About a year ago, I decided to drift into a meeting in my old congregation. Why? Who knows, maybe I thought by doing so my mother would love me again....but anyway - I noticed that there were 5 or 6 of the same "diehard JW" families there but otherwise all the people were completely different. It seemed that 3/4 of the congregation left and their seats were taken by a new group of converts. The Bethel presence had also been significantly scaled down. Has this been happening everywhere? Are people getting that fed up (I certainly hope so)?
The Revolving Door at the Kingdom Hall
by zenpunk 8 Replies latest jw friends
JW numbers are down in almost every country in the world. Crap, Canada has been stuck at 110K for almost 10 years...
Kinda the same thing where I am. It seems like every week or so, my mom has a different disfellowshipped/reproved story to tell me. All of these people are around her age (55'ish), been in the borg anywhere from 20-40 years and are being df'd for immorality and such.
Guess they decided life was too short to have to sleep with the same person night after night after night after night......
I think a lot of JWs move around a lot. Most of the ones we knew were of the transient variety. This is probably more the case in city congregations as opposed to suburban or rural areas where people are more likely to be homeowners as opposed to renters.
Even so, a lot of them had goals to pick up stakes and move to "where the need was great." Another family we knew moved from a little town called Musquodoboit Harbour in Nova Scotia to Brighton, Ontario when there were serious problems in the congregation (sex scandal).
Most are likely looking for that ever-elusive wonderful congregation where the atmosphere is going to help their spirituality flourish, and they'll move time and time again in hopes of finding it.
Love, Scully
Most are likely looking for that ever-elusive wonderful congregation where the atmosphere is going to help their spirituality flourish, and they'll move time and time again in hopes of finding it.
Absolutely brilliant words to sum up the never-ending quest of the faithful JW in an ever crumbling and corrupting organization.
Yes, the JWs are a oppressed and meeting attendance is very low in most congregations. Many that have been 'faithful' for decades are leaving the org. They need make lives for themselves since the WT lied and they aren't prepared for the future. There is no doubt that the 1995' new generations doctrine has affected most dubs even if they don't realize how it has changed their mentality.
Most are likely looking for that ever-elusive wonderful congregation where the atmosphere is going to help their spirituality flourish, and they'll move time and time again in hopes of finding it.
That's kinda how we went.
3 different halls later, we were like "Fuckit! They're ALL corrupt!" and that was that. (Uhh...yeah, simplifying a little, but I get the feel of your post...we were always looking for that 'perfect hall' where we would find the true spirit of god that was supposed to permeate the whole org except for the few halls where imperfect humans had caused problems)
Crap, Canada has been stuck at 110K for almost 10 years...
Um...you mean 82,500. * cough * Soooo, it's getting old...but it's aging like a fine wine.
So, for one last "hoorah" in the final corny comparison:
Canadian JW's don't count. Since they only attend meeting 3/4's of the time, and put 3/4's of the time in for field service. That's if they do attend, because after traveling 3/4's of the distance to their 3/4's finished kingdom halls, 3/4's of them turn back and go home. Also, 3/4's of Candian JW's are disfellowshiped 3/4's of the time. It's due to the rigorous theocratic school, Canadians only have 3/4's of the time to do their presentation, not to mention that they also only study and read 3/4's of WT and Awake magazines.
THERE! It's outta my system! I'm officially done with the "3/4's exchange rate" jokes! No more!
Now to find something new.....
Is there any Canadian Greeks that I can target? Anyone? Anyone?
3/4 exchange rate? I wish!!!!
Try 62% or a little better than 3/5. Ouch!
But your post was funny, nonetheless.