YK what is the dilemma?

by one 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • one

    "is the very fact of their seeming success".

    Is your statement above a dillemma?

    Back to the point in a few words STATE "the dillemma" from the start and then elaborate.


    Edited by - one on 23 July 2002 14:34:40

  • sunshineToo

    one, are you a former JW? If you are, you would know what was like becoming and being a JW. Not that all were happy moments but at one time we all thought the WTS was the only true org. of God. Many are still believing it because they focus on the good side of the org. Once you become one of JWs, your life as a defender of the WTS begins. I did it, too, for over 12 years. I know what it's like. I thought my defence would win all the time. But I got to see the other side of the org. just like many of the posters here. So I made my decision to get out. However, not everyone makes that kind of decison. Read You Know's comment in http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32867&site=3. He is not ignorant. I think he knows what we see as non-JWs, but because he is an active JW currently, he has a duty to defend his position and the WTS. I understand that because I've done that before.

    Don't be too mad at him. The WTS has been showing how unmerciful and uncompassionate they could be. Let's not be like them.

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