Watchtower 1965, page 429 says, "instead of opposing a change in Scriptural understanding, organizational procedure or organizational structure,it is better to adjust oneself to it, remembering that, whatever change is made by God's organization, the change is for the good of those in it. To resist this advancement is to resist Jehovah's spirit that operates on the organization, causing it to advance.......Although a person may not at first appreciate the need for a change, as time passes he will begin to see how it benefits the organization.".........So there you have it, whether YOU think something is right or wrong is not the point; the point is you must do as you are told, because benefitting the organization is all that's important. Even if the issue is questioning child abuse procedures or blood doctrines, even if it's life or death matters....IT DOESN'T MATTER......YOU MUST BENEFIT THE ORGANIZATION. If you outwardly question things or point out errors, you are a divisive, disloyal, unappreciative, selfish complainer. Anyone that tries to reform the Society will be cast out.
by minimus 7 Replies latest jw friends
Anyone that tries to reform the Society will be cast out.
We've all seen ample evidence of this lately.
Jehovah certainly does not want his people to show initiative. Oh, no! Even if there is gross error on the part of those heading his earthly organizaqtion, you had just better be quiet about it and "wait on Jehovah" to fix matters.
So what if people die or are damaged in some way, that does not matter. Just sit in your seat, be quiet and in time the issue may be addressed .. or not!
Well put. We all need to realize that Jehovah is directing his organization and, no matter what we might think, changes or new policies are for the general good. If a few - or even many - individuals suffer or die, then so be it, sad as that is. They will be resurrected. In this wicked old system it is impossible to have a perfect organization and so "mistakes" - if they are that, for does not warfare involve sacrifice? - will invariably lead to problems or cost lives. Did Israel enter battle with the expectation that all warriors would survive? Surely not!
Let us cleave to Jah deep in the bowels of his spirit directed organization. What folly it would be to tire out now that we are in the very last days of the last days. Be glad you people!
Thanks minimus and Dutchie for posting some brightness in this tired and spent old world,
Edited by - Lionel_P_Hartley on 30 July 2002 22:57:55
Big Tex
Years ago I remember a CO's talk about "Waiting on Jehovah" and he used what I always thought was a curious illustration. It seems back before the "New Light" showed that celebrating birthdays (30's? 40's?) was evil, there was a brother at Bethel who kinda jumped the gun a little. He went round and round with anyone who would listen about how birthday celebration was wrong and the Watchtower should immediately put out an article banning it. Well it seemed that the Powers That Be didn't agree and he left Bethel in a huff. A few years later, lo and behold the Society came out and said that birthday celebration was wrong. The CO used that point to tell everyone that this brother did not Wait On Jehovah.
I was just a kid, but I remember thinking, even back then, about the blood issue and how unfair it would be if someone died for refusing a transfusion and then later the Society would make it a conscience issue. Personally, I believe God gave us a brain for a reason. We need to use to think, to reason and to judge for ourselves what is right and wrong.
The beauty of the organization is when they are wrong they are really still right. They have perfected this approach over the last 100 years.YOU can't run ahead of the "slave" even if they agree with you unless THEY say so first....because ,after all, they are the faithful and discreet slave.
LOL! "Waiting on Jehovah" my foot...........what the hell do they expect Jehovah to do? Come down from heaven with a flaming sword and stick it up the pedophiles' ass???? Perhaps the GB should think about the fact that what's happening now IS Jehovah's way of fixing things, as well as punishing THEM for their gross neglect of "the flock" by allowing this sort of crap to go on...........
Yes, to any of you Brooklyn lurkers here, what's happening to the Organization is NOT Satan and apostates "persecuting" you, it's Jehovah PUNISHING you for being neither Faithful nor Discreet............
Mary said:
what the hell do they expect Jehovah to do? Come down from heaven with a flaming sword and stick it up the pedophiles' ass????
That was a funny image. Although in their old age, the Governing Body members may have this hallucination they are being touched by Jehovah when in reality it is a nurse giving them an enema.
Yep, and there they lie in bed going "Ya baby!!!"