- Order Tom Horn's Book "Gods Who Walk Among Us" [ as heard on Dr.Stan's Radio Liberty ]
- Star Wars Depicts New Age Messiah - Thomas Horn
- Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon & The Bible - Guy Malone
- Buy Malone 's Book Come Sail Away: UFO Phenom & the Bible
- UFOs & Alien Abductions: Pastor Chris Ward
- Buy R. Coombes ' America the Babylon - NASA Exposed!
- Aliens, Freemasons & Hitler
- Aliens, Freemasons & Aleister Crowley
- Crowley, Scientology & Demonic Aliens Inhabiting the Air & YOU
- Vatican Spokesman Balducci Says Aliens are Real
- Transcript of Balducci Interview in English - Download Actual Interview
Jesus Christ is called the KINSMAN REDEEMER. Jesus did not come to save the apes & dolphins, He did not come to save the puppies & kitties, and He certainly did not come to save the Zeta Reticulans & the Alien Grays. The atonement work of Jesus was only to save His kinsman, the sons of Adam. If a being is not a descendent of Adam, this being --no matter how intelligent -- will not take part in the promise of Jesus Christ. Watcher 's research confirms that there are beings genetically similar to the race of Adams, but have been genetically tampered with by rebel angels, or engineered to be superior humans in some illuminated laboratory. These hybrids are not capable of "being saved by the grace of the Kinsman Redeemer, for they are not His kinsmen. This increase in humans who arent genetically sons of Adam is a symptom of the end times, just as in the days of Noah when Nephilim walked the earth among humans.
- Aliens & Human Origins: 2001 Space Odyssey, Ancient Monuments, Illuminati Conspiracies.
- Freemasons - From 700 Club to Art Bell - Conspiracy Thinking
- Cooper Points out Art Bell's Masonic Associations
- 3/10 Sightings- Art Bell Withdrew Interview Invitation to David Icke due to Illuminati Material
- Watchers New World Order Global Religion & Govt of the Beast Page
- August 1999 Meeting of Global Elite! Bohemian Grove & NWO Conspiracy
- Not so Mysterious Symbolism of Denver Airport Floors - but still...
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- Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy KING KILL 33
- Labyrynthine Conspiracy William Coopers * MAJESTYTWELVE *
- William Cooper Shot Dead?! Sadly, this has been confirmed on Cooper's website. Recent newspaper articles have claimed "militia leader" William Cooper was killed in an Arizona shootout. The tone of some of these articles makes it seem as if Cooper deserved to be murdered. Of course Cooper advocated "a militia" in the Constitutional sense -- if anyone would bother to listen to what he actually said instead of demonizing him as a potential Timothy McVeigh. If this really occurred, then Cooper was killed in his home by an ambush,Just as he predicted.I suggest everyone go buy his book Behold a Pale Horse & LISTEN to the Mystery Babylon archives on his website: START WITH INTRO AND LISTEN TO ALL IN THE MB SERIES ... YOU WON'T REGRET IT!
- LISTEN To Cooper circa 1993 Before You Decide He's a Kook
- Someone Says What I Can't - Tribute to Cooper
- Cooper Press Conference Two Weeks Before Death
Download, Compare and Contrast Audio Phil Schneider (also assassinated) Lecture 1995 part1part 2
- Ali e n R e s i s t a n c e .org
- Chapel Perilous - Knights of the Quest, Bloodlines, Megaliths & Blood etc
- The Holy Grail Code and 11:11 - British Royal Bloodline exposed
- The Rosicrucian Connection - Vatican vs. The Prieur de Sion
- Baal Worship, Child Sacrifice and Abortion
- Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 - Moses or Enoch & Elijah?
Illuminated Imagery in 2001 Season of the X-Files
Is Chris Carter a Free Mason?transfer%20interrupted!
