BLOOD, Dr Muramoto, Furuli & Prominent Beth...

by Focus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Forwarded from: The Prominent Bethelite ("Danielle" to you)

    Bioethical aspects of the recent changes in the policy
    of refusal of blood by Jehovah's Witnesses
    by Dr. Osamu Muramoto
    Regional Ethics Council
    Kaiser Permanente, Interstate Medical Office East, Portland, OR 97227, USA
    BMJ 2001; 322:37-39

    Please read the above submission, and the responses made (including those by Watchtower-apologist Rolf J. Furuli), at the British Medical Journal at

    Now here is what I have to say. First, one hundred quotes from the Watchtower Society. I have NOT included Watchtower statements on evolution and related matters, on their ever-changing blood doctrine itself and on all science other than that within the biomedical sphere - had I not so restricted the selection, a thousand quotes would have been needed.

    "From Black to White He Slowly Turned.. Rev. William H. Draper .. gave a living affirmative answer to the famous Biblical question, 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?' Though once as black as charcoal, the Rev. Mr. Draper is now white. His people say that his color was changed in answer to prayer. Many years ago Draper was employed by a fair-skinned man, and he was often heard to remark that if he could only be white like his employer, he would be happy. While in the white man's service Draper 'experienced' religion. From that day forward he prayed constantly and fervently that he might become white.. He first experienced a prickling sensation on his face, and upon close investigation found a number of small white spots scarcely larger than the point of a pin. He became alarmed, thinking he had some peculiar disease but he did not suffer and aside from the prickling sensation felt nothing unusual. Gradually the white spots became larger and extended themselves, until now, after the change has been in progress for over 30 years, Draper has not a single dark spot on his body." - 1900WTWR 10 01 296-7
    "we are not to forget the strong pre-natal influence of the mother's mind upon her offspring, - co-operating with the influences of climate and soil. To illustrate: Suppose a missionary and his wife removed to China; not only would the influence of the climate and soil be manifested upon themselves, but the same would be still more manifested in their children. Whoever will give careful attention to this matter will notice that each succeeding child born in that foreign country will have increasingly more resemblance to the Chinese - the hair, the skin, the shape of the eyes, and in general all features will bear closer resemblance with each succeeding child. We can readily suppose that if so much change occurs in a few years, ten or twenty centuries under similar conditions would turn any white people into regular Chinese, even supposing there were no intermarrying. The mother, while carrying her unborn child, has continually before her the Chinese type of countenance - eyes, hair, color, etc., and the continual impress of these upon her mind could not fail, according to the law of our being, to influence her offspring in the manner noted.. Undoubtedly the stronger contrast between the white and the black would require a longer time to be brought about.. We are not to forget, either, that Africa is inhabited by various tribes or nations of negroes - some more and some less degraded than the average.. While it is true that the white race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other, we are to remember that there are wide differences in the same Caucasian (Semitic and Aryan) family.. The secret of the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian undoubtedly in great measure is to be attributed to the commingling of blood amongst its various branches; and this was evidently forced in large measure by circumstances under divine control." - 1902WTWR 07 15 215-6
    "Can The Ethiopian Change His skin color? No. But.. what the Ethiopian cannot do for himself God could readily do for him. The difference between the races of men .. have long been arguments against the solidarity of the human family. The doctrine of restitution has also raised the question. How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was the original? The answer is now provided. God can change the Ethiopian's skin in his own due time.. Julius Jackson, of New Frankfort, Montana, a negro boy of nine years, began to grow white in September, 1901, and is now fully nine-tenths white. He assures us that this is no whitish skin disease; but that the new white skin is as healthy as that of any white boy, and that the changed boy has never been sick and never has taken medicines" - 1904WTWR 02 15 52-3
    "Phrenology so far as understood fully corroborates the picture given us in the arrangement of the Tabernacle of Israel surrounded by the camp. Thus:- If we imagine the human skull as spread out flat, we find that the central part would correspond to the Tabernacle and its court; for in the very center of the head on top lies spirituality, and directly in front of it lies veneration. The latter organ would correspond well to the court, the former to the holy. As to enter the holies it was necessary to pass through the court, so to enter into a proper heart-appreciation of the spiritual things it is necessary that we enter in through veneration .. Surrounding these two central organs are others which correspond well to the different divisions of the tribe of Levi .. Thus may be illustrated the philosophy of what is known as conversion. Thank God it has not been necessary to understand the philosophy of conversion in order to have and to enjoy that blessing, otherwise very few would have been thus blessed.. So with the converted heart and head. Previously sometimes selfishness would be in the center and in control, sometimes conscience, sometimes acquisitiveness, sometimes hope and sometimes fear would occupy the center, around which the various organs would group themselves." - 1907WTWR 07 15 216-7
    "the shape of the brain has to do with the character of the man-gentle or vicious, criminal or conscientious, benevolent or stingy, reverential or otherwise.. And a man's thoughts shape themselves according to the structure of his brain. Thus phrenology is a widely-recognized science. Not only so, but physiology tells us that the various portions of the human body are so intimately related to the brain that the quality of the mind can be discerned in the general features, not only in the shape of the nose, the curl of the lip, the glance of the eye, but also in the grasp of the hand and its general shape, even to the particularity of a finger print." - 1911WTWR 03 01 70
    "We give below a simple cure for appendicitis symptoms. The pain in the appendix region is caused by the biting of worms near the junction of the transverse colon with the small intestines, low down on the right side of the abdomen. This remedy is recommended also for typhoid fever, which is also a worm disease. The medicine is Santonine dose, 3 grains, an hour before breakfast; repeated for four mornings, or until all the symptoms disappear. Then one dose per month for three months to eradicate all germs. This recipe is of incalculable value. Not only will it save the surgeon's and hospital fees of perhaps $200, but it saves weeks of ill health, inconvenience, convalescence and loss of salary." - 1912WTWR 01 15 26
    "A Cure for Surface Cancer.. We have recently learned of a very effective and simple remedy for cancers which show themselves on the surface of the body. We are informed that a physician, after testing this remedy, paid $1000 for the information, and that he has established a Cancer Hospital which is doing good work. The recipe has come to us free and we are willing to communicate the formula, but only to those who are troubled with surface cancers and who will write to us directly, stating particulars. No fee will be charged, but in order to protect the sufferers, we require a promise that they will not sell the formula to others, nor receive pay for the use of it, nor communicate the formula to anybody. Any one known to be a sufferer can be informed of the terms on which the prescription is obtainable through us." - 1913WTWR 07 01 200
    "Man's head is shaped differently; therefore he can think of subjects about which the lower animals cannot think .. A man with a head of a given shape cannot think with the same breadth of mind as a man with a better shaped head - a man who is less fallen. Some have lost more, others less, of the original perfection, of the original intelligence, given man in his creation." - 1915WTWR 01 15 19
    "It has long been noted by physicians that many of the ailments of life are due to diseased condition of the bowels.. LA GRIPPE AND TYPHOID FEVER REMEDIES .. One of the simplest remedies we know of for La Grippe and Typhoid Fever, especially in their earlier stages, is to put the bulk of a pea of cayenne pepper into a little milk, stir it thoroughly and swallow it. Do this twice a day for about three days.. A NEW CURE FOR PNEUMONIA .. The injections are made through the skin, with an all-glass syringe, using a 27-gauge needle .. very slowly." - 1915WTWR 05 15 146/159
    "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives (plural), the breath common to every living creature. The difference between Adam and the other creatures was not in the breath, or spirit of lives. Man had the same kind of spirit of life. The difference was that man had a finer organism. How do we know? Stand a man alongside of a dog. Look at their heads. The one slopes back; there is no place for the intellectual qualities at all, or at least a very small place for the thinking apparatus man has. He has more brain than the dog. If we could make a dog with the same head as a man, he would think the same as a man." - 1913SV13
    "Demons Infest Earth's Atmosphere" - 1919DIEA 1
    "Even years ago it was known by some people that the use of pacifiers by babies is one of the chief causes of diseased and enlarged tonsils and adenoid growths, which results from the suction." - 1919GAGE 11 26 153
    "Few people know that the normal functioning of the bowels and a clean intestinal tract make it impossible to become sick.. From four to six quarts of warm water injected into the colon is what constitutes an internal bath. It should be taken every day for at least six months" - 1920GAGE 03 31 437-8
    "'Life and the Life-Giver' .. The Radio-Solar Pad" - 1920GAGE 06 23 606-7
    "Color and Physiognomy.. A blue nose .. is a symbol of austerity, with perhaps a prudish tinge.. The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd." - 1921GAGE 01 19 224
    "What is the Spirit of Man?.. the modern science of phrenology throws much light on the constitution of man and supplies spiritual clues" - 1921GAGE 08 03 667-70
    "Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice .. We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed .. Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination .. has never prevented smallpox any more than serum injection has prevented typhoid.. smallpox is not prevented by vaccination." - 1921GAGE 10 12 14/17/21
    "Some Odd Happenings .. Not long ago a farmer told me of a very strange thing. We were talking about a neighbor's hog killing one of my hens. He said: 'Did you ever hear of a sheep killing chickens?' I said, 'No.' Then he said his neighbor had a sheep that would kill and eat a chicken every chance it could catch one. He also told me of a man he knew who had a mule that would kill and eat a chicken. Last week I read of where big frogs caught and killed frying-size chickens in Oklahoma. Some time ago I read where bees were caught robbing other beehives. I had the same experience. I called a man to look at them. He .. said, 'They seem to be fighting. Some have their wings eaten about half off..' .. the bees soon left. I believe that the demons are loose, and that surely the time is nearing for the Battle of Armageddon." - 1922GAGE 11 08 93
    "But the dog-rabies-vaccine imposition is the latest.. Rabies! When it has been shown conclusively that there is no such thing as rabies!.. a mental hoax.. The public is not generally aware of how large an industry is the manufacture of serums, anti-toxins and vaccines, or that big business controls the whole industry.. the boards of health endeavor to start an epidemic of smallpox, diphtheria, or typhoid that they may reap a golden harvest by inoculating an unthinking community for the very purpose of disposing of this manufactured filth.. Vaccination, summed up, is the most unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known. Its vile poison taints, corrupts, and pollutes the blood of the healthy, resulting in ulcers, syphilis, scrofula, erysipelas, tuberculosis, cancer, tetanus, insanity, and death." - 1923GAGE 01 03 214
    "It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs." - 1924GAGE 01 16 250
