.......................ARE YOU LISTENING, WATCHTOWER?
This is a time for REVOLUTION and not REVELATION!
You claim revelation, but we claim revolution. It shall be a quiet, methodical, and--above all--EFFECTIVE revolution against your revelation.
1. Know the difference between being REALISTIC rather than being RHETORICAL.
To be effective, you must give full respect to your audience's values or else you shut down their ability to hear and listen. To be effective you cannot attack or disrespect any symbol of authority outright--you must divide your audience from that authority by gentle steps, reasonably listed and explained. HOW? Help your audience realistically DEFINE what they claim to believe and lay it side by side with the reality of what is MISSING in their life.This demonstrates their hopes, dreams and loyalty are not the results of REAL THINGS but RHETORIC and false promises!"Oh yeah, how's that working out for you?" Window washers, custodians, janitors, day laborers clinging to paradise can suddenly seem awfully pathetic.
2. HUMOR is the best tool of a radical. Humor containing well-directed ridicule is more easily accepted than a list of complaints offered seriously.Humor is pithy, direct, well-targeted and disarming. Use it instead of an insult.
3. START WITH THINGS as they ARE and contrast that with how things SHOULD BE. REAL vs. IDEAL.
__Just as in main society, the "middle class" of Jehovah's Witnesses are the pillars which support the entire organization. If you can wake up the Middle Class and have them see how used and abused they are--you set fire to their natural human longings for a better--real---life here and now.Begin with the frustration, depression, and lack of joy which is an everyday reminder in a J-Dub's life. Compare and contrast the (falsely) advertised public picture of Witnesses as a happy, loving, contented people with a bright future. Focus in on the dissonance between real and ideal.
5. BE AN EXAMPLE of the benefits of CHANGE from Watchtower authority to ex-Jehovah's Witness, not the dire consequences.
___Why would any comfortably settled Witness feeling safe inside a Kingdom hall want to suddenly become a wild, undisciplined, radical with no apparent self-respect? After all, they've been taught to fear unprotected sex, drugs, anarchy and disrespect. WHY SHOULD THEY LISTEN to you if you are the embodiment of all that?
6. REVOLUTION must be preceded by REFORMATION.
__While the Watchtower religion is busy changing everything about their public image, doctrines, self-definition and branding--we might well ask aloud: "How is this not a reformation?" The truth is--it is NOT--it is a consolidation of power and authority into the very human hands of its leaders who will appear to be making improvements, yet who are making greater and greater demands for personal LOYALTY.
___This must be made clear. REFORMATION really means that people acknowledge disillusionment with a false hope to the point they're ready to do something real about it.
7. CREATE disenchantment, discontent, and a restless longing for FREEDOM.
___J-Dubs are low-income wage earners for the most part. They are deliberately under-educated and dependent. They are overworked, underpaid and exhausted by the demands made on their time by the leaders of their religion. HELP THEM SEE an alternative. Help them imagine free time for entertainment. Help them make real an ambition for a better paying job, (higher income leading to improved circumstances.) If they are young, help them realistic consider opportunities for an exciting life without the boot heel of Elders on their necks. MAGNIFY the despair at their treadmill life. Undermine false HOPE of a Paradise by reminding them how this illusory vision has persisted in Christianity since the time of the apostles--and even they were wrong!
__Expose what is false about the language of the Tyrant and suddenly the slave sees he is a slave. This is not easy--but it is imperative.The Governing Body uses semantics to change the debate always.The magazines are tools of propaganda. They are only effective as long as they are automatically trusted, accepted, memorized and unchallenged.The articles are edifices of deflection, dissembling and pivoting away from their constant weakness to deliver on promises of a better life.The effective radical must cause his audience to MEASURE the distance between WORDS and REALITIES--between PROMISES and ACHIEVED GOALS. Nothing wakes a person up faster than the sudden realization of having been defrauded, cheated, lied to and abused.
Not all Jehovah's Witnesses are equal. No way! Women are made subservient to men with lesser intelligence. Rank and File are made subservient to proud Elders who lord it over them. Disenchantment with the day to day injustice and unfairness of that arrangement MUST BE EXPLOITED.Those in authority see themselves as "approved" and authoritative. They bristle at any challenge to their divinely given status. This makes them arrogant and often sloppy and churlish. These people can be pushed into a corner easily when a demand is made for them to admit to their failings and the blowback from their poorly made decisions. Why? There is no humility among the Elders! Wives see it in their husband. R&F husbands see it in the Elders. Class warfare pits ELITES against underlings. The effective radical gives permission to the HAVE NOT to hold the HAVE's to a HIGHER STANDARD--in fact--the standard they hold for themselves but seldom reach. It isn't the 'being only human' which makes Jehovah's Witness authority vulnerable--it is the high-handed self-praise which advertises their arrogance in the face of constant failure.
10. EXPOSE the fact there are NO INDIVIDUALS among the Witnesses.
____Without a personal opinion, you cannot be an individual.
An "individual" is 'different' and J-Dubs are all the same thing.
Eight million J-Dubs believe X,Y, and Z.The next day, the Watchtower changes their doctrine to A, B and C.On that same day all 8 million J-Dubs suddenly change their belief.
The rank and file do no research or ask any probing, skeptical questions. There is no debate or personal variance. ALL MEMBERS think exactly alike and this is the most amazing demonstration of CULT MENTALITY.
EXPOSE THAT FACT!Simply ask: "How did you research your beliefs?" "Is there anything you disagree with?""Isn't that strange?"
All of the above is adapted from the classic radical handbook, RULES FOR RADICALS, by Saul Alinsky. I have shaped them around a subversive program for Ex-Witnesses to make them more effective in freeing Watchtower slaves from the cult.