Greetings: Found this on Silent Lambs today... Evidently this is a book by an xJW from 1994... anyone ever hear of it? I have not seen this book mentioned online. It's written specifically to the JW audience, love the KM quotes, etc. /Grits
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Date: 31 Jul 2002
Time: 15:44:01
Comments: Hi all. xxx here. The following information is taken from a book called "THE REPORT". It is a book about Jehovah's Witnesses and how they fulfill bible prophecy today, and in the future will fulfill it in an astonishing way. It was written by a JW who exited the organization over a decade ago because he saw the unsuspecting flock of JWs slowly being made into real enemies with God by way of wicked WTS' teachings and overall leadership. He maintains the JW flock would not see this until it was almost too late, having by that time greatly damaged their spiritual relationship with God, almost irrepairably. He predicted the WTS would take JWs as a nation, to the absolute brink of total destruction!
Before leaving, this JW began to notice the JWs beginning to drift closer and closer into outright worship of the WTS at Brooklyn Headquarters. He noticed the JWs profile as a collective people amazingly matching more and more as time went on, the bible's prophetic description of renegade "Israel" of ancient times. He noticed an uncanny resemblance to the Pharisee-led Israel of Jesus' day, that Jesus so condemned.
The reason I am posting this information is because the subject matter in the book though written years ago[1994], fits right in with present day issues by concerned Jehovah's Witnesses. Topics like the ones we are currently discussing today, about the WTS placing themselves in "God's Seat" and making themselves little "gods" before Jehovah and Jesus. I've included a snippet for your perusal. After reading this portion, I'm sure you will agree with me that this information does fit JWs and their increasingly "WORSHIPFUL" relationship with the wicked WTS perfectly, even though the material was written years ago.
Quote from "The Report" pages 155-168"
...Remember the point in the previously mentioned Watchtower article on "loyalty." Or, is the Society above God's law? Does the Society command the loyalty that rightfully belongs to Jehovah God for themselves? Brothers, what will we do when the Society makes this "astonishing" compromise of integrity to Jehovah by `placing the beast in the holy place?' (See Matthew 24:15; also Daniel 8:13 New World Translation Reference Bible footnote for Hebrew word translated "desolation" [Sho-mem].) Yes, what will you do? Will you remain faithful at such a time? Really the leading members of the Watch Tower Society are much like the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus' day. Oh, they appear so righteous to the brotherhood, on the outside. But let's notice Jesus' analysis of them: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of plunder and immoderateness . . . Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness. In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." Matthew 23:25-28.
But again, where else does the Bible indicate that there is going to be a severe test of the "loyalty" of God's people, in these last days? And where does the Bible indicate that many true Christians will separate from the main body of so-called Christians in these last days? Let's notice the words of Zechariah 13:8,9 which says: "And it must occur in all the land, is the utterance of Jehovah, [that] two parts in it are what will be cut off [and] expire; and as for the third [part], it will be left remaining in it. And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, `It is my people,' and it, in its turn, will say, `Jehovah is my God.'" Also again, let's notice the following words recorded at Isaiah 2:6 which says: "For you [faithful Jehovah's Witnesses] have forsaken your people [apostate two-thirds who have received "the mark of the beast"], the house of Jacob. For they have become full of what is from the East, and they are practicers of magic like the Philistines, and with the children of foreigners they abound."
Yes, Jehovah's people "Jacob," will have to "forsake" `his own people,' the wicked two-thirds majority of Jehovah' Witnesses who willingly submit to "worship of the beast" and the "dragon." The footnote on the words: "with the children of foreigners they abound" in the New World Translation Reference Bible says: "they shake hands, or have close association."
Yes, the Watch Tower Society, representing all Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, will have "close association" with the political, pagan leaders of this world. See footnote New World Translation Reference Bible Isaiah 2:6; also 1 Corinthians 15:33.
And how does the Bible describe the events leading up to this great "apostasy" or falling away? Well, as we have just read at Daniel 11:32, the "king of the North" will "lead them into apostasy" or persuade them by means of "smooth words." The Bible indicates that after entering an initial agreement with the "King of the North," for 3 1/2 years, this particular political figure, will go back on his word and attack the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses, worldwide. He will use his influence to turn the political United Nations Organization against them. And it will be under this pressurized situation, where much physical persecution will be heaped upon Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. The "Woman" will now be "chased away," into the "wilderness" for 3 1/2 years or "1,260 days." It will be under these conditions, coupled with the skillful use of "smooth words" by the "King of the North," that the Watch Tower Society will compromise! They will now give their full support to the political governments of the world, just like all the other religious entities of our day. See Jeremiah 30:17; Revelation 12:6, 13, 14.