    "Automatic Electronic Diagnosis .. by Dr. R. A. Gamble (The Golden Age has the fullest confidence in any representations that may be made by Doctor Gamble. He is well known to many of our readers and we are sure they will read this important article with interest. - Editor) I know that The Golden Age has hitherto held aloof from saying anything, either one way or the other, about the famous Abrams' Electronic system of detecting and treating diseased conditions; but I feel that the time has now come when it may safely do so. A new discovery in this field has such promise of being an inestimable boon to mankind that I feel it would be a pity to keep it under cover.. To Dr. Abrams is due, and will always be due, the credit for setting forth the fundamental truths concerning the Electronic theory in its application to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. His method, as taught and applied, has already created a revolution in the ranks of medicine which only the uninformed and the unprogressive will deny.. It was an epochal discovery in science and in medicine when the revelations came home to professional men that all substances are to a greater or less extent broadcasting stations, putting signals on the air which vary as do the assembly and rate of the 'electrons' of which they are composed. All the sensory organs-nose, eyes, ears, mouth, and touch-are receiving sets. Every nerve tract in the body is a receiving set; and hence the medical profession can not possibly ignore radio, even if it would.. X-Rays .. experts on the leading magazine for electrical engineers .. rushed into print denouncing the whole thing as a fake and an impossibility, and reproved the public for being so foolish, so credulous .. man .. a machine with 28 trillion wet batteries .. If the electrical 'balance' of the cells is correct proper nerve supply, nutrition and elimination will follow as a matter of course.. From what has thus far been said, it will be apparent to all that any disease is simply an 'out of tune' condition of some part of the organism. In other words, the affected part of the body 'vibrates' higher or lower than normal. It has a different vibratory rate than the rest of the body. It is out of 'balance'. It is dis-eased. Diseased tissues radiate more energy than healthy tissues, and this imbalance can be measured and corrected .. sending an electronic current of the right potentiality into the diseased tissues .. 'Our objective then is to collect those peculiar vibrations which are set up in the body by the many various diseases to which humanity is subject, and then to send into the body exact corresponding waves or vibrations. When these introduced waves meet the diseased waves in the body, both cease to exist and nature restores the balance. Therefore, gentlemen, if we work out machines or apparatus that assure us of a perfect tuning in, we are masters of all disease..' .. Science tells us that when two high radio frequency waves of the same rate meet, they become neutralized; and upon this fact is based the entire principle of treatment by electronic treatment machines. In other words, when an electro-magnetic wave meets in its path a substance vibrating at the same rate of speed or resonance, that wave is stopped; and the energy is absorbed by the medium that stopped it.. In trying to find a way to lessen this cost, and to ensure 100 percent correct diagnosis, I have been fortunate enough to discover a new application of the electronic radio principle, which eliminates both the cost of diagnosis and the possible errors of incompetent ERA practitioners, and brings the whole matter of the treatment of disease by electronic methods within the reach of every family.. I have named this new discovery, which I believe will be epochal in the history of the treatment of disease, and which I am exclusively announcing in The Golden Age prior to its general publication elsewhere, The Electronic Radio Biola, which means new life renewed by radio waves or electrons. The Biola automatically diagnoses and treats diseases by the use of the electronic vibrations. The diagnosis is 100 percent correct, rendering better service in this respect than the most experienced diagnostician, and without the attending cost.. The principle of operation of the Biola is the collection, in suitable media .. of the disease vibrations, if any, which have been set up in one's body. The fluid containing the same waves or vibrations enters the body, meets the disease waves and destroys them. The Biola is constructive, the wave trap containing the essential elements needed by the body to recreate and reconstruct the broken-down tissues or cells. This is a great step forward, marking the Biola as the most valuable treatment apparatus obtainable today, and well worthy of notice in the columns of The Golden Age, which looks forward to perfect days ahead.. In the operation of the Biola the patient's body is the motive power; and the vibrations coming from the earth, harnessed to the body, tunes in to every disease, no matter how small or how great, automatically carries them into the Biola, or radio wave trap, where they are registered, measured and held, and can be returned to the patient at will and used to destroy the very disease that created them.. In operation, the Biola is attached to a ground wire, a radiator, from the heating system, or the like, which is in turn attached to the patient's body. The radio vibrations, carried by the electro magnetic earth currents, automatically vibrate in unison with each and every disease vibration in the body .. The Biola radio wave trap uses water as a medium for catching these disease vibrations; but water being a poor conductor, its conductivity is increased by the addition of the elements heretofore referred to, which not only increase the conductivity, but in addition absorb and hold the vibrations, and also impart to the tissues and organs the medicines or elements nature requires to reconstruct the parts broken down by the disease." - 1925GAGE 04 22 451-5
    "There is no food that is right food for the morning meal. At breakfast is no time to break a fast. Keep up the daily fast until the noon hour.. Drink plenty of water two hours after each meal; drink none just before eating; and a small quantity if any at meal time. Good buttermilk is a health drink at meal times and in between. Do not take a bath until two hours after eating a meal, nor closer than one hour before eating. Drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath." - 1925GAGE 09 09 784-5
    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings .. then bob up and down for a while." - 1926GAGE 02 10 310
    "Tonsillectomy is called a minor operation. If so, getting well is a double major. If any overzealous doctor condemns your tonsils go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful." - 1926GAGE 04 07 438
    "Disease .. caused by fermentation and heat .. not germs." - 1926GAGE 08 25 751/4
    "The Aluminum Poisoning at Punxsutawney .. ptomaine (pronounced to main) poisoning .. without a doubt, a perfectly accurate statement of what occurred.. dealers in aluminum ware .. owners of aluminum stock .. the word 'aluminum' had been whitewashed into the word 'metal' and those grand and useful custodians of public health, 'three responsible physicians,' always to be had in a case like this, 'after an investigation' had come forth in the 'unanimous opinion' that each of the two hundred victims had, in some mysterious manner, managed to get hold of a piece of the same chicken, so dead that it was rotten, that in some other mysterious manner had found its way among the good ones.. Several subscribers for The Golden Age make their living selling aluminum ware, or at any rate they were subscribers, but they have intimated that since we have said something about their business we are no longer any good, and never were any good, and they are surprised at us, because they have at hand the necessary opinions of 'three responsible physicians' who know it all, and even if millions are made sick and die lingering deaths, we must not say a word on the subject. All of which scares us very much, and we promise not to publish anything more on this question until we get the next chance." - 1928GAGE 03 21 397-8
    "Benefits of a Change of Diet .. aluminum cookware .. bilious attacks .. almost go blind .. ice-like film would form before my eyes.. three or four times a day.. seven days after I got new cooking pots the blindness gradually disappeared and in a month it was gone" - 1928GAGE 05 02 495
    "Iridiagnosis.. what a blessing it would be if parents, teachers, educators, physicians, and others were thoroughly informed in regard to the interpretation of physical forms, physiognomy, and particularly to iridiagnosis, so they could long in advance detect approaching sickness and therefore take timely measures to prevent it." - 1928GAGE 07 05 624-5
    "if ten thousand doctors swore on ten thousand Bibles that aluminum ware is harmless to human beings, I would not believe them" - 1928GAGE 07 25 695
    "Aluminum in City Drinking Water .. aluminum sulfate .. to be a real menace to the human body.. Chlorine ..this may be a good thing for the manufacturers of these products, but what about the effects upon human health?" - 1928GAGE 10 03 016
    "Marked Improvement in Health .. Discarded aluminum cookware .. with very marked improvement in health. Whereas distress was present after every meal, now it is only rarely felt and then generally after a meal away from home where aluminum is used for cooking purposes.. neighbor .. improving in health right along" - 1928GAGE 10 31 081
    "Tried It on the Dog .. since discontinuing the aluminum vessels I hardly know what headaches and indigestion are and my bowels move freely and regularly, every morning and some times at noon and usually every night.. the fact that cancer is caused by chemical poisons, and not by germs of any kind or by what is known as virus.. I transferred my lot of aluminum from the kitchen to the junk pile. In a short time our food began to digest, the pains left, and we both have very good health for people of our age." - 1928GAGE 11 14 114-5
    "All human ailments have their start in the intestines .. a set of active bowels .. means a healthy brain.. Up until now he has been poisoned, stupefied, clogged and hampered by the Devil. He has been a slave to politicians, wholesale food magnates, preachers, railroads, bad cooks, worse doctors, an abnormal appetite, greedy undertakers and aluminum cooking utensils." - 1928GAGE 11 28 133/136-7
    "Constipation First, Cancer Next .. [where people cannot] afford aluminum cooking utensils, cancer is practically unknown.. As to why we published the articles by Dr. Betts .. a vast amount of money has been spent in this country in recent years in the advertising of aluminum cooking utensils. Like everybody else, the editor .. believed these advertisements; purchased aluminum ware, and used it exclusively in his home for years. Conceding that if it is good to cook in it would also be good to use as a table-top, he purchased for his kitchen table a sheet of beautiful new aluminum, bent it to fit the table-top and rather proudly invited his wife to use it.. She did so, and when she had rolled out the crust for a pie (the editor admits that nobody should eat pie, but most Americans do,) .. that pie crust was as gray as your hat, and was thrown out because we would not eat it.. This is an experiment that you can try yourself with very little difficulty and not much expense; and obviously, if a sheet of pure aluminum is not a fit thing to use as a mixing board, it is not a fit thing to cook food in.. Since we published the article by Dr. Betts and Dr. Held we have begun to receive letters from our subscribers which would make us wonder how this matter could have remained covered so long. The only possible explanation we can give is the love of money and the fear of offending those who have it and who want more of it" - 1928GAGE 12 12 178/188-9
    "the invisible enemies of the public health, who are determined to keep aluminum on the market for financial reasons.. business seems to have no conscience, and to insure trade and profits, not one of them will pay the least attention to the Golden Rule. And furthermore, if they knew that death would result to large numbers who buy and use their poisonous metal, they would still make and sell it until prohibited from doing so by statute laws.. 'The Way of the Reformer' .. the Federal Trade Commission's attorney dropped in here the other day, with invested authority to examine all my accounts and correspondence.. he advised me that I had been charged with conspiracy and violation of the Clayton Act.. confiscated 'An Opinion on Aluminum' and 'Aluminum Poisoning' .. if they succeed in this action, as charged, both books will be suppressed.. bumped off .. I recovered the books.. So-called medical science has made another 'discovery'. That is not extraordinary, for it has made many in ages past and will make many more in ages to come, for 'discoveries' are easy to make by an institution founded on ignorance, error, and superstition. Some day so-called medical science will discover that all its 'discoveries' have discovered nothing but its own ignorance." - 1929GAGE 01 09 243-5
    "Two More Aluminum Sacrifices .. how many fathers and mothers made ill; how many babies slain before the government takes a hand in this thing and prevent this unnecessary slaughter .. the principal officers and stockholders in the aluminum trusts are such an important part of the government itself and have such power to control its activities." - 1929GAGE 01 23 275
    "A Cemetery Dinner and the Press .. Presbyterian Church .. 75 [killed in] mass poisoning .. rich aluminum industry" - 1929GAGE 02 06 302
    "Acting on the principle that all disease, except where mechanical lesions are present, is caused by impure blood and obstructed circulation, the logical procedure in every-day ailments is to aid elimination and improve the blood circulation. The following recipes are entirely harmless and have proved effective when all other means have failed.. Appendicitis .. elderblossom, peppermint and yarrow; best crushed ginger .. A cure is usually certain in the most severe cases. Do not be afraid of the perspiration caused. You may vomit at first .. Asthma .. vervain, horehound, and elecampane .. Cancer .. Here is a herbal remedy that has cured many very severe cases. Violet leaves, yellow dock, red clover tops .. Diptheria .. red sage .. Epilepsy .. onions .. valerian root, vervain, wood betony and scullcap .. Heart Affections .. motherwort, gentian root and scullcap .. Spinal manipulation .. Liver Affections .. Horehound, agrimony, crushed ginger, gentian" - 1929GAGE 02 06 304-7
