My JW mom and her oddball "brothers and sisters" NEVER cease to amaze me. I own a Christian bookstore that carries curriculum for homeschoolers. Today I'm LITERALLY minding my own business, when "sister-so-in-so" comes in. WEIRD I'm thinking...I'm watching her eyeballing some curriculum she obviously finds "offensive"...some of the publishers a la carte "bible study" and others integrate "bible" into all subjects. Her teenage son sees something and next thing I know they are rattling on in spanish. Then came the BOMB..."sister-so-in-so" makes a "living" placing those .25 cent candy machines in local businesses. She wanted to know if I'd be interested in letting her place commission for me of course...cause she hardly makes "anything" and afterall she'd be doing ME some kind of favor! Yeah...cause, "Parents like having something for the kids to do while they shop." I told her I didn't have the space. She wanted me to think about think I did! Doesn't it bother her squeeky clean JW sense of superiority and spiritual cleanliness to (in an indirect way) do business with Babylon??? Is she a weird duck OR is this typical JW thinking?
Belly Babylon's trough!
by KistByQpid 2 Replies latest jw friends
She is using typical JW thinking ... rationalizing = Rational Lies ...
Interesting how she had to saunter in, pretending to be interested in your shop, when all she was interested in was making a profit out of you!
All she was thinking about was $$$$$$$, not anything "spiritual".