Information on Cards

by myMichelle 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • myMichelle

    Good morning people,

    Could someone here tell me more about the cards that are kept at the KH on the publishers there?

    Do they keep one for unbaptized people, and at what stage (interested one, publisher, etc.)or just baptized JWs?

    Is this mysterious card the complete file on a JW attending that KH, or is there a corresponding folder with other mysterious stuff?

    I have heard that when a JW changes KH, that the card is sent along to the new KH, what is the usual procedure for that?

    I have also heard that if a JW is moving and doesn't know what KH they will be attending, that they can procure their card and deliver it to the KH at their new place of residence. If that card were to simply disappear, would all the information on that particular JW disappear too, or are there duplicates kept on file?

    Any information you can supply would be very helpful and much appreciated.

    Peace and Blessings,

  • Moridin

    As far as I can remember the card is started when you become a publisher. The card is always forwarded to the next congregation and I've never heard of them giving you the card to deliver it yourself. Also as far as I know Brooklyn has all the files that the congregation has so their would be duplicates.

  • unanswered

    from my knowledge, moridon is right. the "card" is called a "publisher card" and is started when you become a publisher. i was curious about the card when i was an active member and was never allowed to see it. to my knowledge it does contain history of any judicial meetings the publisher has had and is sort of like a dossier. my father(an elder) once told me that any KH i moved to would know everything that the elders ever knew about me, based on the info. in the card. kind of creepy, huh?

  • normie67

    the card in question isthe Publisher card, and it is started when you start reporting hours out in the Field Ministry. You can ask to see your Pub Card at any time to your Secretary of the Cong or Service check out how you have done in the past,etc. It does follow you fromCong to Cong to help keep records in order. If you move tho the Secretary will send a letter that accompany's the card. This usually is a description in the form of a letter, letting the new body of Elders what type person you are..i.e. MS material or needs helpin a spiritual way.etc. Honestly I'm not sure about Judicial matters that the person moving, if they would send records.I really think(IMHO)they stay in the Cong. I think the Bros in new Hall can call and ask Questions about their the interest of helping them spiritually.....
    Thats my 2 cents anyhow

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