British Radio Telescope Crop Glyphs - Relation to Arecibo Message? FREEMASON SYMBOLISM?- Confused About the Election? Bush vs. Gore = Cain vs. Abel
re: Freemasons trace their origin to
From: MASONIC EDUCATION http://users.1st.net/fischer/SHORT15.HTM
"Let me just say briefly that his theory is that Freemasonry very likely began with the suppression of the Knights Templar in the year 1307. At that time the Templars were crushed in France, but by the delay of the King in enforcing the edict in England and Scotland many escaped. It is Mr. Robinson's theory that they went underground and had to devise a method of recognition enabling them to travel safely and to establish safe houses where they would haven opportunity to rest and refresh themselves. It also gave them the ability to recognize each other as members of the order! While the suppression of the Knights Templar may or may not have anything to with early Freemasonry, it certainly makes more sense to me that secret signs and words in this type of environment were far more necessary than with the simple workman plying his trade in building a cathedral. Just one more thought from this particular theory. The suppression of the Knights Templar occurred on October13, 1307. The particular day of the week was a Friday and ever since that event Friday the 13th has been considered to be the unluckiest day of the year."
13 The Number of Rebellion!
E.W. Bullinger writes: "As to the significance of thirteen, all are aware that it has come down to us as a number of ill omen. Many superstitions cluster around it, and various explanations are current concerning them. Unfortunately, those who go backwards to find a reason seldom go back far enough. The popular explanations do not, so far as we are aware go further back than the Apostles. But we must go back to the first occurrence of the number thirteen in order to discover the key to its significance. It occurs first in Gen. xiv. 4, where we read Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED. Hence every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, & revolution, or some kindred idea." (Bullinger, E.W.Number in Scripture, Kregel Publications, (c)1967, p. 205). Posted on this page, which summarizes some of our own theories also!This brings us back to the point of UNLUCKY 13 - this date seems to be a rallying point for Luciferians, and the spiritual forces they worship. Watch formore strange occurrences as October 13 approaches.
- 1998 March 23. Director James Cameron was inducted as a 33rd Degree Freemason at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles within informal ceremony. Cameron's induction took place in a small room inside the Shrine while celebrities and movie stars were filing inside for the March 23, 1998 Academy Awards. Later, on his birthday Cameron formally became a 33rd Degree Freemason in the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple in Washington, D.C. Cameron is a leading light for the military -industrial-Hollywood complex, formerly the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower had warned against in his 1961 Farewell Address. [website of origin: The James Cameron Conspiracy Theory]
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- BVMs & UFOS (Blessed Virgin Mary sightings & Unidentified Flying Objects)
Global Monitoring of the Sheeple- NEW Digital Angel Will Be Helpful in Tracking Firefighters, Rescue Workers, Military &Victims of Plane Crashes
- NEW Digital Angel Runs on Solid State Battery Fueled by Human Body
- Patent: "programmable subcutaneous visible implant for person or animal"
- The Trouble With Digital Angels - Raider's Update
- Online Trading Links...in case you want to Invest in Big Brother Technology
- Patent Document - the specific patent acquired by Digital Angel
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- March 2000 Moscow Times - Tax ID Numbers Stir Fears of Antichrist
- Suddenly, Universal MedicalID [Phasing in the Mark of the Beast]
- National Biometric Identification on Fast Track - from worldnetdaily.com
- Database, NationalID, Property Confiscation NWO Legislation
- Global Database - God Save the Children Musings on the Death & Rebirth of the Phoenix
Symbol of the 18th Degree- LISTEN to Quinn interview on Sightings - Columbine Discrepancies!!
- Quinn on Trench coat Murder scenario video 1997 - FBI & Bizarre Ties!!
