Every obscure disease known or unknown to man

by LovesDubs 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Did you all ever notice how "sick" the "friends" seemed to always be with weird diseases and ailments and blood disorders? I swear I have never seen so many cases of "chronic fatigue syndrome" and "blood viruses" as I did when I was a Jw. They were constant shoppers at the local homeopathic stores, stocking their shelves with every herb and rub and remedy...and nothing seemed to help these mysterious ailments. My study conductor (once her son stopped sleeping with me and she took over the "study") was also one of the "annointed" and was probably the sickest individual I ever encountered. She was in and out of hospitals with mysterious blood ailments and her cabinets were full of bottles of vitamins and minerals and concoctions...am I crazy or do these people smack of white magic? Every year before the Memorial she would go into hiding for two weeks because of what she called "the heavy responsibility of being one of the annointed". Am I crazy or shouldnt that have been a joyous thing to be chosen? Out came the herbs...it was the same as wearing ashes to show everyone how you sufffffered sooooo for them. I was really put off by the whole act. And she was hardly the only one or the worst offender.

    Could it be they are hoping something is physically wrong with them because they cant bear the thought that they are mentally losing it and THATS what is causing their illnesses? I believe that THEY believe they are really sick...anything to have to not go to those meetings ANYTHING or to go door to door again...ANYTHING to break the monotony and hopelessness and endlessness of it all.

    When I started to have majorly serious doubts about the "truth" I actually sat down with two elders who had known me for the better part of my JW career and told them flat out all the things that were bothering me. Instead of taking me seriously, they nodded and were sympathetic went and told people I was suffering from post partem depression or bipolar disorder, or my favorite...a lack of B12! I had people calling me with all kinds of herbal remedies including aroma therapy to cure my "spiritual weakness" which they couldnt possibly fathom was REAL. Denial denial, fear, more denial, more depression, more herbs, more problems, more denial.

    I feel for my "brothers" still trapped in that life.

    "My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this was I born for this I came into the world, and ALL who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice" - Jesus before Pilate, John 18:37

  • Andy_Bosi

    Hi Love,

    Since after all that time with the JWs, I never knew anyone who was annointed, is there any chance you can entice your friend to this board, just to answer my question,

    How does one know he/she is annointed?

    Is it a voice from Jehovah God telling her that she is so?

    Just curious....


  • Fredhall


    So this means that you have that foot and mouth disease.

  • LovesDubs

    Hi Andi Oh no way would she ever be in this "evil" place LOL! Besides its a couple weeks before the Memorial and she's probably in hiding by now. She told me at that time tho that she just "knew" one day while she was scrubbing her kitchen floor. The realization was overwhelming to her that she was one. At that moment in time she "gave" her son to Jehovah to use (a la Samuel) as He saw fit as a sign of her acceptance of this huge responsibility and position. Her son went on to sleep with several dozen worldly women and party his way outta Bethel service and being disfellowshipped for 5 years...only to tell me later that Jehovah TOLD him to do all that as a means of making him "wise to the ways of worldly people in order to make his preaching more effective" LOLOLOL!! and he BELIEVED THIS. The mom I think was probably inhaling the bleach in the bucket too long.

    Her family was into white magic and she was brought up around black magic and voodooish things...I never met one of the annointed and I met several...that I thought had all his peas in his pod.

  • Andy_Bosi

    Thanks for the reply Love, too bad she won't come here...

    I am wary of people who hear voices... especially from God... I used to know one - he is now in a mental institution.


  • AlexMann

    Your post gave me a good laugh! I can recall a CO's visit where he was harping about how physically healthy Jehovah's people were (as a result of no smoking, excessive drinking, illicit sex, etc.) ... and when I looked around me I saw a virtual out-patient clinic. Most everyone had their own strange, chronic malady which gave definition to their existence.

    One of the biggest herb/vitamin pushers (had her own business)in the congregation was an elder's wife. Even with the mega-therapy, she and her family were always sick! They had every cold, flu that blew through town. With the reverence she paid to her hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc., I swear she should have built a shrine to ill health.

    One time I had the audacity to ask: "Sister ****, why is your family so sick when you take so many herbs, vitamins, and 'natural' treatments like coffee enemas?"

    She patiently replied, "Can you imagine how sick we'd be if we didn't do this!"

    Go figure.


  • Tina

    The wts has a history of promoting quackery...denigrating the medical profession(especially mental health practitioners)......
    My uncle(elder) and his wife,jump on every herbal bandwagon that comes along,,,without researching the substances thoroughly......
    I have had get info to my mom and reason with her about some of these supplements,,,(she's a jw too)
    in MHO, too many JW's acting on what they've read over the years from the wts,feel distrust about the medical community and arrogantly diagnosis and treat themselves.....
    My nephew who was recently baptized was in the er,due to over ingesting some herbal supplements,,,terrible anaphylactic reaction,,,could have killed him.....sorry to ramble,just sharing a few personal experiences,regards,Tina

  • LDH


    I wasn't going to comment, but I just have to! I recently mentioned this strange *phenomenon* to my sister, and we had a good laugh/cry over it!

    My mom and all 3 of her sisters have been 'sick' since I can remember. My mom really did have some severe health problems culminating in a hysterectomy. However, she's never recovered from this episode 15 years + ago.

    In addition, her sisters, all lifetime devout JWs are now in their 60's and 70's.NOT ONE of them is in good health. I believe this is from a lifetime of NEGLECT. Not exercising (Bodily devotion is beneficial for a little), coupled with the strong belief that "jehovah will make it all better *soon*" is very damaging to millions, and it's going to get worse!

    Just watch over the next few years as the baby boomers start to get older, and wonder why they can't walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing! It's because they were at the meeting two nights a week, and you know they weren't at the gym the other 3 nights!

    Anyone my age (30+) who remembers being told "Bodily devotion is beneficial for a little" everytime they asked permission to join a school sports team will vouch for this.

    Loves, I hope you have taken the anti-JW drug, exercise, seriously. It's really hard to get your body back in great shape, and take responsibility for your health. Esp. when all you hear is how "It's Adam and Eve's fault and Jehovah will fix it."

  • RedhorseWoman
    Bodily devotion is beneficial for a little

    How well I remember this little gem. I also remember articles about exercise that brought out the point that walking out in field service was more than enough exercise for anybody, and the fact that JWs engaged in this "exercise routine" on a regular basis showed how healthful being a JW could be.

    RHW (trying to get back into shape after a lifetime of healthful JW living class)

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