Daniel chapter 9, verse 27, drawn from the NIV Translation, describes the critical events leading up to the "hour of test" this way: "He [King of the North] will enter a firm covenant [initial agreement] with the many (Jehovah's Witnesses) for one week (7 years total); and at the half of the week (3 1/2 years into this period) he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease (interrupt their worship; compromise of Watch Tower Society; 42 months of persecution, abuse.)" See Isaiah 43:28.
Yes, the "king of the North" or "small horn" of Daniel 7th & 8th chapters will be responsible for turning the seven-headed beast, against Jehovah's Name people and will subsequently "cause gift offering and sacrifice to cease." Yes, and for the remainder of the "week," "Jerusalem will be trampled upon by the nations," for "42 months" just as Jesus predicted. (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2, 13:5-7) And this action will send all Jehovah's Witnesses world-wide, who refuse to follow in this "worship of Satan," reeling to the "wilderness" to `get away from the face of the Dragon.' (Revelation 12:6, 13,14) And what will the disillusioned Jehovah's Witnesses do, while in the "wilderness," during this 3 1/2 year period? Hosea 3:4 puts it this way: "It is because for many days (3 1/2 years) the sons of Israel (separated Jehovah's Witnesses from main body of apostates, the "woman in the wilderness") will dwell (3 1/2 years) without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without a pillar and without an ephod and teraphim."
But you may be saying: "It is very hard to believe that the leading members of the Watch Tower Society will actually capitulate, compromise, and sell out completely to the governmental "powers that be," so late in this time of the close to Armageddon." Well, believe it or not, this will not be the first instance of the leaders of this organization directing the brotherhood away from Jehovah. No, it is not. Let's take a few very noticeable examples of compromise already going on today.
On the question of obedience, are you more concerned with pleasing the Watch Tower Society than Jehovah God? Does the Society command your loyalty and obedience? Even our attitude can betray a lack of loyalty to Jehovah God. Yes, even our attitude and personal viewpoints. Perhaps, you have heard brothers make statements such as these: "I would rather be wrong with the Society than be right by myself." Or, how about this one: "It doesn't matter what the Society decides to do...Jehovah doesn't hold us responsible for what the Society does...if they should do something wrong, or maybe make a wrong decision, Jehovah will discipline them, not us. Jehovah is not going to discipline us for something the Society does."
Have you heard individual witnesses make such statements? Have you? Well, even though many individuals have made such statements, in actuality, these views are erroneous, scripturally speaking. Let's examine the first statement.
There is always virtue in standing for "right," no matter that the individual has to stand "alone". And, under no circumstances would a Christian "rather be wrong," or `want to be wrong' with anyone, including the Watch Tower Society. No, he does not. The plain fact of the matter is this: if you are standing for "right," then you are never alone! No, because Jehovah God and His loyal Son, Jesus are standing right beside you. Yes, because they always stand for "right."
And how about the second attitude expressed above concerning the question of bearing responsibility for wrong decisions or actions? For example, how about Jesus' statement at Matthew 13:14: "Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
Yes, if the `blind lead the blind,' then "both" will fall into the pit. There is no escaping it. If the Watch Tower Society is leading the Jehovah's Witnesses in a wrong path, then `both will fall into the pit.' Remember, leadership always affects the followers, for good or bad. Take for example Adam and Eve. Certainly, their example has had disastrous effects upon us, their offspring, even though we had nothing to do with their original sin in the Garden of Eden. And how about the ten unfaithful spies who were sent to spy out the promise land. Did not their `bad report' and faithless example have a detrimental effect upon the whole nation? Yes, their example and counsel caused the whole nation to wander in the wilderness for 40 years! Numbers 13:25 thru 14:39
Then, take the example of David and Bathsheba. Again, not only did David suffer because of his adulterous affair with the death of the offspring of this union, but his whole family suffered with constant turmoil and disunity with rebellions from Absalom, Adonijah, and the raping of his daughter, Tamar. Clearly, others are affected by the actions of their respective leaders, whether in the family arrangement or on a national level. 2 Samuel chapter 11; 2 Samuel chapter 15; 1 Kings chapter 1; 2 Samuel 13.
In addition to expressing wrong attitudes that betray a lack of "loyalty," we, as Jehovah's servants, might be surprised to know that we may have ALREADY COMPROMISED our loyalty and obedience to Jehovah in another very subtle way. For instance, to maintain complete obedience to themselves from Jehovah's Witnesses, the Governing Body gives constant reminders that one cannot receive salvation without the Society's guidance and direction, by way of its publications and its "special" representatives. Is that what the Bible teaches? Further, we have noticed that the brotherhood has been taught to look at the Watch Tower Society's word as being the same as God's Word. Maybe, you have noticed this yourself in your dealings with Jehovah's Witnesses. However, would you say that this is appropriate? Well, to answer that question, let's take a close look at an ancient example in Ahithophel, David's trusted advisor.
Ahithophel's personal advice and counsel were considered so accurate, his words so wise, that David and others began to formulate an unrealistic viewpoint concerning him. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary under the heading of "Solomon" page 292, "Ahithophel was renown throughout all of Israel for [his] worldly wisdom and political sagacity."
The Bible itself confirms the truthfulness of the foregoing statement at 2 Samuel 16:23 by saying: "And the counsel of Ahithophel, with which he counseled in those days, was just as when a man would inquire of the word of the [true] God. That was the way ALL the counsel of Ahithophel was both to David and to Absalom."
As we know, this man became unfaithful by counseling treason and murder against David. When Jehovah foiled his plot by making Hushai's counsel appear better, he committed suicide. Yes, he was disloyal in the end, much to the chagrin of Absalom and his followers, and to the dismay of David, who viewed him as a close and trusted friend. (2 Samuel 17:23) This man was a prototype of the infamous Judas Iscariot, the traitor. Psalms 41:9; John 13:18
But what we want to remember about this situation is this: David and others had a distorted view of Ahithophel's counsel! Do we not see a problem here??? Take another look at the scripture. Yes, Ahithophel's word was viewed "just as when a man would inquire of the word of the [true] God." It did not say his "word" was the "word of the [true] God" neither did it say that he was a "seer" or a "man of the [true] God" like Samuel, Moses, Elijah and other prophets who strictly delivered Jehovah's messages to the people. No, but he was simply David's advisor and counselor. David and others, unwittingly, attributed an unwarranted status to "his word." And so, it was David and the people who were at fault, because it was they who attributed such weight to this man's words. And it certainly, in the end, gave rise to serious problems as we have seen. Yes, "his word" was placed on the level with God's Word! It was "his word" and not God's Word that received such attention from the people.
But you may say, "what has this got to do with the Watch Tower Society and it's leaders?" Well, is it any different today? Is not the Society's WORD viewed this way by the brothers in general? It is viewed as equal, tantamount to, or the same as God's Word, the Bible. Let us examine a few examples of this.
The WT Society says when Public Speakers are announced from the platform of the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses to give Bible lectures, (particularly Circuit and District Overseers during their visits, as well as those who have Assembly program assignments) they are to be announced as "Representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society." Do you see anything wrong with that??? Should not it be "Representatives of Jehovah God?" Is this not a subtle compromise of your loyalty and exclusive devotion to Jehovah God??? Think about it.
The WT Society says (in the April, 1991, Our Kingdom Ministry under the article "Start and Conclude Meetings on Time") this disturbing yet revealing statement: " . . . Public speakers should adhere to the timing indicated on the Society's outline and not include in the talk extraneous matters, such as greetings."
Greetings are considered by the WT Society as "extraneous" matters??? How unloving! Why, if you will check, you will find that just about every book in the Christian Greek Scriptures addressed to a congregation contained warm "greetings" from the writer of the letter (and his companions or penman/secretary) to the congregation. See Romans 16:22; 1 Corinthians 16:21.
The WT Society asks (in the same Our Kingdom Ministry insert, pg. 3) the following question: "What can we do to draw closer to the Organization?" Draw closer to the Organization? How can a living, breathing human "draw closer" to an impersonal organization? To the contrary, at James 4:8 it says: "Draw close to GOD, and He will draw close to you." Does not that make more sense? Think about it.
