
by Lieu 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lieu

    I was looking over Rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how WT articles could say GB members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely NONE of them had met a violent death upholding the name of Christ. As a matter of fact, GB members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed). They basically have existed like hermits.

    Anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be KILLED as they also had been.

    Just curious because ALL the true Christians (those who would not change their faith in God and Christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.

    What do y'all think? ... In order to recieve a heavenly reward, wouldn't one think a violent death is a prerequisite?

  • hooberus

    While Christians who die a viollent death are rewarded, I think that others who are saved by grace also go to heaven. Your point is a good one though. When it comes to the book of Revelation the Watchtower Society goes absolutely nuts. They will probably say in a future Revelation "commentary" that Revelation chapter 6 refers to a regional Watchtower convention or some sort of crap like that.

  • Lieu

    Sorry for taking so long to check back...

    It used to drive me insane thinking of all the people who have died, in an ugly way, taking a stand for WT doctrine...yet I know of not one GB member who has. Its just something I have always wondered about.

  • cameo-d

    I am resurrecting this thread because Lieu is active on the board again and has only posted 3 topics since 2002.


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