A little more info on the d/a and smoking.....

by LyinEyes 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Yeah, we know smoking is not good. Beleive it or not, I smoke about a 3 cig a week, if that, only when I go to the bar or out drinking. I am about to even stop that , because my kids hate it so much. Wild Turkey only smokes a cigar on occasion like I do, when he has a beer while out . I think I did it out of rebellion and I don't like the way it sticks to my hair. LOL . So I plan on giving even the 3 cigs the boot too.

    We made it plain to the elder who called us, that smoking was just something we did and that was not the issue of why we wanted to disassociate ourselves. We told them we do not support the WTBS anymore. They have known all along that we were involved in some kind of apostasy but couldnt prove it. We decided awhile back that if we went out it would be with a blaze of glory, go ahead and tell the truth of why we don't even want a Judicial meeting. We decided we don't owe them any explanations and plain and simple just couldnt support the organziation anymore.

    I know all the JW's who hear this, may hear the gossip that we got it for smoking, but really the apostasy was way before the smoking . It is the real reason we choose to disassociate ourselves.

    And we plan on letting everyone we know , know the truth about the WTBS and how we choose to leave such a cult.

    Thanks so much for all of your kind words and support .. Love Dede and Denny

  • Prisca

    I'm not at the stage where I'm ready to DA myself just yet, but I applaud what you did! I don't see the need for any meetings with the elders - they don't have any influence in my life, so why should I be put in the position of where they can "judge" me?

    Way to go Dede and Denny! Make sure you celebrate your freedom!!

  • Shutterbug

    Happy to hear that your smoking is very limited. However, I don't think anyone here is going to shun you for smoking. Believe it or not we have your best interests at heart. I smoked from the time I was 14 until I was about 34. Believe me, I won't smoke again because I don't want to have to quit again. That was pure hell!!

  • ashitaka

    Nothing like telling old enemies to eat s**t and die.

    Woo-hoo, lying!

  • ballistic

    As anyone will know who reads a lot here, I gave up smoking about 6 months ago. I wondered whether this would lead people to think that I was disfellowshipped for smoking. Well I wasn't. I started smoking after I was disfellowshipped, because like most things, I didn't have the 'Jehovah' reasons for not doing them anymore.

    I left with their so called 'bible trained conscience' but had no idea of what was right and wrong. This I had to learn myself the hard way, but can now say in retrospect that I understand what I should or should not do, know the consequences, and live by my own rules, whether for good or for bad. This I have found to be a much more stress-free way of handling life rather than making decisions based on fear and guilt.

  • aluminutty

    Hey anyone? Hope this isn't too off topic, but why is smoking a disfellowshipping offense, anyway? I don't recall anywhere in the bible specifically mensioning, much less prohibiting smoking? I won't accept any "body as temple" explanation, either, since it just doesn't fit. No pun intended, but, there are a lot of overweight dubs, and being overweight isn't exactly respecting the "temple", is it? Sure, smoking isn't good for you, but, should it prevent you from living on the silly paradise earth construct. Am just trying to be logical, here, and I'm having a real problem seeing the justification for the smoking bann. Well, I guess this isn't the surprise of the century considering the organization we're discussing but...

    Edited by - aluminutty on 24 July 2002 12:49:22

  • outnfree


    I think the "love your neighbor" argument works better now that research shows that breathing second hand smoke is worse than smoking itself.


    (who is WAY pleased that ballistic is DONE with ciggies, and who is doing without herself now for about 14 years!)

  • Dawn

    [QUOTE]Mat 15:10-11 And he called the people to him and said to them, "Hear and understand: not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."[QUOTE]

    I think the same scripture applies to birthday cake too

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