Never a truer word!

by ozziepost 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Ironic words are found in a current article on the WTS official site:

    You probably cherish your right to believe whatever you wish to believe. So does almost everyone else. By exercising this right, earth's six billion inhabitants have produced an amazing diversity of beliefs. Like the variations in color, shape, texture, taste, smell, and sound that we find in creation, differing beliefs often add interest, excitement, and enjoyment to life. Such variety can, indeed, be the spice of life. Psalm 104:24.

    BUT there is a need for caution. Some beliefs are not only different but also dangerous. Early in the 20th century, for example, some people came to believe that Jews and Freemasons had plans to "disrupt Christian civilization and erect a world state under their joint rule."

    Can you see a parallel here with the position of the WTS themselves? Aren't they destined in their own beliefs to "take over the world"?

    Interesting that they should be termed as "dangerous" beliefs.

    They also acknowledge that people "cherish [their] right to believe whatever [they] wish to believe." Yessirree. Gotta give 'em credit for that.

    Out of their own mouths.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 25 July 2002 11:29:15

  • Vivamus

    Out of their own mouths.

    ....into Gods ears

    Good one Ozzie!


  • zenpunk

    Notice it says that many feared that the Jews and Freemasons would disrupt Christian civilization. But they didn't. So was there really a need for caution? Or should they have just appreciated the religious diversity as mentioned in the first paragraph?

    It's pretty ironic that Christian civilization has disrupted other civilizations (native America, for example) - but that's ok according to them.

  • hillary_step
    Some beliefs are not only different but also dangerous.

    Here, Here!

    It leaves me speechless how these people have the stunning arrogance to believe that they rise above all their own theological inadequacies by mere default. Being Gods Organization seems to mean to the GB that it is impossible for them to be guilty of the very things that they blatantly and viscously attack others for, this is their greatest failing.

    It rather reminds me of Whatleys observation :

    In our judgment of human transactions, the law of optics is reversed; we see the most indistinctly the objects which are close around us.

    A pox on their house!

    Thanks Ozzie - HS

  • ozziepost

    Great quotes, H.S., I especially like the Whatley observation. Thanks.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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