Just see their eyes glaze over!

by nicolaou 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Okay this may not be very fair but I've been monitoring a discussion that has been taking place at another forum[exlusively JW[yeah right!]]

    Anyway try not to snicker too much, poor dears....


    Way Over My Head
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    Started by: thunderbrad Sent: 08/03/2001 06:53 5 Replies
    Is this book study deep or what! I have my book study on Tues. nights, and last night was really over my head. The only way to really understand is to attend the study, cause thats where the friends who really understand science can give the answers that the question sheet(A.K.A guide) is asking. I'm more of a simple person who, at the age of forty, just finally recieved my G.E.D certificate. I can remember back in school, science was my worst subject......
    i always got Ds or worse.......so its really a blessing to study with people who really do understand this subject and can explain it in terms that someone lioke me can understand. Of course, the finale to all this is stated at Psalms36:9-"For with you(Jehovah)is the source of life". We are having our two day assembly this weekend, and am really looking forward to this time when we can get out and away, if only for a little time, to be with our true friends in worship and study and instruction...... Will visit back soon....brad

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    From: Cricket Sent: 08/03/2001 19:32 1 of 5
    I LOVE science :) So I am really enjoying this book. My bookstudy is tonight and after studying last night I understand what you mean. Tonight's lesson is WAY over a lot of our bro & sis heads. But we are learning it for a reason and it will help to strengthn our faith that Jehovah made such wonderfully complex things for us to enjoy :)


    From: Aijaree Sent: 09/03/2001 21:55 2 of 5
    Hi Thunderbrad!!!
    I am a science buff and enjoy the stuff, but don't let it throw you!!! Just because of some words that are big and hard to pronounce dont let it get to you.....When I went to college there were a lot of things that I had to learn for my field, but it helped when I applied it to something I was very familiar with...such as cooking and the ingredients it took to make the cake....or a village with all types of transport systems, people moving in and out, etc.....On the next study, try to think of something that you like, and apply it.....it works for me, hope it will work for you!!! ( ie - in the DNA made with the double helix, it could be a train track, and each slat is made a certain way ) Keep plugging with it, you'll enjoy it after a while....Only thing is, if you use it for an illustration with cooking, after awhile, you start getting hungry!!!!

    Your Sister,

    From: pure#1 Sent: 12/03/2001 03:58 3 of 5
    Don't stress yourself over the complicated stuff. You have done the most important thing. You have told Jehovah that you want to serve Him forever and have dedicated yourself to worship him and help others to do the same. That is what Jesus did. He was simple and uncomplex. Follow his example.

    From: lori~ Sent: 12/03/2001 05:02 4 of 5
    That book is way over my head too! I'm just not into science so I keep telling myself" if it wasn't important to learn, we wouldn't be studying it". Can you imagine being in PaulR's bookstudy?? I'd just let him answer them all!!

    From: TC Sent: 12/03/2001 17:13 5 of 5
    I too had a circuit assembly this weekend. Wasn't it wonderful food for us! Truly 1 John 2:15-17 (theme scripture) is appropriate for the times in which we live. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the world, because even Christians have basic human needs and desires, which the world (under Satan's control) has allowed to overtake them. While we are in the world, so to speak, we cannot allow our thinking and conduct become tainted with the ideas that have brought so many to ruin. It is truly a safeguard for us to have the Bible to instruct us in the way in which we should live to please our Grand Creator now.....and forever!


    ps....the Creator book is a wonderful tool to help us come to a greater understanding of the way we are "wonderfully made", and use this information to help others that may not see the illogical nature of the arguments of the evolutionists. In this way, the material is important to us, not to be taken lightly. We may need to use this knowledge to help when out in the ministry. It is difficult and deep at times, but persevere in learning it......if you are able to pique just one person's interest in the truth because you have gained a bit of this technical knowledge, would it not be worth all effort? Too, the deeper understanding we have of the way things that are created function, the greater our appreciation we can have for our heavenly Father, Jehovah's hand in matters. So don't give up!


    Ho boy!!



  • RedhorseWoman

    Ah, yes, I noticed that thread. That board has to be the dullest place on the Net, but at least there are no apostates there. (hehehehe)

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