I have often asked and tried to research this question, perhaps someone out there has been a member.What I mean is what is the WTS? how does someone become a member. We once had a CO who said he could say he represented the WTS because he was a member, but we weren't. What decisions do they make? are there 'minutes' recorded, do they have to submit reports to any legal authorities, are they answerable for the worlwide organization? The only answers I could get as a Dub were too vague.The AGM was referred to in the Watchtower, but nothing much else. Any answers please?
What exactly is the WTS?
by meat pie 8 Replies latest jw friends
WTS is a legal corporation for Jehovah's Witnesses
"We once had a CO who said he could say he represented the WTS because he was a member, but we weren't."
Such arrogance! "I'm first class - you're second class."
WTS is a legal corporation for Jehovah's Witnesses
Wait a minute, then, is Catholic a corporation, too? Baptists? Mormons? I don't remember hearing them as "corporations". The word, "corporation", sounds so........you know.......business like Enron Corporation and Anderson Corporation. You know what I mean.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 1 August 2002 15:37:1
termite 35
Hi Meatpie;Lovely to see you last week- i'm sorry we did'nt get to chat much-so many people;so much to say!Hope to catch up with you again.
I always wondered why the AGM was sometimes a closed meeting- how could you operate as a trustworthy society if some meetings were closed?
I was told when questioning that they wer'nt 'closed' as a friend's parents had attended one once-and it was 'interestin'though they wer'nt sure how ...
"WTS is a legal corporation for Jehovah's Witnesses."
Which makes them VERY MUCH A PART OF THIS 'SYSTEM OF THINGS'...the very statement they LIE TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT in their 'field ministry'.
So, will BUSH ADMIN. be making appointments to look at WTBTS 'legal corp' financial books and records too?? Excellent!
sKally, waggin' .......meow meow
WTS - We Talk Shit
Nothing important enough to boast about belonging to.
meat pie
Thanks for your replies so far, I still don't understand it though.
Dear Fred, I knew that definition but it isn't an explanation, ta anyway.
By the way years ago, a brother told me that he knew a guy who was not "good enough" to be a MS in a congregation. He got so fed up that he moved to a different congregation, and guess what? Next thing he knew, this not-so-good bro was working side by side with the Gov. Body at the Watchtower corporation. I guess you need some connection to be up there, too, just like any other corporation in the world.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 1 August 2002 18:34:34