A poll of xJWs in reference to blood and guts

by writerpen 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • writerpen

    In a thread started by UglyDuckling she stated that her dreams were:

    "Ghastly visions of bloody mayhem and mutilation, not only of me, but also my husband and my little dog."

    I had been working with a therapist for about a year prior to leaving the Borg and one of my complaints was that throughout my life I had a recurring dream of blood and guts. For example I would be walking down Main Street where I lived and there would be blood, guts, and body parts everywhere. They scared me terribly and would take several days to get over. She said something to the effect of....oh hell I can't remember what she said. But anyway, I noticed about six months ago, 'hey I haven't had one of those dreams in a long while now.' I couldn't figure it out until I just read UglyDuckling's post quoted above. Looking back, these lifelong dreams ceased after leaving the Borg.

    So I'm wondering, did you guys experience the same dreams throughout your life as a Witness? This is like a major breakthrough for me to finally figure out where they were coming from.

  • zenpunk

    I used to have horrible dreams about Demons attacking me. It's funny that when I left they went away... Yet the organization is suposed to protect you from the demons. Huh.

  • detective

    My friend, as a JW, could never remember any of his dreams. He spoke often about how he couldn't even recall if he dreamed or not. Now that he's been out for a few months, he regularly tells me he had dreams and is able to give a few vague details about them (they seem to be fairly mundane and pleasant dreams sometimes featuring a family member or a good non-religious memory). So, he isn't reporting any nightmares, just dreams. That's a big change from the guy who didn't think he dreamt at all!

    I've toyed with the poignancy of the symbolism that now that he's out he can finally dream. But, I really don't know for a fact that his leaving has anything to do with his sudden dream recollection. I believe it must contribute somehow though.

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