Statements from the Watchtower Publications show that the Scriptural Governing Body did NOT exist until 1971!
Watchtower, 01/15/01, Pages 28-31:
These questions were answered at the annual meeting held on October 1, 1971. On that occasion, one of the speakers pointed out that the governing body of “the faithful and discreet slave” preceded the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania by hundreds of years. (Matthew 24:45-47) A governing bodywas formed at Pentecost of 33 C.E., more than 18 centuries before the Pennsylvania corporation came into existence. At first, the governing body consisted of, not 7 men, but 12 apostles. Evidently, its number was enlarged later, for “the apostles and older men in Jerusalem” were taking the lead.—Acts 15:2.
In 1971 the same speaker explained that the members of the Watch Tower Society could not vote in the members of the anointed GoverningBody. Why? “Because,” he said, “the governing body of the ‘slave’ class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by . . . Jesus Christ, the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class.” Clearly, then, the members of the Governing Body cannot be voted into office by the membership of any legal corporation.
Watchtower, 06/01/2001, Pages 17-18:
Later, the issue of December 15, 1971, more clearly identified the modern-day Governing Body in the article “A GoverningBody as Different From a Legal Corporation.” In 1972, bodies of elders were appointed to provide help and direction for the local congregations.