I was there from '79-'84. Was a witness in Tucson from '79-'91. Looking for any other black sheep. :)
attend the JW elementary school in Tucson AZ?
by peacefulwarrior 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Was that a school w/for just jws? Was it set up by jws, or the wt? I wasn't away the wt was into this type of thing.
Yes it was primarily just for JW's. We didn't exclude "worldly" kids, but they weren't encouraged either. There is another thread on this topic, do a search for "New World Education Center".
No, sorry... but I taught at the one in Orlando Florida for a couple of years. It was originally called School for the New Order, but was changed to Pal academy. Doesn't exist any more. The society didn't like the idea of it. This was back in the early 80s.
I never attended the school, but I am originally from Tucson, Arizona. I do know of some people who did go to the school and I don't know what became of them. I now live in the Los Angeles area. I do know someone who used to either work at the school or teach there and she is an Ex JW still living in Tucson.
Do they teach "Theocratic Grade-School Strategy" there?
I don't remember what they taught there, it was a decidedly unpleasant way to spend 5 years of my life.
I miss the one other girl in my 5th grade class, Barbara Pagnotta...
My wife and I live in Tucson currently. I was a JW, she was not