family business

by garybuss 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Family Business

    An element of the shunning practice of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    If a former Jehovah's Witness group member has any assets or influence that a current member might want access to, the huge conglomerate that issues their behavior instructions, The Watch Tower Corporation, has provided them a corridor to that influence or to those assets. The corridor is called "family matters" and "business dealings".

    The behavior directions and the exceptions are issued by the Watch Tower Corporation in directives such as the following:

    "The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living, outside the immediate family circle and home," states The Watchtower of April 15, 1988, page 28. "It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum," in harmony with the divine injunction to "quit mixing in company with anyone" who is guilty of sinning unrepentantly. (1 Cor. 5:11) Loyal Christians should strive to avoid needless association with such a relative, even keeping business dealings to an absolute minimum. - See also The Watchtower of September 15, 1981, pages 29-30. ( Our Kingdom Ministry, August, 2002, page 4, paragraph 9)

    When my Jehovah's Witness relatives made the decision to start shunning me, they did not inform me of their decision. Maybe they thought I would not notice. But I did.

    They had family dinners and did not invite me. Relatives died and I was not told in time to attend the funeral. They just quit inviting me to anything social. My wife was still practicing and she had two family dinners at our home every year and she invited the Witness relatives. For a time they would come to that.

    This is what happened at the last dinner she had that they attended. After dinner it was usual to go to the living room and visit and that is where I went and sat down. They all got up from the table, walked past me, and went down in the basement and sat there and visited. I read a book till they left. Not a one conversed with me or came into the living room where I sat. As the relatives were leaving, my wife's JW aunt stood in the doorway and took my picture sitting in the living room alone.

    Before I objected, the Witness relatives would still contact me to borrow my tools or to ask me how to do a building project. They had reduced me to "family matters" and "business dealings" with out having the guts to tell me I was a social outcast and I did not appreciate it. I still don't. Since they have excluded me (shunned me) from all social contact, I have excluded most of them from all "family matters" and "business dealings" and make the shunning and snubbing absolute.

    In my experience, "family matters" and "business dealings" have all translated into money. It's okay for them to associate with me if there is a buck involved but it's not okay to associate with me as a blood relative.

    To the people thinking of joining this group, I hope you look long and hard at the scenarios it is possible to have to face once you, and people important to you, surrender to the directives and to the agents of the Watch Tower Corporation.

    If others have experiences relevant to "family matters" and "business dealings", I hope you post those.

    Thanks and best wishes to all,


  • ugg

    how awful.........

  • Crystal

    My heart goes out to sorry your family is soooo brainwashed that their priorities are so distorted.
    Thank goodness we all have this site of "strangers" that seem to care about us more than our own families.

  • Perry

    Same thing happened to me Gary. I was contacted for financial reasons only. I wasn't invited to any family functions even before I informed my brother and Father that I was happy attending another congergation (non-demonitional).

    They simply don't see that they have done anything wrong. My father wrote me saying that I had left Jehovah and them. They are the ones shunning me and they actually think that I left them! What utter twisted reasoning. I never tried to convert anyone in my family and they have no reason to shun me other than a desire to not feel uncomfortable. I must represent a living, tangible, threat to their utopian illusions of superiority. We are the price they pay to continue to feel superior to their fellow man and even family.

    The sad truth is that people are not free to leave the association without extreme counter measures. How anyone could feel that they have God's approval in supporting the WT lifestyle is beyond logic and defies common sense and decency.

    The bottom line is that anything that represents a potential threat to their delusions of superiority is quickly eradicated from their lives. What a terrible price to pay for the opportunity to live inside a delusion that makes one feel superior to others.

    After years of unofficial shunning simply because I wasn't attending meetings, I finally got the hint that I was not wanted. The psychological pain involved with accepting this hard cold fact, has contributed to depressions, hours of tear filled cries and yes, even screams mourning the loss of my entire family. I know that an extremely powerful cult has taken my family and made them do and support attrocities that they would never experience on their own.

    I don't blame them anymore. I feel sorry for them. They will never know the joys of family as it was meant to be experienced.

    My heart goes out to you as well.

  • garybuss

    Thanks Crystal!

    Perry, you wrote:

    The bottom line is that anything that represents a potential threat to their delusions of superiority is quickly eradicated from their lives.

    Great line. Thanks!


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