Is this number really wrong? 23720

by avengers 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avengers

    23,720 and counting..

    Child Molesters on file at the home office in .

    If these figures are wrong, will the one who has the accurate count please step forward!

  • NeonMadman

    Might be too low...

  • maximumflash

    That number is about 23,720 higher than it should be. Very sad statitic.

  • dungbeetle

    This is my response to all those Jehovah's Witnesses (and there must be many of them) who have personal knowlege of these numbers.

    1) That means that there are 50,000 or more survivors out there walking around who are trying to get an education, raise a family, in general make their way through life with this incredible emotional baggage they are forced to carry. 50,000 or more survivors who deserve to see justice, closure and deserve to know that their abusers aren't adding more victims to their long long lists.

    2) That means there are over 20,000 wounded persons walking around, in need of mental health care for a disabling disease process. They will never be healed, they will never find peace, they will never be free unless and untill they are entered into some kind of treatment program for sexual offenders.

    These JW"s with this info have to ask themselves if they can live with the fact that they can perpetuate this kind of misery. I guess the answer so far is 'YES'...<sigh>.

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