    "'Off Aluminum for Life' If they think aluminum poisoning is a good way to hasten their footsteps out of this world, it is all well with us. But it is a general human attribute to try to stay in this world as long as possible.. aluminum poisoning is killing more people every day than the flu." - 1929GAGE 03 20 406-7
    "Some Unusual Sources and Results of Aluminum Poisoning .. from eighty to ninety percent of all my patients, both in acute and chronic cases, show aluminum poisoning in one or more places in the body. Thus, after syphilis [aluminum] is the most common source of toxemia.. According to medical scientific procedure and results, the acute poisoning by a drug or plant in a non-lethal dose is counteracted and corrected by the high potency of that same drug or plant given internally.. We all know about the aluminum baking powder; but we often forget this in buying bakery cakes, etc., made with that same baking powder.. Results of a De-aluminized Diet .. I firmly believe that aluminum poison was the cause of the cancer as well as of the other diseases mentioned.. gall bladder trouble .. indigestion .. bad colds" - 1929GAGE 04 03 436-7
    "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows the seed of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccination is a crime, an outrage and a delusion." - 1929GAGE 05 01 502
    "Sundry Experiences with Aluminum .. the human body, like everything else, is built of electrons .. if these atoms are normal, then their electrons are functioning properly and orderly, health is enjoyed. But any atomic derangement causes a disease of body, and the symptoms of the disease will manifest itself in the weakest part of the body.. the electronic content of the atoms of the human machine needs a variety of compounds particular to the functioning units of the organism.. I wish I were chemist enough to have told just what did kill them." - 1929GAGE 05 29 564
    "Aluminum phosphate .. Organic Aluminum is a Poison Too .. paralytic" - 1929GAGE 08 07 720-1
    "The Slaughter of the Innocents .. On reading a report in The Golden Age that seventy percent of New York's children are defective, and eighty-five percent of Chicago's children, we must all realize that this terrible condition is only of very recent years. How can it be otherwise? The streets are just lined with M.D. poison squirters. They are seen everywhere with grips full of the most deadly poisons and needles for injecting them. This they do to every child they can corner. Without doubt the fifteen and thirty percent found O.K. are in most cases those who have escaped the poison squad. First, there is the M.D. vaccinating mania. Then comes the antitoxin for other excuses, etc., until the children are full of the most deadly poisons known. Added to this is the fact that they are compelled to drink milk from cows that have also been subjected to a liberal injection of tuberculin, a most terrible deadly poison. This poison enters directly into the blood circulation. Hence the milk. Then this milk is sterilized, or scalded to the boiling point or nearly so, destroying much of the life-giving nourishment of the milk, but not injuring the poison therein.. Scalded milk, for either adults or children, is very constipating. This in turn causes more deaths and resulting ailments than do all other causes combined, I surely believe." - 1929GAGE 09 24 682
    "One More for the Un-Scientific American .. 'I want to express my appreciation of the good work you are doing in publishing the health articles, also of the truth regarding aluminum kitchen utensils.' .. surely there must be something rotten in its back yard when a magazine professedly devoted to the health interests of the people lends itself as the mouthpiece of the spider in the face of the thoroughly proven unhealthfulness of aluminum kitchenware.. A Dead Fly in the Ointment .. aluminum .. pseudo-scientists who would not be expected to favor the truth on the subject.. the truth was not wanted.. money, ignorance [not] any real concern in regard to the truth on the aluminum question or the health interest of the people.. the unhealthfulness of aluminum has time and again been absolutely proved. Nor has its harmful effects ever been in the least exaggerated by Dr. Betts or anyone else.. the half yet remains to be told.. the results of its use, not mere scientific opinion, is the ironclad [proof of the poisonous nature of] aluminum.. an internal cancerous condition" - 1929GAGE 10 02 020-2
    "Aluminum Causes Death of Twins" - 1929GAGE 10 16 052
    "Cancer: Its Causes and Prevention .. all man's bodily troubles originate in his intestines" - 1929GAGE 10 30 079-80
    "Just one joint of the vertebra stiffening up and bringing pressure upon the nerve centers will bring about a draining of the suprarenal glands with the result that our vitality will be used up faster than we can manufacture it, and the first thing we know we begin to get shaky and slow down, so that it is hard work to drag ourselves through the day. Can this be overcome? Surely so. Just place yourself in the hands of a first-class osteopath or chiropractor, and frequently, within an hour or so after the first adjustment you will begin to feel your vitality coming back.. Avoid the loss of organs of the body by surgical operations.. If the organs are diseased, heal them by correcting your diet. Avoid the use of aluminum cooking utensils and alum baking powders as they are injurious to your health, poisoning your blood stream.. Sleep on the right side or flat on your back, with the head toward the north so as to get benefit of the earth's magnetic currents. Avoid serum inoculations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus.. Stop chewing gum, as you need the saliva for your food.. medicines are of little value" - 1929GAGE 11 13 106-7
    "Ode to the Milkman .. Dr. Science .. pasteurization .. and scare-headline reporters magnified it beyond its worth.. dairymen .. more interested in money than in milk .. by warning the people about the other fellow's milk" - 1929GAGE 11 27 137
    "I happen to know that those who are using the exclusive grape diet in connection with other therapeutical measures (such as hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and spinal stimulation, etc.) are much more successful in the treatment of cancer cases" - 1929GAGE 12 11 180
    "brushing causes the diseases of the mouth, now common to our children" - 1929GAGE 12 25 211
    "The Merry Work of Poisoning .. nobody .. that is interested in the manufacture of aluminum utensils has any interest whatever in humanity" - 1930GAGE 05 28 560-1
    "Fewer People Using Aluminum .. As a result of the publication of wholesome truth on the subject, there are fewer people now purchasing aluminum cooking utensils than heretofore. There is also a pronounced drop in the cancer death rate. Much aluminum used: many cancers. Less aluminum used: fewer cancers" - 1930GAGE 05 28 561
    "The Sacredness of Human Blood .. much looseness of our day along sexual lines may be traceable to the easy and continual violation of the divine commands to keep human and animal blood apart from each other. With cells of foreign blood racing through his veins a man is not normal, not himself, but lacks the poise and balance which makes for self control.. the vaccination law reduces the father and mother to mere slavery, almost as bad as the colored people were in, when their children were put up on the block and sold. In many slave-sale cases the mother and father were even forbidden to shed tears. Vaccinations are a violation of the Eternal Covenant God made with Noah after the flood.. Quite likely there is some connection between the violation of human blood and the spread of demonism.. sexual immorality .. Vaccination has never saved a human life.. It does not prevent smallpox." - 1931GAGE 02 04 293-4
    "E.R.A. is in its infancy, and during the past seven years it has weathered many storms, but it still lives and our methods of diagnosis and treatment have proven their value, and electronic medicine is on a firmer foundation today than it has ever been.. We can make the test for cancer, both malignant and incipient, and the electronic treatment will relieve the disease; and now that we know that food cooked in aluminum is poisonous and makes fertile soil for the growth of cancer, let us each do our share in suggesting to our patients that they abandon the use of aluminum ware and maintain good health. We have it in our power to help reduce the menacing cancer mortality and smite this dread enemy which now casts its shadow over this fair country of ours." - 1931GAGE 02 19 342
    "Do you know the germ theory has never been proven? And it cannot be proven, either. If it had been proven, it would not be a theory. It has been truly said that 'knowledge without evidence is superstition'; and that applies to the germ theory also. It is a leftover superstition of a past age, when men feared that the earth was inhabited with hideous monsters that were hiding everywhere, in the air, in the sea, in the darkness, etc., always ready to jump out and devour him or make life otherwise miserable for him.. now that we have come into this enlightened age, we have discarded the hideous monster superstition for want of positive proof, but we are still just as foolish as our forefathers of old. We have turned from a gigantic monster theory, to the germs, which are so small that we cannot hear, see, feel, smell or taste them. Yet they are just as ferocious as the monsters of old, 'lurking everywhere, ready to attack man and send him to an early grave. According to the inventors of this preposterous idea, the germ's only aim in life is to make life miserable for man. But fortunately for all of us, it is only an idea." - 1931GAGE 03 18 404
    "Mr. West mentions so-called 'syphilis.' Why does he not prove that there is such a disease? He simply accepts the existence of the protean monster on faith.. We do well to bear in mind that among the drugs, serums, vaccines, surgical operations, etc., of the medical profession, there is nothing of value save an occasional surgical procedure. Their so-called 'science' grew out of Egyptian black magic and has not lost its demonological character. By their own admission, more deaths are caused by their practices every year in this country than from any other cause. We shall be in a sad plight when we place the welfare of the race in their hand. Readers of 'The Golden Age' know the unpleasant truth about the clergy; they should also know the truth about the medical profession, which sprang from the same demon worshipping shamans (doctor priests) as did the 'doctors of divinity.'.. These readers know the truth about the politicians, who also descended from the same line of 'children God' or 'children of the Sun' as did the priests and medicine men. Hippocrates was the grandson of Apollo .. medicine originated in demonology and spent its time until the last century and a half trying to exorcise demons. During the past half century it has tried to exorcise germs. Its methods are the same in both efforts at exorcism, and instead of injuring the demon or the germ, the injury is often to the patient.. we shall be in a sad plight when we place the welfare of the race in their hands." - 1931GAGE 08 05 727-8
    "Aluminum Poisoning .. Unlike Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, Dr. A.S. Cushman, and other .. apologists for the aluminum trust, they do not stop at mere chemical or electronic analysis and draw conclusions therefrom, but they establish a convincing connection between this method of taking particles of aluminum or compounds thereof into the human system and the definite effect on the person thus partaking. Dr. Wiley and Dr. Cushman merely analyzed food for aluminum, and, because they found only small quantities or mere traces of aluminum in suspected food, concluding that persons partaking of such food could not possibly become poisoned thereby; while Dr. Love and Dr. Betts each found poisoned persons and then traced the poison by means of scientific tests back to the aluminum and the aluminum-poisoned food" - 1931GAGE 10 28 054
    "Sterilization of Milk by Sound .. this ought to put an end to pasteurization" - 1932GAGE 03 30 391
    "Truth Comes to the Surface Quickly .. aluminum ware .. used previous to 99 percent of all group poisoning cases" - 1932GAGE 04 13 442
    "Poisons Formed by Aluminum Cooking Utensils .. a curse to humanity and their manufacture and use should be forbidden by law" - 1932GAGE 10 26 35-8
    "Osteopathic Treatment of Insanity" - 1932GAGE 10 26 53-4, 1949AWAK 05 08 13-5, 1961AWAK 12 08
    "The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing." - 1933GAGE 09 13 777
    "Enfeebled constitutions, inherited from fashionable mothers" - 1933GAGE 10 25 057
    "The Journal of the A.M.A. [American Medical Association] is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail.. Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination.. Its editor [Morris Fishbein M.D.] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ." - 1934GAGE 09 26 807
    "Appendicitis: Take one ounce each of elder blossom, peppermint and yarrow and simmer in three pints of water .. take a wineglassful every fifteen minutes.. Do not be afraid of the perspiration caused, or if you vomit. You will be better off with an empty stomach." - 1934GAGE 12 19 187