- Columbine Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections - John Quinn
- Columba Dove, one of several birds, esp. phoenix, associated with scorpio, mystical counterpart of winged serpent or phoenix
- Bina Twofold, two of things that match, a pair
PHOENIX BECOMES KNAPP'S PELICAN- from:Theosophical glossary
The Dove [Latin Columba]: Bird symbols play a prominent part in cosmogonic systems. In the Biblical deluge, as a blend of cosmic and precosmic allegories, Noah sends out first a raven, symbolizing darkness, which was regarded as prior to light; and then a dove. In the Chaldeanversion, Noah is represented by Ishtar or Ashtoreth -- a lunar goddess corresponding in some respects to Artemis and in others to Venus -- and the dove is a symbol of Venus, which is also found in Greek mythology.The Phoenix: [from Greek phoinix, date palm, Phoe>
Transfer interrupted!
en from the Egyptian benu... leaving its native land, it flies to the temple at Heliopolis [city of Helios, the solar deity, light-bringer associated with Apollo], with its wings laden with spices. Flying to the altar, it burns itself to ashes on the sacred fire, whence arises a new or young phoenix. This bird is already feathered on the day following the suicide of its parent which was its former self and, having its wings full grown on the third day, it wings its way forth... Ancient art pictured the phoenixes bird with wings partly golden and partly red in color; in outline and size it was drawn to resemble an eagle... the death and revival of the Phoenix exhibit the successive destruction and reproduction of the world, which many believed to be effected by the agency of a fiery deluge. . and a watery one in turn" (SD2:617)[Secret Doctrine Blavatsky].From:http://www.winshop.com.au/annew/Aquila.html
Symbolism eagles: Among the Greeks and Romans, the eagle was the appointed bird of Jupiter and consequently signified the swiftly moving forces of th Demiurgus;hence it was looked upon as the mundane lord of the birds, in contradistinction to the phoenix, which was symbolic of the celestial ruler. The eagle typified the Sun in its material phase and also the immutable Demiurgic law beneath which all mortal creatures must bend. The eagle was also the Hermetic symbol of sulfur, and signified the mysterious fire of Scorpio - the most profoundly significant sign of the zodiac and the Gate of the Great Mystery. Being one of the three symbols of Scorpio, the eagle, like the Goat of Mendes, was an emblem of the theurgic art and the secret processes by which the infernal fire of the scorpion was transmuted into the spiritual light-fire of the gods... The two-headed eagle is an emblem of twin gods depicting power and omniscience. It appeared on Hittite monuments and was an attribute of Nergal, it passed from the Hittites on to Byzantium, appearing later in the Roman Empire; it was later adopted by Ivan 111 of Russia in 1472.As the eagle was believed to be able to look at the Sun without blinking, so, in Christianity, did Christ gaze at the glory of God; grasping the serpent in its talons was the victory over sin; it also represents the inspiration of the Gospels, hence its use as a lectern. It is the Spirit, aspiration and endeavor. It is the emblem of St John the Evangelist, of St Augustine, St George the Great. The Golden Eagle and the Spread Eagle are commemorative of the Crusades and were the devices of the Eastern Roman Empire. ["Brewers Book of Myth and Legend" written in the Victorian era(?), Cassell Publishers Ltd, Helicon, 1994.]... Aquila sailed down from the Olympus and noticed Ganymedes (Ganymedes is associated with Aquarius), the son of the King of Troy, who was peacefully tending his father's herds. Aquila hovered overhead and then with great skill dived down, lifted Ganymede sin his talons, and flew back to Olympus. So Ganymede was promoted froma royal shepherd to a celestial waiter of the gods of Olympus, where he was accepted as their equal and pleased the eye of all by his manly beauty[NPS p.179]. Under Aquarius, the Water Carrier, is the story of how Jupiter eternalized Ganymedes in the stars of Aquarius, which are located just below the stars of the Eagle.Watcher Website 's research has concluded that the symbols for America betray an ancient knowledge of this continent a far cry from BEING DISCOVERED BY COLUMBUS [this unlikely name refers to "the dove", or in this case, the fictional person who will henceforth be associated with the "land of the dove"] As the anniversary of the Columbine Ritual Sacrifice approaches, keep in mind that this was yet another Masonic Cue. The significant date and place of this event was perhaps orchestrated by Illuminated Brethren to test their mind control techniques, but has all the trappings of a ritual sacrifice to the spiritual beings worshipped by the Illumined.
Columbine is an appropriate name for an alchemical ritual or occult sacrifice.
