JW worshipp gb

by bobld 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    JW will do whatever the gb says.If the gb eats eggs their farts smell like eggs.To the r&f it is a sweet smelling odor.If the gb eats meat their farts smell like meat.To the r&f it is a sweet smelling odor.

    I the GB eat meat and eggs at the same time their farts are overlapping(generation).Hooollllyyy shit the stench is to high heaven.To the r&f guess what?

  • sir82
    So, what were you drinking last night?
  • oppostate

    Or maybe smoking some funny weed there Bobld?

  • punkofnice

    The Governing paedophile protecting Body may think they can do no wrong. However, even drones can wake up.

    I hope the more the GB expose themselves and demand worship is the more the R&F will be waking up.

    How much more weird could the paedophile protecting men be?

  • Vidiot
    I'm thinking... peyote.
  • bobld

    Yes I say sill things at times.Like the fart saga.

    Basically comparing farts that produce an awful odor of death smell to an obnoxious org.Example after turd fart= The sly turd that follows after the main event could refer to after the RC event.

  • brandnew
    Whatever it was, or is......i'll have a double....; )
  • Vanderhoven7

    I picked this condemnation up I believe on this board somewhere:

    Your organization (GB) is a GOLDEN CALF.

    You will sacrifice your children to it.

    You will sacrifice your family to it.

    You will sacrifice your conscience to it.

    You will sacrifice the gospel of Jesus Christ to it.

    Your Life, your Dreams, your Aspirations, your Forgiveness and Salvation depend entirely upon it.

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