I would be grateful to anyone who could give me some feed back on the "One Witness Policy".
I can't get over how if someone is convicted by a court of law for abuse, but denies it to the elders then they can't be disfellowshipped. I've spoken to most of my family over this and several elders, they (mostly, apart from the true die-hards) all find it hard to accept.
Surely this is no different from the Catholics who don't ex-communicate.
"Do bot admit an accusation against an older man except only on the evidence of two or three witnesses ." (1Tim 5.19)
As you know, everything that goes on outside the Org. is of the devil anyway - this would also include 'the devil's courts' - which is all part of the present 'system of things' which the Lord will destroy at Armageddon.
I know all this sounds nuts to the uninitiate, but to those still 'in the truth', it is very real!
Hmmm.....so it was the Devil who gave the WTS the right to go door to door in Stratton, Ohio.
Was it the Devil who built all those bridges and roads in your city/state? So it was the Devil who came up with welfare and social security benefit! And it was the Devil who gave the JW right to refuse blood tranfusion.