ColumbaLatin = Dove - one of several birds, including phoenix, associated with Scorpio, and the mystical counterpart of the winged serpent [ameru] or phoenix Bina Latin = Twofold - a set of two things that match, a pair. COLUMBINE refers to the Latin word Columba or Dove. According to occultists, the dove is an alchemical transformative symbol associated with the phoenix. A dove and a phoenix are both Illuminated symbols of America, the new Atlantis risen from the ashes of the old, the land of columns and obelisks, the land of Isis. It is no surprise that a fictional illuminated front man, the "Dove of Genoa" named Christopher [christed] is credited in patriotic propaganda as the discoverer of this La Mer Ica.
wakeup and smell the paradigm shift- Spot the Illumination in Architecture of Washington DC
- Illuminating Info on the Great Seal
- The Great Seal and 666
- New World Order Quotes - Famous New World Orderists in their Own Words
- More Scary Quotes with lots from KlinTon and H.G. Wells
- Media Induced Terror - 1999 Violence Timeline
- Media Violence Leads to Violence in Test Subjects
- Texas Church Gunman Supposedly Paranoid of *THEM*
Read This! Wicca, Ritual Murder and the Invocation of Catastrophe- Masonic Signature of Fire - Initiates of the Flame
- Feds Fire Pyrotechnics at Waco, Yet Did not Start the Fire?!
- Waco Holocaust Museum - Warning: Graphic and Utterly Disturbing
- Montana Mind Control - Capital Shooter Gov. Agent, Patsy or Lone Nut?
- Capital Shooter Weston Lived Near Unabomber in Montana
- Unabomber Victim Harvard Mind Control Experiments
- Unabomber: His 25 Years in Montana - Controversial Book from Kaczynski 's MT Neighbors
Cooper BEFORE Waco massacre: "The object is to destroy all existing religions...the object is to cow you into never resisting the authority of the New World Order. The Randy weaver incident was a "shock test" which told THEM that it was okay to go ahead. And now they are set to massacre the people who worship in the church called Branch Davidian ... I knew something was wrong from the beginning... for the first word that we got, on the news, after it had already started and there were agents dead, we were told that this cult was going to commit mass suicide."
Watcher: The media planted in the public mind that the Davidians were a "cult"[cults are not illegal] , and that they were suicidal. The public was almost expecting their convenient deaths. The media went on to label the Davidians "terrorists" who then killed themselves on April 19th. NOW, does the media spin on the April 20th Columbine Colorado Massacre seem familiar? Werent we informed that the two unfortunate patsies ...er... teenagers were suicidal, which explains why they didn't live to gloat over their supposed anti-jock murder spree? And then the kicker... they were planning a terrorist attack! Check out this site: The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections - John Quinn
William Cooper: "When the Unabomber was arrested I informed you that Kaczynski was the victim of a mind-control operation. And of course, as usual, nobody believed that such a thing could be possible... not in America. Unfortunately the America that the Sheople envision ceased to exist a long time ago. Alexander Cockburn confirmed my research when he revealed Tuesday, July 6,in a Los Angeles Times copyrighted column, that Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski,the Unabomber, was a volunteer in Harvard conducted mind-control experiments sponsored by the CIA in the 1950's and 60's ." William Coopers Hour of the Time - Harvest Trust
- RE:Columbine " It is no accident that these killings were carried out just before Colorado, Illinois, Missouri, and several other States were scheduled to vote on Concealed Carry laws, and just two weeks before the NRA Convention was to take place in Denver. It is the traditional time of human sacrifice demanded by the ancient, New Age, and New World Order pagan gods Baal,Ishtar and Moloch. Your children are being programmed by mind control operations, which utilize music, movies, television and computer games. Wake up...the agenda is gun control. " - Cooper on Violence & Mass Mind Control
- Agent Provocateurs, Gun Control & Martial Law
- Tons of Recent Info on Littleton Colorado, Coverup, Conspiracy & Mind Control!!
- Columbine, Mind Control & the Denver Airport!
