WTS Pedophiles!

by john123 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • john123

    My wife and I attended a conference that Erica Garza/Rodriguez spoke at. She gave an update on her situation. After the conference we got a chance to talk with her, Alehandra (mother) and Erica's friend Sherry. There was more to the story than what was told on dateline. Erica told us she was escorted by a friend who was a Sheriff in the Sacremento area. He was granted temp. police powers by the city where the Beliz criminal trial was held. Sherry's car window was smashed out. The Sheriff friend (also a former JW) was DF'd for obeying the law by reporting Erica's molestation to the police. Erica told us that twice family member of Beliz threatened to kill her if she did not shut up while at the courthouse. One of those threats the judge overheard. The other threat was made to Erica in the bathroom. Erica said the exact wordsto her were, "Shut up or I will kill you, bitch."

    This kind of behavior is shocking coming from Witnesses of Jehovah, the most educated and clean orgnanization on the earth (NOT).

    Edited by - John123 on 24 July 2002 5:24:25

    Edited by - John123 on 24 July 2002 5:55:31

  • Crystal

    ....and the victims contiue to be victimised!!! [&>:(]

    Not to mention family memembers!!!

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC


    They'll do anything to protect their image. Remember if they aren't seen by two witnesses then you can't prove that they've done anything wrong.

    I also read in a thread from msn that Dateline was aired in the prison that Belize is in & that he was beaten by his enraged fellow prison suite mates (sorry for the pun). His family requested that he moved to isolation for protection but the request was denied! (YES).

    He now knows how it feels to be abused. Imagine a little girl, Erica, a virgen, abused by WICKED, perverted JW.

    In addition I've read, Bill Bowen has also received death threats via different ways, telephone, etc. by current JW's.

    The JW's lack the strength to realize that they have been let down by their friends, elders, families & WTS. They aren't strong enough to see reality for what it is. They lash out in anger because they themselves are terribly confused. If it was any other religion, as the catholics, they'd believe without doubting once. You could hear them just say, "Yup, Belize, the catholic priest, was convicted. Poor Erica let's preach to her about the kingdom".

    Yet they can't say that. They also have no alibi & they instantly turn on their "fight or flight" instinctions. Now most of the JW's don't have alot of education therefore they do not know the proper ways of venting out without using threats.


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