    "Poisoning by Aspirin .. The Menace of Heart Disease .. Aspirin causes heart disease" - 1935GAGE 02 27 343-4
    "The Abundant Metal Again .. persons possessing a strong digestive apparatus and great power of resistance to poisons .. sooner or later [succumbed to] aluminum" - 1935GAGE 02 27 343-4
    "'Aluminum Poisoning Achievements'.. The unseen guests at the aluminum-dinner table: Food Poisoning, Cancer, Death .. It was salts of aluminum that killed the children, and is killing the whole country.. Deaths from cancer have increased steadily since 1900. At that time 63 of every 100,000 persons died from that cause; the present death rate is 102 per 100,000. The rate of progress in the wrong direction has kept step steadily with the increased use of aluminum cooking utensils.. Meantime 'health experts' are filling the papers and magazines with pictures and stories and lies of how supremely healthful aluminum utensils are. It is astonishing what a capacity the American people have for absorbing lies. And don't the Big Business boys know it well?.. there is not one single thing about Satan's kingdom that is right, not even it's most-boasted cooking utensils.. Aluminum Trust Guilty of Two More Murders .. to make food poisonous .. let it stand long enough in the aluminum vessel in which it is cooked. With this preliminary information anybody except a hardware merchant, or a publisher of advertisements, or a member of the American Medical Association will understand [the] Miami (Fla.) Daily Tribune for June 27, under the headline 'Bad Potatoes Kill Two Boys.' It is not surprising how quickly and efficiently the trust gets on the job to cover up the truth in every one of these cases of aluminum poisoning? All that was necessary to conceal the truth was to use the word 'bacterial' instead of the word 'aluminum,' and the trick is done as neatly as any hangman ever tied a nose. But will those who arrange and support this diabolical propaganda to suppress the truth be able to answer to Almighty God for the suffering and misery of which they are the direct cause?" - 1936GAGE 09 23 803-4/809
    "Pasteur's teachings have cost untold millions in health and they have destroyed unnumbered lives in the world. Pasteur was primarily interested in wealth and glory. He did sensational things to achieve this end. He was in the habit of making pronunciamentos before he had proved that he was right. Then he stuck to his dogmas despite all findings to the contrary.. Hydrophobia [rabies] is more of a mental hoax than a reality .. Pasteur does not cure hydrophobia; he gives it.. Pasteurization of milk is only good to preserve it, but bad for the consumer.. And so one more gasbag blows up." - 1936GAGE 09 23 814
    "The physiological action of aspirin, or of any of this general group or class of drugs, is to reduce, or relax, arterial tension and weaken the contractility or elasticity of the muscular fibers of the heart. By the excessive and continuous use of aspirin, the heart muscles become soft and flabby, the heart valves relax and lose the power to properly perform their normal function, and by degrees the blood begins to regurgitate or flow back through the weakened heart-valves with each heart pulsation, thus gradually and unawares producing a valvular heart-lesion, which, when once established, is never cured, but continues to grow worse and worse until death results" - 1936GAGE 09 23 822
    "Do not use X-Rays .. sure to harm the grandchildren of those exposed to them." - 1936GAGE 09 23 828
    "At Los Angeles a youth of 20 years was caught in the act of choking a woman of 75. Arrested, and suspected of three murders, he claims the urge to kill came as a result of serum inoculations" - 1937CONS 12 01 12
    "Who are the Quacks? .. the majority [of American doctors] practice pure quackery and are also faddists and ignoramuses" - 1938CONS 02 23 11-2
    "The Proof of the Pudding .. Aluminum Homicide .. Aluminum Foil for Wrapping Food .. Cumulative Poison .. luminous [radioactive]" - 1938CONS 04 20 10
    "the irrefutably logical fact that serums and vaccines are products of contamination.. rise in cancer is attributed to the use of serums.. for the best part they are but handicaps to inherent healing forces of the human body.. these are by-products of pus matter.. in reality and action it is worse than the proverbial 'seven plagues'.. One may go through life without having serious manifestations of what has been injected into his blood-stream, thus thinking he was 'immunized', but, suddenly, it may begin its satanic work on his child, or even 'unto third and fourth generation'." - 1939CONS 03 22 21
    "Vaccines are a cruel hoax" - 1939CONS 05 31 03
    "Is Aluminum Poisonous? .. Among the first to discover the injurious effects of aluminum upon the human organism was Dr. C.T. Betts, a dentist with a talent for analysis. Doctors had given him up. He could not live much longer, they said. But Dr. Betts went west for a final try, at some mineral springs. One day, when filling an aluminum cup at one of these springs he noted that the water was effervescent in the cup. A lady filling a glass jar obtained no such results. The dentist's busy brain went to work on the simple fact, and he began to associate the phenomenon with the aluminum, and the aluminum with his illness. Returning home he discontinued the use of aluminum in his kitchen for a while to see. He did see. The aluminum disappeared from the kitchen and the sickness disappeared from the doctor." - 1947AWAK 01 08 21-4
    "Take Out Potatoes, Toss in Silver'.. If you have cooked your potatoes or any legume, such as peas or beans, in your aluminum container, just take out the vegetables and toss your silver into the water in which they were cooked. While you are eating your vegetables, the broth in the aluminum pot will be eating the tarnish off your silverware.. The purpose in publishing this news is not only to offer a practical kitchen help to the housewife. A more important reason is to draw attention to the role of aluminum cooking ware. When vegetable broth contacts aluminum a chemical solution is created that is powerful enough to eat the rust off silver. Would you care to eat this solution? Don't you wonder whether it is also powerful enough to affect the human system?" - 1948AWAK 05 22 11
    "Inside Story About Aluminum .. The facts of the subject are an inside story, but since your insides and those of millions of other people are involved, Dr. C.T. Betts, of Toledo, Ohio, has brought out facts which were being covered up. He found from personal experience, experiment and observation how injurious aluminum can be. He has issued an interesting pamphlet on 'How Does the Government Suppress the Truth About Aluminum?' The pamphlet includes a personal narrative. In 1913 Dr. Betts was told by three physicians he had but a few months to live. Dr. Betts is alive today. He cured himself by discontinuing the use of aluminum cooking utensils. He had found that aluminum in contact with mineral water produced gas. He noted how aluminum or alum, mixed with soda and sulfuric acid, was sold as baking powder, to make gas in the dough. The same chemical reaction occurred in the stomach when aluminum that had come off into the food contacted gastric juices." - 1949AWAK 08 08 16
    "Medical science, in fact, claims that vaccination actually results in building up the vitality of the blood to resist the disease against which the person is inoculated. But, of course, that is a question for each individual concerned to decide for himself and as he sees it to be Jehovah's will for him.. We merely offer the above information on request, but can assume no responsibility for the decision and course the reader may take." - 1952WTWR 12 15 764
    "Quack Cures and Food Fads .. One of these electrical gadgets supposedly was based on a theory that disease causes the body to radiate electrical energy at some specific frequency peculiar to that disease. The same machine diagnosed and likewise treated all diseases.. This machine, called Radioclast, was investigated by the Police Bureau of a large city. And a reliable magazine (Radio Craft, February 1944; now called Radio-Electronics) published the results of this investigation .. and the reasons why the claims made for it could not be true.. The patient holds an electrode in his hand, and the doctor, with one hand, rubs his fingers over a little glass plate and turns dials and knobs with the other. When the doctor 'tunes in' to the disease, he is supposed to feel some resistance to his stroking, due to the effects of the 'vibrations' on the glass plate.. Quacks .. How are they obtained? Many testimonials are bought outright. It is simply your signature for cash." - 1953AWAK 09 22 21-2
    "To properly study The Watchtower we must approach it with the right heart attitude .. we have no grounds for approaching a study of it with suspicion" - 1953WTWR 10 15 623
    "Modern parents, in this age of delinquent youngsters, can take a lesson from the mother 'teddy bear,' the koala. When baby koalas 'are really naughty,' writes Ivan T. Sanderson in his new book Living Mammals of the World, 'the mother turns them over her knee and spanks them on their bottoms for minutes on end with the flat of her hand, during which time their screams are soul-rending." - 1956WTWR 02 01 095
    "as a rule, for a Christian to go to a worldly psychiatrist is an admission of defeat, it amounts to 'going down to Egypt for help.' -Isaiah 31:1. Often when a Witness of Jehovah goes to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist will try to persuade him that his troubles are caused by his religion, entirely overlooking the fact that the Christian witnesses of Jehovah are the best-oriented, happiest and most contented group of people on the face of the earth.. They have the least need for psychiatrists. Also, more and more psychiatrists are resorting to hypnosis, which is a demonic form of worldly wisdom." - 1960AWAK 03 08 27
    "What About Aluminum Cooking Utensils? .. At present the great majority of authorities in medical and scientific fields gave aluminum a rather clean bill of health.. For Christian ministers, especially, it is well to note that, apart from eating what they have found to be good for them, there are other things of far greater importance than material food. Rom. 14:17." - 1962AWAK 06 22 08-10
    "Are idolatry and fornication damaging to the Christian personality? Disastrously so! So too is the taking in of blood, whether through blood foods or blood transfusions .. Transfusing blood, then, may amount to transfusing tainted personality traits." - 1962WTWR 05 15 302
    "Protecting Yourself From Wicked Spirit Forces .. Radiesthesia .. sensitivity to radiations.. Radiesthesia, which is now very widespread, is believed by many to be a form of psychic healing.. Because of this link with ESP, the true Christian would not want to risk playing into the hands of demons, and thus wisely refrains from any manner of diagnosing or healing that arouses suspicions of spiritism. For the sake of protection, then, the true Christian will want to avoid all those things that not only lack a known scientific basis but do have a known link to ESP or spiritism. Seek Jehovah with your whole heart, never denying his power by disobedience, so that you may have divine protection from 'wicked spirit forces." - 1962WTWR 11 15 679-80
    "Would it be a violation of the Scriptures for a Christian to permit a veterinarian to give blood transfusions to a pet? And what of animal food? May it be used if there is reason to believe there is blood in it? Also, is it permissible to use fertilizer that has blood in it? The psalmist declared at Psalm 119:97: 'How I do love your law! All day long it is my concern.' Such a love of God's law and a concern for it would surely cause a dedicated servant of God to avoid any violation of God's law whatsoever. God's law on blood is very clear. Blood is not to be used as food and, when withdrawn from a body, it is to be poured out on the ground. (Gen. 9:3,4; Lev. 3:17; Deut. 12:16,23,24; Acts 15:20,28,29) Christians certainly would not wish to do anything in violation of Jehovah's law on blood. Love for God and for the righteous laws and principles of his Word calls forth that response from them in matters pertaining to blood. Since God's law on blood has not been altered over the centuries, Christians today realize that they are bound by it. Please note, however, that it is not fear of some reprisal that moves them to comply with Jehovah's law on blood. They do not obey God's law simply because violation of it might result in the imposing of sanctions by the Christian congregation of which they are a part. They love what is right. Furthermore, because of their love of God's law they will not rationalize or seek ways in which it appears possible to circumscribe it with seeming impunity. How, then, must we answer the question, Would it be a violation of the Scriptures for a Christian to permit a veterinarian to give blood transfusions to a pet? By all means, to do so would be a violation of the Scriptures. To use blood for transfusion purposes, even in the case of an animal, would be improper. The Bible is very clear in showing that blood should not be eaten. It should not be infused, therefore, to build up the body's vital forces, either in the case of a human or in the case of a pet or any other animal under the jurisdiction of a Christian. In harmony with this, surely a Christian parent could not rationalize to the effect that a pet belongs to a minor child and thus this unbaptized child might, on its own, authorize a veterinarian to administer the blood. No. The baptized parent bears the responsibility, for that parent has authority over the child and over the pet and should control the entire matter. That is the parent's obligation before God. -Eccl. 12:13,14; Jas. 4:17. What, then, of animal food? May it be used if there is reason to believe there is blood in it? As far as a Christian is concerned, the answer is No, on the basis of principles already mentioned. Therefore, if a Christian discovers that blood components are listed on the label of a container of dog food or some other animal food, he could not conscientiously feed that product to any animal over which he has jurisdiction. He could not conclude that doing so would be excusable, for this would not be a case of an animal killing another animal and helping itself to the blood of that creature. No, this would be a direct act on the part of the Christian, making him responsible for feeding blood to a pet or other animal belonging to him. Of course, if there is no indication on the label of a package of animal food that the product contains blood, a Christian might conclude that it could be used. Still, his conscience might trouble him. In that case he should put his conscience to rest by making reasonable inquiry and acting in accord with the information he receives, for a Christian surely desires to have a good conscience before God. -1 Pet. 3:21. But now, what about fertilizer that has blood in it? One who is going to show respect for God's law on blood would not use it. True, according to the Mosaic law, blood when taken from a body was to be poured out upon the ground and covered over with dust. (Lev. 17:13,14) The objective was, however, that the blood should serve no useful purpose when thus disposed of. It was not placed on the ground with the thought in mind that it would serve as fertilizer. Hence, no Christian farmer today could properly spread blood on his fields to fertilize the soil, nor would he use commercial fertilizer containing blood. Such blood use would be a commercializing on something that God has reserved for himself. It would be a violation of God's Word." - 1964WTWR 02 15 127-8
