What chatup lines do you think jws were most likely to use to pull at say an assembly,mmmmm i wonder if they prepared them like say doing a talk,i bet they did because most i knew seemed under pressure to meet someone and a lot of ones i knew never pulled at assemblys due to such boring conversations with others, i mean what could they talk about. So cmon what chatup lines are likely to work.
Jw chatup lines!!!!!!!
by haujobbz 9 Replies latest jw friends
How about:
"What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" -
Are you enjoying the convention?
Haven't I seen you at a Quick Build?
Wow! I just met J.R. Brown!
District Overbeer
"Would you sit in that puddle over there for me? Go on, wench, plonk your arse down in it!"
Have any Manasseh in you? Want some?
I want your sex!
Actually speech is so controlled there you could only really communicate with your eyes or your smile. You could try the "I can't live without you" desperate stair. However it would not succeed because all the women there want a man who is authoratative and controlling. How about the glassy "you aren't good enough for me gaze" just over the top of thier head. My friend had em lined up with that one. Then there is the "I could probably help you look" if she could think of something to ask you for help with. All the really successfull relationships in the JW's seem to be where one person is above the other, or standing in thier shadow.
Actually, long time ago some JW guys made a parody of the "Reasoning" book called Reasoning with the Sisters. I found it on the Net, and it seems to be what I remember. Quite funny, particularly if you remember the original.
Introductions . . .BROTHERS/MEN
* I'm talking to our sisters about where to find a practical husband to help them cope with problems of life. In the past, many sisters showed interest in brothers. But we live in a time when attitudes are changing. How do you feel about them? . . . Do you believe that brothers are just good friends? . . . If you are interested in a brother, how can you be sure he is the right one?
* Good evening. My name is ---- ----. I'm a brother from (name congregation). Did you see the TV news last night? . . . That report on (mention some current item of concern, but don't talk about cars or sports), what you think about it? . . . It is not unusual for sisters to be concerned about these issues, but I believe that we are living in a time when we should be getting to know each other better. (Ask her to go out witnessing.)
* I have found many sisters are quite concerned about the lack of available brothers in the surrounding congregations. Do you feel that way too? . . . Why do you think this is the trend? . . . Did you know that I was interested in you? (Explain the reason why.)
* Hi. My name is ---- ----. I wanted to discuss with you how we can get to know each other better. But I can see that you are busy (or about to go home). May we get together for lunch on Saturday after field service and discuss it further?
How You Might Respond To Potential Conversation Stoppers . . .
* May I ask, do you mean that you are not interested in me or is it brothers in general that don't interest you? I ask that because I have met many sisters who at one time were interested in brothers, but aren't anymore because they think brothers are hypocritical; (or they feel brothers are chauvinistic; or they feel brothers today are not spiritual enough, etc.). I don't approve of such attitudes myself and if you get to know me I believe we could both look to the future with confidence.
* If you mean that you're not interested in having another boyfriend, I can understand that. But more likely you are interested in your future. Can you see any prospect for a relationship in the future?
* Is that because you already have a boyfriend? . . . Tell me, do you think you will ever see a time when it will work out? . . . What seems to stand in the way?
* Many sisters tell me that. Have you ever wondered why brothers like myself keep trying, even though sisters generally may not be interested?
* I can appreciate that, because I used to feel the same way about a sister. But, just to be fair, I decided to listen to her. And I found out that I hadn't been told the truth about her. Now we are good friends.From http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1060/reasoning.html
- Jan
Hey that S8 folder really turns me on.............
Golden Girl
My JW mother in law was bragging to me the other day about a couple in her congregation that met online! They eventually got married and still are!...Shame Shame!
I wonder if they got in trouble for using the computer?
I am always amazed at what comes out of her mouth!
I remember another couple that got married. At their wedding they said it was the first time they kissed. And they were in their 30's.
What's funny is she had just got reinstated. She had been DF for fornicating with the C.O.
So I guess she could have sex..but No-No to the kissing!
Golden Girl...............
Pretty similar to the one Ralph Wiggum told Lisa on "The Simpsons"
- So......do you like....stuff???