Murder in honor

by happy man 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    In Sweden we now have some very tragikal exampels on what happends in some musslim famylis, inn 3 cases, fadher have killd there one dotters , why? they want marry a boy who not is musslim.

    Do you have the same thing in US, this is the biggest news inn Sweden fore the moment.

    I think it is starting upp to bee tuff to belong to a movment who is trying to follow the bibel or the Koran to the last lettter.

    Here we have nothing yet about this pedofile things, nowan nows, only the catolic church is metioned inn the news media about this things.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Perhaps you think so, but not in Sweden , here we have a lot of immigrants from former Juogolsavia, and almost in evry littel town like my one, we have a lot of these peopel, so for us it is not unusual.

    I think the musslim religion is the one who have the fastes grow inn the word,some prominent Swedish peopel have converted to it also, despite ther radical wieu on women fore exampel, the talibans are well nown even inn your country, even JW seems liberal if you compare to this religion, a bigg treat to the western word, arent this what Bush say?

  • Matty

    It's the fastest growing religion in the UK as well. I find this very worrying.

  • happy man
    happy man

    helo Jim

    HA; well it is not so easy who is the enemy, confusing isnt it?

    I am inn the middel, nowing what peopel here say, and what happend in the Jw religion , i now because I am member inn it, and hve been my whole life almost.

    one exampel, i have German visitors today, an elder, I ask him abaout this Un thing, and he admit that they have a letter about this matter, no bigg nocie abaout this I think in germany, then I ask hes 23 year old boy, did you now this connection to UN, no he say ans was totaly choked, nowan have read this letter for him, so it was only for the elders I think.

    One thing is very clear, GB dont understand intenets breakthrow, thats the only explanaition to this mess.


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