    "we cannot expect to find legislation in the Bible on transplanting human organs. Yet, this does not mean that we have no indication of God's view of such matters.. That would be cannibalism, a practice abhorrent to all civilized people. Jehovah clearly made a distinction between the lives of animals and the lives of humans, mankind being created in God's image, with his qualities. (Gen. 1:27) This distinction is evident in His next words. God proceeded to show that man's life is sacred and is not to be taken at will, as may be done with the animals to be used for food. To show disrespect for the sanctity of human life would make one liable to have his own life taken. Gen. 9:5,6. When there is a diseased or defective organ, the usual way health is restored is by taking in nutrients. The body uses the food eaten to repair or heal the organ, gradually replacing the cells. When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others.. Would allowing a body to be mutilated after death be showing respect for and appreciation of God's creation? True, in some instances there may be legal requirements that Christians abide by, such as when the law requires a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death. (Rom. 13:1,7; Mark 12:17) In such cases the next of kin can usually request that the organs not be removed for transplant or reuse. In this way, even though an autopsy might be required, the Christian can prevent misuse of the body of a loved one. But when such laws do not apply, the Christian can decide in such a way as to avoid unnecessary mutilation and any possible misuse of the body. Thus he will be able to have a clear conscience before God. -1 Pet. 3:16. It should be evident from this discussion that Christians who have been enlightened by God's Word do not need to make these decisions simply on the basis of personal whim or emotion. They can consider the divine principles recorded in the Scriptures and use these in making personal decisions as they look to God for direction, trusting him and putting their confidence in the future that he has in store for those who love him. -Prov. 3:5,6; Ps. 119:105." - 1967WTWR 11 15 702-4
    "Aluminum, From Curiosity To Versatility .. one of the most versatile metals known to man for which he should be grateful to the Grand Creator, who first locked it in the crust of the earth." - 1969AWAK 08 08 17-21
    "masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts" - 1970WTWR 05 15 315
    "How Is Your Heart? .. Where and what is your heart? You may say, What heart are you talking about? You know you have a heart in your chest, one that is pumping blood.. But do you have another 'heart' in your head, a 'figurative heart'? Is it part of your brain.. ? No! The brain, in which the mind resides, is one thing and the heart in our thorax, with its power of motivation, is another thing.. The Bible does not speak of a symbolic or spiritual heart in contradistinction to the fleshly or literal heart, just as it does not speak of a symbolic mind, and thus we do not want to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today. Most psychiatrists and psychologists tend to overcategorize the mind and allow for little if any influence from the fleshly heart, looking upon the word 'heart' merely as a figure of speech apart from its use in identifying the organ that pumps our blood.. The heart, nevertheless, is intricately connected with the brain by the nervous system and is well supplied with sensory nerve endings. The sensations of the heart are recorded on the brain. It is here that the heart brings to bear on the mind its desires and its affections in arriving at conclusions having to do with motivations. In reverse flow, the mind feeds the heart with interpretations of the impulses from the senses and with conclusions reached that are based on the knowledge it has received, either at the moment or from the memory. There is a close interrelationship between the heart and the mind, but they are two different faculties, centering in different locations. The heart is a marvelously designed muscular pump, but, more significantly, our emotional and motivating capacities are built within it. Love, hate, desire (good and bad), preference for one thing over another, ambition, fear - in effect, all that serves to motivate us in relationship to our affections and desires springs from the heart.. It is significant that heart-transplant patients, where the nerves connecting the heart and brain are severed, have serious emotional problems after the operation.. the new heart in turn registers few, if any, clear factors of motivation on the brain. To what extent the nerve endings of the body and the new heart are able to make some connections in time is not clear, but this cannot be ruled out as one of the several factors causing the serious mental aberrations and disorientation that doctors report are observed in heart-transplant patients. These patients have donor-supplied pumps for their blood, but do they now have all the factors needed to say they have a 'heart'? One thing is sure, in losing their own hearts, they have had taken away from them the capacities of 'heart' built up in them over the years and which contributed to making them who they were as to personality." - 1971WTWR 03 01 133-9
    "Is the turning of people from the clergy to the psychiatrists a healthy phenomenon? No, for it really is a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. They are worse off than they were before.. That [mental health professionals] are not the ones to go to for help when one is depressed and beset with all manner of problems is to be seen from the fact that suicides among them are twice as frequent as among the population in general .. what is needed at such times is not worldly psychiatrists who may wholly ignore the change that the truth and God's holy spirit have made in one's life and who know nothing of their power to help one put on a new Christian personality. Rather, what is needed at such times is a mature Christian in whom one has confidence and who is vitally interested in one's welfare and who will not shrink back from administering needed reproof or counsel so that one may get healed." - 1975AWAK 08 22 25
    "Masturbation and Homosexuality .. In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality.. Proper hygiene calls for certain handling of the sex organs, and one might feel that this would be a temptation to misuse them. But because your motive is right - with the aim of avoiding sexual tension - you may well find that such care will instead help you to take a more healthful view toward these organs. You will appreciate that they were never meant to 'take you over' and rule your whole life.. Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ .. will kindly and patiently help you to build up the needed strength so that you come off victorious." - 1976YYGB 35-8
    "many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood." - 1977JWQB 41
    "What are we to understand, then, by the word 'heart'?.. What an amazing number of different functions and capabilities are ascribed to the heart! Do all of these reside in the literal heart? That could hardly be so.. in nearly a thousand other references to 'heart' in the Bible, 'heart' is obviously used in a figurative sense.. obviously, a distinction must be drawn between the heart organ and the figurative heart." - 1984WTWR 09 01 03-7
    "Blood - Vital for Life .. Cannibals are condemned. Why do we not abhor those who stain their gullet with human blood? Similar is the receiving of alien blood from a cut vein, either through the mouth or by instruments of transfusion. The authors of this operation are held in terror by the divine law, by which the eating of blood is prohibited.. to force blood on a Christian would be the equivalent of forcible sex - rape." - 1990HCBS 06/20
    "Do not let anyone try to talk you out of this right to be satisfied with the anesthesiologist for your surgery. To all of these, you must make clear your nonnegotiable stand: No Blood.. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Some have waited too long to get help and put their very lives in danger. VALUABLE HELP IN A TIME OF NEED .. Note the following procedure for obtaining needed help: (1) As soon as you or a loved one faces either elective or emergency surgery where there is a confrontation because the hospital wants to use blood; or (2) if your medical situation or that of a loved one deteriorates seriously; or (3) if in the case of a child (or an adult), the doctor, a nurse, or an administrator says they are going to get a court order, then: call your local elders if you have not already done so. (Indeed, because of our position on blood, it is the course of wisdom to alert our elders anytime we have to go to a health care facility.) Next, if it is deemed necessary, the elders will call the nearest Hospital Liaison Committee. If you wish, some Hospital Liaison Committee members may come to the hospital at this time to help you. -Isa. 32:1,2.. LOADED QUESTIONS TO WATCH OUT FOR .. You should know that there are some questions that doctors and others pose that are not always asked with good motive. The one most frequently asked by doctors (and by some judges) is: 'Would you rather die (let your child die) than accept a 'lifesaving blood transfusion'?' If you say yes, that would be correct in a religious sense. But that reply is often misunderstood and at times even produces adverse court decisions. You must remember that you are not in the ministry in this situation.. They will brand you a religious fanatic, unable to make rational decisions when life is at stake. In the case of children, they will see you as a negligent parent who refuses so-called 'lifesaving' medical treatment. But you are NOT denying medical treatment as such.. You must understand that in asking these questions, some are usually looking for a way around your refusal to accept blood. Do not inadvertently give it to them! So how would we avoid that misunderstanding? You could reply: 'If blood is forced on me in any way, it would be the same to me as being raped. I would suffer the emotional and spiritual consequences of that unwanted attack on me for the rest of my life. I would resist with all my strength such a violation of my body without my consent. I would make every effort to prosecute my attackers just as I would in a case of rape.' The strong, graphic impression must be made that a forced transfusion is to us a repugnant violation of our bodies. It is no casual matter. So hold your ground.. We have also seen what the Society has lovingly done to provide help in a time of need. What must you do with this information to be sure you are ready to face a faith-challenging medical situation? First: Have a family discussion to rehearse these matters and to work out what you will say and do, especially in an emergency. Next: See that you have all the documents you need. Then: Make it a matter of serious prayer to Jehovah to back you up in your firm resolve to 'keep abstaining from blood.' Obeying his law on blood assures us of his favor for endless life. -Acts 15:29; Prov. 27:11,12. If any medical situation deteriorates seriously to the point where a transfusion is being threatened, check this box as to what you should do: 1. Call elders in your congregation to assist you. 2. Have elders call the nearest Hospital Liaison Committee if needed. 3. The Hospital Liaison Committee can assist you in speaking to doctors and others. 4. The Hospital Liaison Committee can help you" - 1990KMIN 11 01 3-6
    "satanic opposition will be manifested by global action against Jehovah's earthly servants, the visible representatives and proclaimers of God's Kingdom." - 1990WTWR 05 15 06

