Weight Watchers- Update- (& Joined YMCA)

by Cappuccino OC 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hi everyone,

    I received a few inquiries on my last post regarding a weight watchers thread.

    Well, I joined weight watchers. They have a system called 123 success. It seems pretty simple.

    It cost $99 to join for 10 weeks including the joining fee.

    I'll be glad to share all of the information on how to count points & all.

    You start off with a weight loss of 10% of your current weight. You can also eat everything - nothing is prohibited.

    I also joined the YMCA & I'm going later today with my daughter.

    As you know my vision aka goal is to buy a pair of shrink to fit 501's just like the ones I wore in High School (w-28 L33 or 36 can't remember length very well) I'll find out when I go try some. My ultimate goal is by August of 2003. I figure give myself some time loose all the weight since it took about 4 years to gain it. If Ioose it before (6mos) then I'll be twice as happy.

    How are you guys doing with Lifet time healthy eating changes & exserices?

    Let me know,


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Please e-mail me & I'll scan all of the Weight Watchers info (for free). I don't know if I can scnan them onto a thread because of the copyright laws & all.

    But I will gladly share the info with anyone who'd like to have it.


  • zenpunk

    Being part Eastern European and part Native American, it is a continual genetic struggle to keep weight off. I really have to watch myself. I am at the gym at least 1 1/2 hours a day, five days a week and any kind of junk food is completely out of the question. I find the Weight Watchers system of five or six small meals a day instead of three big ones really works as well. It's hard work and willpower but it's worth it to desparately cling on to that size 5. Don't give up!

  • roybatty

    Welcome to the Y. I've only volunteered at the local Y but I think it's a great organization.

  • ChiChiMama


    I joined Weight Watchers Online two weeks ago and have lost 5lb already. It is $14.95 per month and they have ,charts,recipies, message boards, and articles to help you along. Their points system easy to follow even when eating out.

  • ChiChiMama

    For those of you who follow the WW plan ,here is a very hel[pful web site that has points values for all the major resturants and lots of other great info.


  • Mary

    Having struggled with weight most of my life, I'm proud to say that I've joined a gym where I try to work out 4 - 5 mornings per week..........I'm up to 40 minutes a day! When I first started about 4 weeks ago, I could do the stationary bike for about 4 minutes as my larger-than-life-ass couldn't take any more.........now I do the stationary bike for about 15 minutes, and then do some weight training for about 20 - 25 minutes...........yep, I should be a size 7 again by Friday.........hahahahaha!!!

    I figure it'll take about a year for me to lose the weight.......I'm also trying to be good and drink 8 glasses of vodka........I mean WATER, per day.

    I was thinking of trying the 123 Weight Watchers program, but I just can't afford it right now. However, my one girlfriend has all the info on it, so I suppose I could take a look.

    I don't believe the line of crap they give us about "well, when we were cavemen, our bodies always stored the fat in case of famine and it's still doing that today." Well, seeing as we obviously aren't in starvation mode any longer, our bodies should have evolved enough to say "hey! I don't need to hold on to this fat, cause the next meal is right around the corner!"

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