"If I said I would give you $168 every week, the only condition being that you would give me back $1, would you do it? Of course you would! And yet, Jehovah lovingly and freely gives us 168 hours of life each week. He is asking back only one hour in the form of a bible study." Remember that one, fellow pioneers and publishers? One hour, my foot! HbH
Remember this analogy, used to 'hook' new bible st
by HomebutHiding 9 Replies latest jw friends
I recall this analogy being used on new Bible Studies ... and for many things for JWs, such as ... 1 hour for family study, 5 hours for meetings (which really became 10 to 15 hours when you count preparation, travel, etc., only 25 hours a week to Reg Pioneer, etc. ... The Watchtower was always rationalizing away all of our time ... and with Kingdom Hall work and cleaning, and all the other astuff like Elder and JC meetings ... one could put out 50 to 60 hours a week and hold down a full time job, and barely get enough sleep.
Yes, amazing, and still have enough time left to feel guilty that we weren't doing enough to please "HIM." HbH
He is asking back only one hour in the form of a bible study."
Yes! Jehovah one evening, long ago, whispered in Freddie Franz ear during a deep sleep he had and said " I'm asking only one hour a month from the folks in bible study time"
The next morning when little freddie awoke....he ran and got his pen and paper and quickly wrote it down and said to himself..."I'll have to sqeeze this in the chapter called 'What does Jehovah require of us in the 'worship' book.....along with all the other stuff I thought of".
From days gone past:
*** w82 10/1 7 Does God Keep Time? ***
God has arranged for a dedicated, spirit-anointed body of people to help us to be time conscious. This "faithful and discreet slave" serves us spiritual "food at the proper time" and exhorts us to always have plenty to do in the work of the Lord. (Matthew 24:45; 1 Corinthians 15:58) In this way we can be useful in Gods service both now and in the future. But it will cost us something. Time. We all have the same amount of time to invest each week168 hours. How well do you invest your time? Does it show that you really know what time it is from Gods standpoint?I have no time, many will say. That is why you must be willing to buy time from other areas of your life. Hobbies, music, recreation, secular work all compete for your time. And new gadgets, like TV video games, can become compulsive eaters of your time. While it may be enjoyable or necessary to spend some time in wholesome recreational activities, does your life show an honest balance of your time with what you know about Gods timetable?
*** km 10/96 1 How to Buy Out the Opportune Time ***
Identify Time Wasters: There are 168 hours in a week, and we need to make wise use of our available time. To have enough time for theocratic activities, we need to identify and minimize time wasters. One survey revealed that the average adult in the United States spends more than 30 hours a week watching TV! For others, much time is consumed reading worldly literature. Some may find that they devote an inordinate amount of time to social activities, hobbies, recreation, or some sort of computer activity. We may need to take a close look at our daily routine to see how we might better use our time. Wisdom requires that we set limits on how much time we allow for nonessential activities.*** km 6/95 3 Make Good Use of Your Time ***
Jehovah is time conscious. He wants us to be aware of time too. Through his organization he helps us to be time conscious. We are urged always to have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord." (1 Cor. 15:58) In this way, we can be more effective in Jehovahs service.2
Each of us has the same amount of time each week168 hours. How well do we use our time? Do we show that we really know what time it is from Jehovahs standpoint? Are we being distracted by nonessential activities?3
It is important that we be well organized. Many try to maintain a priority list. Each item is put on the list according to its importance. How can that be determined? The Bible says that a man should "see good for all his hard work." (Eccl. 3:13) Some tasks yield better results than others. Consider the results that each one will bring. Will finishing the job produce significant benefits? Will you "see good" for your hard work? If not, it may not be a high-priority task.*** km 10/80 2 Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples ***
Schedule weekly service where possibleEach ones circumstances and responsibilities differ (2 Cor. 8:12)
Everyone has 168 hours per week
It starts off as one hour for the Bible Study, then it's one hour for the Public Talk, then it's two hours...........then it's ten hours to qualify as whatever, and so it goes on and on and on. The truth is that a Witness never is able to give enough time. No matter how much time they give, it's always urged upon them to give "wholesouled service" i.e. do more for the organisation.
It has nothing to do with God who wants nothing but our service, and that is a full-time thing i.e. whatever we're doing, not just knocking on doors.
Cheers, Ozzie