hey there. i notice that you use latin phrases in your posts sometimes. i use some of them in email sigs, etc. here is one of my favorites: "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni." so far, only one person has translated it successfully. it means: "we enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire". cool huh. i think it is a fascinating language, and that they should teach it in elementary schools again., since so many words found their roots in latin. anyway, here are some unusual latin phrases you might like.
Die dulci fruere.
Have a nice day.
Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!
If you can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast-paced, high-paying world of Latin!
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
I think some people in togas are plotting against me.
Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo.
Don't call me, I'll call you.
Fac ut gaudeam.
Make my day.
Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!
May barbarians invade your personal space!
Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant!
May conspirators assassinate you in the mall!
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!
May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy!
Quo signo nata es?
What's your sign?
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Fac ut vivas.
Get a life.
Sic faciunt omnes.
Everyone is doing it.