    The Watchtower's measured grasp exhibited above (viewed in the light of scientific knowledge prevalent at the times of writing) leaves one in no doubt whatsoever as to how competent, reliable, responsible and authoritative it is as a teacher, even more one claiming the status of God's sole representative on Earth, prophetlike, uttering words put by God into its very mouth. Accordingly, using the past as a rough guide to the future, one should rightly assess whether the Watchtower will decide - after a few more thousand extra deaths - that its teachings on blood too were entirely in error, and quietly reverse them.

    One quote from Jehovah's Witness apologist author Rolf Furuli, who says he is a Research fellow in Semitic languages at the University of Oslo, in one of his posts defending the Watchtower's stance on medical issues:
    "The Watchtower Society .. I view it the same way that my students view me, as a teacher" -
    I sincerely hope that statement is incorrect - and not only for the sake of your students, Mr. Furuli.

    I, for one, do not subscribe to the Watchtower's belief that in God's view:
    "Individual persons are of small importance" - 1939SALV 50
    which institutional attitude lies at the very heart of this tragedy.


    AWAK - Awake! periodical
    CONS - Consolation periodical (replaced by Awake!)
    DIEA - Demons Infest Earth's Atmosphere
    GAGE - The Golden Age periodical (replaced by Consolation)
    HCBS - How Can Blood Save Your Life?
    JWQB - Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood
    KMIN - Our Kingdom Ministry periodical (U.S.)
    SALV - Salvation; disclosing God's provision for man's protection from disaster and salvation to life everlasting in complete happiness; a text book for the Jonadabs
    SV13 - Souvenir Notes of the Bible Students' Conventions, Asheville, NC
    WTWR - The Watchtower, Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom (includes Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence (July 1879 - December 15 1907) and The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence (January 1 1908 - February 15 1939; 'Watch Tower' made into one word on October 15 1931, 'Presence' replaced by 'Kingdom' January 1 1939)) periodical
    YYGB - Your Youth - Getting the Best Out of It

