non-jws can be nice too

by jack2 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • jack2

    Last night on ABC TV's "Primetime" a story was aired about the people of Gander, New Foundland, who extented a great degree of hospitality toward total strangers as planes were diverted to nearby airport in the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Centers on 9/11.

    Food was prepared and served. People opened their homes to the passengers. Some passengers have even returned to Gander to bond once again with the people who showed them such kindness.

    No doubt many of you are aware of this story. And by the way, such kindess was shown by people who, as one resident of Gander put it, ' just feel that's it's good to be neighborly'.

    No posturing here about religion having anything to do with this. No one saying, in effect, that as jw's, or as members of any other religion, (though it's mainly the jws who brag about this stuff) they felt the need to act. Nope, just plain old human kindess.

    Oh and as a side note, a man in a town called Hellertown recently turned $700 in to the police, according to their local paper. No mention of him being a jw either. He did it because, as the article said, 'it was the right thing to do'.

  • Celtic

    Hello Jack

    I too have found the same thing in all my experiences on the outside of the wt. Although you get complete dicks anywhere, for the most part, people near everywhere I have seen on my journeyings have been helpful, downright friendly, given me a listening ear when I've had to vent, been wonderful overall. It is a complete false myth that these very same individuals are harbourers of demons, satanicly influenced etc, what utter codswallop and tripe. When I first left over 7 years ago, I was expecting the very worst from people on the other side of the borganisation, (depending how you look at it), expecting utter debauchery and general orgyness, on the whole though, ruddy decent lot. Put it this way, I'd rather for bedfellows have anyone on the outside than return to such rumour mongering, criminally insane pillocks in the upper echelons of the wt anyday.

    Take my hat off to people everywhere, but especially your hospital staff, ambulance drivers, charity workers, firemen etc etc, fantastic people!!

    Celtic Mark

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I saw that story last night, too. Very heart warming to say the least.

    Unfortunately, for the most part, legitimate good news doesn't get the ratings. So, we are fed a steady diet of the bad stuff. This in turn, this feeds JW's to share their version of "good news" and believe that the world is in a constant state of moral decline.

    There is a section in our local paper that once a week, where people share good things that have happened, or done for them. I always look forward to reading it.


  • NewYork44M

    Throughout my life I was always taught that the worst person in the organization is better than the best person of the world. Even when I believed in the borg I had trouble reconciling situations similar to what you describe.

  • SYN

    Those doggone worldlies! Whatever will they think of next to try and deceive Witnesses? Satan is definitely behind all of this!

  • truthseeker1

    You see, they only took care of their physical needs. Where they there to comfort them with Watchtowers and Awake!s? Were they telling them that their dead are sleeping? Man can not live on bread alone. Thats why instead of helping people physically, WT helps them with the important things, like literature to read while they were waiting for their homes/jobs to be rebuilt.

  • knighthawk1981

    truthseeker, you have to be kidding me my brother!

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