The WT Society asks (according to the February 1991 Our Kingdom Ministry under the article "Fulfilling Our Kingdom Ministry as Jehovah's Witnesses") this subtle question: "Do you know what OUR official view is on advanced education, autopsies, killing in self-defense, or public welfare assistance?" Did they say: "Our official view?" Shouldn't it be what God's official view or what the Bible's official viewpoint is on these important matters? Can we not see from these and numerous other examples that the Society has set itself up as an ICON of worship? They are taking the credit, even worship, that should go ONLY to Jehovah God. (Exodus 20:3; Isaiah 42:8) And the Jehovah's Witnesses are, unwittingly, giving this adulation to this ICON of worship!
Perhaps someone at this point would say: "The word `worship' used in "THE REPORT" is a bit too strong a word to use in describing the misguided loyalty Jehovah's Witnesses express toward the WT Society. It is very difficult to see how faithful, conscientious, devoted publishers of long-standing activity could be unwittingly lured into worshipping the ORGANIZATION itself over Jehovah God." Let us examine an even more serious situation, to see just how far the Watch Tower Society has gone in courting the "loyalty" of all Christians who are called by God's Name.
The Watch Tower Society has, in the 17-year tenure of the Governing Body, made drastic and irreverent encroachments upon Jehovah God's position as Supreme Sovereign in the Christian congregation. The Society has misused and abused their authority, and have, as it were, "placed their threshold with Jehovah's threshold and their doorpost beside Jehovah's doorpost." They have, by their actions, asserted equal status with Jehovah in His own "temple" arrangement! (See Ezekiel 43:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4) And this, of course, has escaped the notice of millions of trusting individuals in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. One notable example of how this has been done is their subtle changes in the questions for baptismal candidates since the year of 1985. To really see the difference, let's notice the questions for baptism before that year. They are as follows:
1) Have you recognized yourself as a sinner and needing salvation from Jehovah God? And have you acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from him and through his ransomer, Christ Jesus?
2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for redemption have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to Jehovah God, to do his will henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God's Word as his Holy Spirit makes it plain? (See Watchtower 1970 pg. 309 par. 20.)
Now compare these questions with the new ones propounded to baptismal candidates since the year of 1985. The new questions are as follows: 1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? 2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit- directed organization? (See Watchtower June 1, 1985 pg. 30 par. 3,4.)
Do you notice anything different??? "Why, yes!" you say. In the first instance, the emphasis is placed on the individual being a sinner in need of salvation from Jehovah God. Next, the individual acknowledges Jesus' role in this salvation as ransomer of mankind. Secondly, the individual responds to the thought that he has dedicated his life to Jehovah God. The individual understands that God's will is revealed through His Word under the direction of Holy Spirit and therefore have the final say in the person's life, always. This is what the individual agrees to before Jehovah, forevermore. Did you make such an agreement? The questions are certainly proper and serve to remind all of us of our grave responsibility to be completely loyal to him!
However, the new set of questions highlight something different. Yes, the individual is told to recognize the fact that he is a sinner in need of repentance, but it does not say that his salvation comes from Jehovah! That is left hanging in the air. The individual is left to possibly ponder that his salvation may come from Jehovah, but may also come from some additional source such as the "spirit-directed organization." This is not clearly stated in the first question! And, as you can see, the second question directly ties together the person's dedication and his identification with the association known as Jehovah's Witnesses, yes the "spirit-directed organization." Could the individual be, perhaps, dedicated jointly to Jehovah and the `spirit-directed' organization??? The implications are serious! You be the judge of that!
Clearly, the Watch Tower Society is totally out of bounds in their presumptuous words and actions. After all, what's the point of changing the questions in the first place? The original questions were appropriate, entirely proper! What was their purpose in changing them??? Better yet, what was their real motive in changing the original baptismal questions! There must be one of grave significance. It has been reported that the Society changed these questions for legal reasons, in case the individual decides to leave the organization and does not wish to be subjected to public branding and treatment as a "disfellowshipped" person. (See "THE REPORT" chapter 6 Administering Discipline Scripturally.) This new terminology will now help them in the courts, if it comes to that. However, no matter what the reason, these changes have struck to the heart of the question: "Where is Your loyalty" to God or to Man?
In view of the above change in position by the Society, let us take note of this comment taken from a Watchtower article written in 1955. It states: "A Christian, therefore, cannot be baptized in the name of the one actually doing the immersing or in the name of any man, nor in the name of any organization, but in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit."