    The format is 'yyyyNAME mm dd page' for periodicals and 'yyyyNAME page' for other publications, where the date of publication is mm/dd/yyyy.
    ".." is used to show that text is omitted. Material inserted within square brackets is not commentary but is to facilitate abbreviation.

    None of the above comprises "Medical Advice" in the view of the publisher of this article. Anyone following <i>any</i> of the advice of the Watchtower seriously needs their head examined - by a proper doctor.

    The Watchtower Society and the Creed of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a CHEAT,
    a FRAUD, a DISGRACE, an ABOMINATION and a DAMNED OUTRAGE from start to finish.

    And on the third day, God said:
    "Let there be div(D)=Pf, div(B)=0, curl(E)=-dB/dt, curl(H)=jf+dD/dt."
    And there was light."


    Prominent Bethelite.

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' ownBIBLICAL "ENCYCLOPEDIA", Insight On the Scriptures Vol. 1 Aaron-Jehoshua, 1988, pp296-7 (capitalization mine):-
    "As a major city of the northern kingdom under Jeroboam, BETHEL .. BECAME RENOWNED AS A CENTER OF FALSE WORSHIP. At BETHEL, in the extreme south of the newly formed kingdom of Israel .. Jeroboam set up the GOLDEN CALVES in his effort to dissuade the people of his realm from going to the temple at Jerusalem. (1 Ki 12:27-29) With its OWN RELIGIOUS HOUSE and ALTAR, a SPECIALLY INVENTED FESTIVAL TIME .. BETHEL BECAME A SYMBOL OF RANK APOSTASY FROM TRUE WORSHIP. (1 Ki 12:31-33) Jehovah God did not delay in expressing his DISAPPROVAL .. to Bethel to pronounce judgment against the ALTAR used in connection with CALF WORSHIP.. The prophets Amos and Hosea .. proclaimed GOD'S CONDEMNATION of the RELIGIOUS CORRUPTION CENTERED AT BETHEL.. Hosea .. warns that ITS CALF IDOL served by foreign-god priests will come to be a CAUSE FOR MOURNING.. The prophet Amos spoke in similar vein, showing that, no matter how frequent the SACRIFICES offered by the people at BETHEL'S ALTARS, their PIOUS PILGRIMAGES to that place ONLY CONSTITUTED THE COMMISSION OF TRANSGRESSION, AND WARNING THAT JEHOVAH'S BURNING ANGER WOULD BLAZE AGAINST THEM INEXTINGUISHABLY. (Am 3:14; 4:4; 5:5,6)"
    The national and international headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses are all called "Bethel" - and there are none so blind as those who will not see. Of course, the Wolf Class see only too well.

    "We need not here repeat the evidences that the 'seventh trump' began its sounding in A.D. 1840, and will continue until the end of the time of trouble" {WT Nov 1880 p1}; "masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts" {WT May 15 1970 p315; also WT Oct 1 1970 p604}; "If heaven were made the receptacle of the heathen, savages, barbarians, the idiotic, simple, insane and INFANTS, it would cease to be heaven to a considerable extent, and become a pandemonium . billions of ignorant, imbecile and degraded .. never formed characters [not] fit companions for saints" {WT Oct 15 1896 p245} Fine JW Wisdom!!