- Trenchcoat Mafia & Mind Control - Links & Comments
- Vaccines - Contributing Factor to Increase in Violence Esp. Children
- Aspartame / Nutrasweet Linked to Increase in Violence
- Fluoride Enhances Mind Control Cue Susceptibility
- Fluoride "Safety" and the Manhattan Project
- "President Kennedy was wounded in the exact three same spots as Hiram Abif, who was murdered in the Masonic initiation, representing the persecution of th Templars on Friday, the 13th, in the year 1307, where Hiram Abif is struck in the back, and in the throat, and in the head. Dealey Plaza is just a few short miles from the 33rd parallel. The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Meritorious Degree, the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos Comes Order"--which literally means if they break down the existing structure and cause the population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek." Illuminated Symbolism in JFK Assassination
- King Kill 33 - Masonic Symbolism & JFK
- JFK Casket Plunges into Ocean
- Belzer on JFK & Conspiracy - Question of Millennium
- JFK jr, Kubrick & Mask of Red Death musings
- CALL Ralph Epperson &order his new book, and "NEW WORLD ORDER" 1-800-422-3888
(Prices May Change)Lucifer, the Angel of Light, strives to be "compared to" God. Lucifer, or Satan, works continually to IMITATE and COUNTERFEIT the Works of the Creator. Scripture gives us insight into Satan's ambitions:
Isaiah 14:13-14 [quoting satan]
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will *be like* the most High.IIThess. 2:8 Paul talks about the "revealing" of the Antichrist, and the "coming" of the Antichrist... two distinct events. The revealing of the Antichrist takes place by his desecration of the altar of the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus himself refers back to the prophet Daniel (9:27) when he mentions this point. By the time this prophecy is fulfilled there will be a literal temple, altar, and regular sacrifice. The Antichrist will go into the temple of God claiming that he himself is god--this is the revealing of antichrist spoken of in II Thess.
Butte coming of the Antichrist is WITH THE SIGNS & WONDERS EXPECTEDTO HERALD THE TRUE MESSIAH. There is the distinction between the coming of the Antichrist IIThess. 2:9 and the revealing of the Antichrist IIThess. 2:8. The Antichrist's coming fools the world into believing hes the messiah through counterfeits ...the revealing of the Antichrist demonstrates that he IS a counterfeit. To realize the coming of the antichrist onto the world scene we must pay attention to the prophetic signs and events preceding the true Messiah's coming, because they will be counterfeited by Antichrist. For example: THE COMING OF ANTICHRIST WILL BE A
COUNTERFEIT FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY.It is likely that even before the Gog Magog scenario of Ez. 38, Damascus is destroyed. Isaiah17: "An oracle concerning Damascus: 'See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins...' More at Gog Index
I want everyone to refresh themselves as to * just what antichrist is going to do * . Why will he seem like the messiah? Well, he comes to power at a time everyone is expecting a messiah. Many religions of the world are expecting a savior to unite the world in peace.The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will return at the end of a World War in which many nations are gathered against Israel ... known as Armageddon. Because of this prophecy, the False Christ, or Antichrist, WILL ALSO arrive on the world scene during a World War in which many nations are gathered against Israel. This will merely SEEM like Armageddon, but students of prophecy will recognize that it is the Gog Magog war of Ezekiel 38. When considering the identity of the antichrist, keep in mind he must be acceptable to Israel
War of Gog Prophecy Ezekiel 38
The Coming of Antichrist & UFOs
from Watchers Gog Page
When considering the identity of the antichrist,
keep in mind he will SEEM like the Messiah of Israel.Please view our website for the truth behind the
"alien" deception, and the ENDOF THE AGE.The Sphinx and Satan linked!
Cherubim, Mars, and the ZodiacMars and Satan linked!
The Planets and Satan's Hidden HistoryMars and the Sphinx linked!
Cydonia & "the stones of fire"UFOs and Antichrist Linked!
The Angelic Conspiracy and End Time Deception
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Help Edited by - sf on 20 July 2002 20:47:9
I come to the end of it and it says post reply
I can't, got a headache, and what the hell for.
That's a Looooooooooooooooooooooong scroll to to bottom of that Cut-N-Paste.
Lets go back UP!