Did we notice that the person is not to be baptized "in the name of any organization?" Yes, that would include the organization known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, wouldn't it??? (See July 1, 1955 pg. 411 par. 15) Let's take note of another enlightening comment taken from a 1966 Watchtower magazine. It states: "Jehovah is the giver of life. `For with you is the source of life.' (Ps. 36:9) We cannot keep everlasting life in view without staying close to Jehovah, the source of life...This is what we mean when we dedicate our lives to Jehovah. We do not dedicate ourselves to a religion, nor to a man, nor to an organization. No, we dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, our Creator, Jehovah God himself. This makes dedication a very personal relationship between us and Jehovah. For this reason, all dedicated ones are not only privileged but obligated to draw near to Jehovah in prayer. James 4:8 tells us: `Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.'" The questions for those paragraphs read this way: "What principles must we keep clearly in mind in our relationship to Jehovah? What should we know about dedication? What necessary thing will help us to stay close to Jehovah, keeping him always before us?" (October 1, 1966 pgs. 603, 604 par. 14, 15). Therefore, it is clear that the Watch Tower Society has certainly changed their position in this matter of dedication and baptism. Again, what is the reason given for this change? Notice the following.
The WT Society says they changed the baptismal questions to SIMPLIFY matters. This comment was made by the Society in the April 15, 1987 Watchtower magazine pg. 12 par. 11. It states: "By baptism you identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's worldwide congregation. Baptism validates a solemn agreement made with God." The footnote at the bottom of the page makes this point: "Recently the two questions addressed to baptismal candidates were simplified so that candidates could answer with full comprehension of what is involved in coming into an intimate relationship with God AND HIS EARTHLY ORGANIZATION." But again, did they say: "intimate relationship with his earthly organization???" How can a living breathing person have an "intimate relationship" with a corporation or organization? Further, we see that the Watch Tower Society has tried to explain away or justify the changes made in the baptismal questions by saying that they are simplifying matters. But we ask, "what could be more simplified than the original questions?" The individual has dedicated his life to Jehovah God only, and not to an organization! That's not complicated. However, it is much more complicated to tell a person that his `dedication to Jehovah God identifies him with a spirit-directed organization,' wouldn't you say? Which is least complicated? Judge for yourself. Also, did Jesus instruct his disciples to baptize in the name of a "spirit-directed organization?" Did he??? Or, did he simply state to baptize them in the name of the "Father, Son and the Holy Spirit?" Think about it. Matthew 28:19,20
Could this be just another example of their "lawless" acts to steal veneration, even "worship," from Jehovah himself. (See Ezekiel 37:23 also footnote.) Please consider: Just as the Watch Tower Society originally said in the October 1, 1966 Watchtower magazine, (pgs. 603, 604 par. 14, 15) a person's dedication is the most sacred and important step an individual can take in establishing a spiritual relationship with Jehovah God. This is something that is "very personal." Yes, the Intimate Group can certainly agree with the Watch Tower Society on this fact. And yet, here we see the Watch Tower Society themselves, less than 20 years later, for whatever reasons, uninvitedly stepping in and placing themselves in the relationship between God and man somehow making themselves a conditional part of the agreement or covenant between the individual and his Creator. What an overt act of arrogance!
Is it any wonder the "man of lawlessness," the "son of destruction," will receive just as his forerunner and prototype Judas Iscariot received, everlasting destruction, death in Gehenna! (compare John 17:12 with 2 Thessalonians 2:3) Their methods are unscrupulous and unsavory to say the least! They have brazenly stepped up, up so high as to rival even Jehovah himself just like a certain angel we know all too well. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Yes, they act as a "god" right in Jehovah's temple desiring to be worshipped!
But at this point you must be thinking: "What???...the `man of lawlessness?'...I thought the "man of lawlessness" was the clergy of Christendom?" Well, believe it or not, the "man of lawlessness" is not the clergy of Christendom, as the Watch Tower Society has said. But, to get more details, let's consider the following information to see if we can unlock the true meaning of one of the most baffling "mysteries" [mysterions] or "religion secrets" of our time. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4."
"The REPORT" (1994) pages 155-168.
I heard later from silent lambs that this book is despised by this forum. Ooops! Well, there may be some newbies around who might enjoy the info. There was a subsequent post at SL with further pages from this book about the WTS easing up on its usual derogatory remarks about the UN, specifically a 9-8-91 Awake! How interesting, because wasn't it 1992 when they became an NGO? That's some "coincidental timing."
Edited by - grits on 31 July 2002 22:26:2