1) Romans 8:20
YHWH gave up. There are no secondary fulfillments as regards the END. It's done. He scrapped the original plan. It was an epic fail.
Futility means "pointless", "useless", "vain." No plan of paradise Earth is being salvaged. There is no Second Coming. The history of failed Adventism should be all you need to grasp this concept.
2) Hebrews 9:26, 27
If you believe the Bible, then you MUST believe that you will "die." END OF STORY. The fact that EVERY SINGLE GENERATION has died should be enough for you to grasp this concept. "I have lived forever on Earth!!! ", said no one, EVER.
3) Ephesians 1:10
All things will be gathered back to GOD. You're going to die, so are your pets. All life, perhaps the Universe as well, will come to an END. Where did Jesus, life go when he died? Back to the source.
So.... Enjoy your life NOW.