    Devised by MYSELF may be found at the following websites:-

    It is FULLY IN ACCORDANCE with the teachings of the WATCHTOWER Bible & Tract Society (WTBTS) for every member of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES to Carefully Study the following LIST, which comprises truly fine scriptural food from its own publications. Remember the WTBTS told you to confirm whether what was taught by the WTBTS was in harmony with the Bible - and if not, not to circulate it {WT Mar 1 1894 repr p1629}, to confirm WT teachings against the Bible {WT May 1 1934 p131}, to invite critical examination of your faith {WT Aug 15 1950 p263}, that, far from being wrong, it is your duty to examine religion to see if it is true or false {WT Nov 15 1963 p688}, that you should actively examine your own religion {The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life 1968 p13, a WTBTS publication}, that you should check and examine BOTH sides of a matter {Awake! Oct 22 1973 p6}, that your religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny {WT Aug 1 1978 p12}, that you should to be willing to submit everything to scrutiny {Awake! Aug 22 1984 p22/28}, that you should not have a closed mind {WT Nov 22 1984 p3-4}, that you should actively refer to the older publications {WT Jun 15 1985 p12}, that all people are encouraged to examine other religions with an open mind {WT Apr 1 1991 p17} and that you are encouraged to exhibit freedom of thought {Awake! Jun 8 1994 p21}. So, please follow the advice of the WTBTS as just given, and study this LIST very carefully. "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."(John 8:32). Fine advice indeed! THE LIST IS PRODUCED IN DIRECT RESPONSE TO A RECENT REQUEST BY THE WTBTS in {WT Dec 1 1990 p19}, where it quotes {WT Dec 15 1914 p377-8}: "If any one knows anything better, let him take it. If any of you ever find anything better, we hope you will tell us." Kindly, Prominent Bethelite has duly obliged. Having read it, if you find the WTBTS has ever told falsehoods, follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Dec 1 1991 p7} "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."; if you find the WTBTS has even made one false teaching, follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Feb 1 1992 p3} "Beware of False Prophets!" - and cut yourself off from these Foul Cheats.

  • Fredhall

    Boy Focus,

    It seems that Furuli is kicking Dr. Muramoto rear-end.

  • Tina

    uh Freddy-poo read it

  • Focus

    The British Medical Journal presumably feels very uncomfortable about placing the copious Watchtower """medical advice""" quoted above anywhere on its website - we know the likely result

    I should add that I added the medical disclaimer - just in case someone with the mental caliber associated with the Fredhall Class decides to go and obtain a 27-gauge syringe and..

    (Double-Bore Class)

  • Scorpion


    Do you understand what you are reading? How many times have you used that syringe Focus mentioned?

  • Focus
    Fred, Do you understand what you are reading? How many times have you used that syringe Focus mentioned?

    - note I was just quoting the Watchtower.

    Could someone rejig the material presented in the initiating post in this thread - the 100 medical quotes from the WTS - and submit it to the BMJ? They are clearly not going to post the original submission, perhaps because they did not see the relevance of the WTS's track record to the matter at hand. But the track record IS relevant - not justr because of kookiness, but because of the enormous reversals (re the ERA/biola, aluminum, vaccinations, transplants) documented therein.


    The links are at the top.

    (Submission! Class)

  • Focus

    Fredhall scribbled on his nappy:

    Boy Focus, It seems that Furuli is kicking Dr. Muramoto rear-end.

    Do check out - you have the respective rear-ends confused.

    The information in this thread is the sort of material that Prisca in is critical of appearing in this forum. It would not do for me to quote the Watchtower now:
    "Again we ask, What is the motive of these critics? Are they encouraging wakefulness on the part of God's people, or are they, rather, trying to justify themselves for falling back into sleepy inactivity? (1 Thessalonians 5:4-9)" - 1986WTWR 03 15 16-20, 'Allow No Place for the Devil!'
    would it?

    (Even Satan tells the truth sometimes? Class)

  • waiting

    Hey Focus-of-The-Long-Posts-Class,

    "Would it be a violation of the Scriptures for a Christian to permit a veterinarian to give blood transfusions to a pet? And what of animal food? May it be used if there is reason to believe there is blood in it? Also, is it permissible to use fertilizer that has blood in it? The psalmist declared at Psalm 119:97: 'How I do love your law! All day long it is my concern.' Such a love of God's law and a concern for it would surely cause a dedicated servant of God to avoid any violation of God's law whatsoever.[ God's law on blood is very clear. Blood is not to be used as food and, when withdrawn from a body, it is to be poured out on the ground. (Gen. 9:3,4; Lev. 3:17; Deut. 12:16,23,24; Acts 15:20,28,29)

    Christians certainly would not wish to do anything in violation of Jehovah's law on blood. Love for God and for the righteous laws and principles of his Word calls forth that response from them in matters pertaining to blood. Since God's law on blood has not been altered over the centuries, Christians today realize that they are bound by it. Please note, however, that it is not fear of some reprisal that moves them to comply with Jehovah's law on blood. They do not obey God's law simply because violation of it might result in the imposing of sanctions by the Christian congregation of which they are a part. They love what is right. Furthermore, because of their love of God's law they will not rationalize or seek ways in which it appears possible to circumscribe it with seeming impunity. How, then, must we answer the question, Would it be a violation of the Scriptures for a Christian to permit a veterinarian to give blood transfusions to a pet? By all means, to do so would be a violation of the Scriptures. To use blood for transfusion purposes, even in the case of an animal, would be improper. The Bible is very clear in showing that blood should not be eaten. It should not be infused, therefore, to build up the body's vital forces, either in the case of a human or in the case of a pet or any other animal under the jurisdiction of a Christian. In harmony with this, surely a Christian parent could not rationalize to the effect that a pet belongs to a minor child and thus this unbaptized child might, on its own, authorize a veterinarian to administer the blood. No. The baptized parent bears the responsibility, for that parent has authority over the child and over the pet and should control the entire matter. That is the parent's obligation before God. -Eccl. 12:13,14; Jas. 4:17.

    What, then, of animal food? May it be used if there is reason to believe there is blood in it? As far as a Christian is concerned, the answer is No, on the basis of principles already mentioned. Therefore, if a Christian discovers that blood components are listed on the label of a container of dog food or some other animal food, he could not conscientiously feed that product to any animal over which he has jurisdiction. He could not conclude that doing so would be excusable, for this would not be a case of an animal killing another animal and helping itself to the blood of that creature. No, this would be a direct act on the part of the Christian, making him responsible for feeding blood to a pet or other animal belonging to him. Of course, if there is no indication on the label of a package of animal food that the product contains blood, a Christian might conclude that it could be used. Still, his conscience might trouble him. In that case he should put his conscience to rest by making reasonable inquiry and acting in accord with the information he receives, for a Christian surely desires to have a good conscience before God. -1 Pet. 3:21.

    But now, what about fertilizer that has blood in it? One who is going to show respect for God's law on blood would not use it. True, according to the Mosaic law, blood when taken from a body was to be poured out upon the ground and covered over with dust. (Lev. 17:13,14) The objective was, however, that the blood should serve no useful purpose when thus disposed of. It was not placed on the ground with the thought in mind that it would serve as fertilizer. Hence, no Christian farmer today could properly spread blood on his fields to fertilize the soil, nor would he use commercial fertilizer containing blood. Such blood use would be a commercializing on something that God has reserved for himself. It would be a violation of God's Word. " - 1964WTWR 02 15 127-8

    I remember in approx. 1972 gardening and checking the labels of fertilizer to make sure that that there was no blood products in them. Wouldn't want to be blood guilty.

    A secondary thought. Dogs & cats kill other living things and eat them. Would we have been blood guilty if we didn't take the bloody trophy from their fangs? Ever tried to do that to a big dog? I would suspect some of us would just turn around and walk away - blood guilty or not.

    Thanks Focus.

    short post waiting

  • LDH
    "A Cure for Surface Cancer.. We have recently learned of a very effective and simple remedy for cancers which show themselves on the surface of the body. We are informed that a physician, after testing this remedy, paid $1000 for the information, and that he has established a Cancer Hospital which is doing good work. The recipe has come to us free and we are willing to communicate the formula, but only to those who are troubled with surface cancers and who will write to us directly, stating particulars. No fee will be charged, but in order to protect the sufferers, we require a promise that they will not sell the formula to others, nor receive pay for the use of it, nor communicate the formula to anybody. Any one known to be a sufferer can be informed of the terms on which the prescription is obtainable through us. " - 1913WTWR 07 01 200

    GUFFAW!!! Would anyone, say, recently diagnosed with any type of melanoma, be willing to write and request the terms of said cure? GUFFAW!!!

    S'ok Waiting--I can remember checking labels of candy bars (Nestle was the WORST--it said it contained the dreaded LECITHIN!!!! right on the label) to determine if it was ok to eat said candy. ROTFLMAO I KNOW I am not the only one.

    And furthermore, who do they think they are to determine what Jehovah's purpose for having Blood poured out on the ground was?!?!?! For all they know, it was EXACTLY to fertilize the ground.

    Great post.

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