it's good to see a widely read site such as the Huff Post link to this article, and below it are 5 more links to similar articles
by nonjwspouse 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
it's good to see a widely read site such as the Huff Post link to this article, and below it are 5 more links to similar articles
Any one of Jehovah's Witnesses is free to express their feelings and to ask questions," he said. "If a person changes their mind about Bible-based teachings they once held dear, we recognize their right to leave."
Oh Really.... Didn't seem to mention DF'ing at all. I guess that never happens LOL
This story is from 2011.
At the time, we had a big push on the forum ........ and quite a few of us wrote in to the comments section of the original newspaper that had the story (was it The Guardian or the Independent? It was in England). We spent an intense 48 hours or so, answering people's questions regarding JWS and shunning, and refuting the JWS who commented on the story.
The comments are no longer there to be read, but wow, what an anti-Witness we gave! :D "Worldly" people ARE interested in the JWS - the average person is shocked, when the reality of the WTS policies is exposed in the mainstream media.
I'd like to see more group efforts like this - exJWs offering constructive criticisms on JW youtube vids or newspaper articles, and refuting JW claims in a logical fashion.
Well it was probably good to have this story bumped , because newbies may have missed it.
This is from 2011.
When the story was first published in the UK (Guardian or Independent?), we did a bit of a writing campaign here on the forum. A bunch of us spent a day or so writing in to the comments section of the newspaper...... it was wild! Folks from here, commenting, with JWS denying and scrambling to cover up the heinous nature of disfellowshipping.
I checked, and the comments are no longer available for reading, which is really too bad.
I have to say that GB and Australia are far ahead of Canada, and the US, in their investigations and condemnation of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult.