"Hostage to the devil", written by Catholic priest Malachi Martin, and available in print, is unquestionably the most disturbing book I have ever read.
Father Martin, himself an exorcist, interviewed 5 priests who had performed exorcisms (all in America) and also interviewed the possessed victims these priests exorcized. His aim was to establish the states of mind of the victims, and how they came to be possessed, and also to establish the psychological effects upon the priests who performed the expulsion. The result is truly frightening and incredibly disturbing.
Among other things, Father Martin establishes that an exorcism follows a progression, that is always the same. It is in 6 stages. These are:
Presence. Pretense. Breakpoint. Voice. Clash and Expulsion
The Presence phase commences immediately the exorcist enters the room to commence. All assistants and medical doctors present testify to a change in the atmosphere as soon as the exorcist enters. An alien, malevolent presence fills the whole room.The overriding danger thruout the exorcism is that this presence is within the very mind of every person in attendance. Assistants are directed not to directly address the alien being. But it is the priest performing the ritual who is in most danger, for, as I understand it, the demon enters into his own mind in the clash phase and a battle of wills takes place which the exorcist MUST win, or he is doomed.
During the pretense phase the demon seeks to hide behind the personality of the possessed person, using their mannerisms, voice, etc.The demon will cry piteously, and emotionally manipulate to get out of admitting that its is a seperate identity. The priest must make it come out from behind the victims personality so he can confront it directly.Often, during this phase, intimate and embarrassing details of those present in the room will be exposed. If one is a secret thief, or child molester, it will be yelled out by the demon in lurid detail.The beast has access to the minds and thoughts and imaginings of those present.The priests fondest memories will he handled and examined by the hands of ultimate filth. His every bad action will be yelled out, and will resurface in his mind in lurid detail. If the priest is drawn in by this, and becomes embarrassed, upset, angry, or ,worst of all, if he is drawn into argument , or rationalization with the demon, He is in big trouble, and may never be rid of the beast thruout his life.
If the priest gets thru this phase, The pretense phase will collapse into Breakpoint . At breakpoint the senses of all present will be turned inside out to confuse them. Martin says: "his ears seem to smell foul words, His eyes seem to hear offensive sounds, His nose seems to taste a deafening cacophany" . Every person present must weather this psychic assault or flee. But the breakpoint has been reached and the demon will come out from behind its pretense. The next thing that happens is voice.
The voice is a babel. It fills the room, but is also within each individual mind. Bellowing cattle, screams, whispers and multiple voices saying the same things but out of sinc with each other occur. Sentences are also spoken backwards.A lot of people, according to Martin cannot cope with this, because they become drawn into trying to understand what the voice is saying. Somehow the priest must silence the voice and he resorts, (or is meant to resort) to ritual utterances, a bit hard when your internal language is being turned inside out.
If he gets thru this the ultimate phase of the exorcism will be reached. The clash....
At clash the demon will enter the priests own mind and seek to take it over,his every thought and feeling will be probed for a weak spot, his guilts analized and discussed by the demon in his own head, his failings jeered at, the priest can feel the alien presence filling his body and seeping in thru every orifice.tendrils will wrap around his guts and probe and explore every nook and cranny. This struggle is intenal and is a pure battle of wills. Any weakness will be exploited, tiredness, a moment of doubt, weakness in his faith,guilt, these are deathtraps. If the demon wins the priest will never be free of the beast playing upon his mind. many priests are never fully free of the creature anyway. A number of exorcists die during clash. If the priest wins the struggle, he must get the demon to reveal as much detail about itself as possible, this is needed for the expulsion phase.
Pretty amazing stuff eh?