field service when df'd?

by teejay 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teejay

    Anybody here ever do that?

    From what I've read (and heard) over the years, the Society says you can. You can even go up to the Literature and Magazine counter and get your weekly allotment and the brothers at the counter will treat you like everybody else.

    I hafta say... when I was df'd, I never did. The thought never occurred to me. Didn't go out in service, either. Not once. Never crossed my mind.

  • anewlife

    I was DF'd two years ago and one of the "stipulations" for getting reinstated would be to go out in service. I said, "I thought you weren't able to do that because A DF"d person's conduct was unchristian and they displayed an unrepentant attitude, thereby the DF announcement?" They told me that by going out in service I would be showing repentence for my wrongdoing. I should continue to turn in my "time," but it would not be counted in the congregation totals nor sent to the Society. I was annoyed, needless to say, as I was looking forward to not having to go knocking on doors as I always hated doing it anyway. Well....I never did. In fact, I continued attending meetings for about 6 weeks after I was DF'd and then I asked myself, "What the hell am I putting myself through this for! This is NOT where I want to be anymore." So I left.....NEVER TO GO BACK!!!

  • alirobbi

    On another board that I frequent, there is a guy who has been DF for over 10yrs. He is quite the WTS supporter and is always railing on anyone who happens to say something unfavorable about the organization. He finally said one day he was counting his time on there in hopes it might help him get reinstated. We pointed out that he was going against the directive of the GB by talking to apostates and we doubted it would help him much. Funny, he suddenly developed computer problems and disappeared*LOL*

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    When I got reproved I had to go to a meeting where everyone who knew of my 'sin' was to be present. Because of the gossip going round the hall it seemed like more than half the congregation was there.

    Anyway I was quite looking forward to the elders taking the 'privilege' of field service off me. At the end of the meeting they talked about my lost privileges. I wouldn't be allowed to give talks - GREAT!!! I couldn't answer up at any meetings - FANTASTIC!!! I wouldn't be able to do sound or microphone duty - WONDERFUL!!!! But then they said I could carry on with field service. What a bunch of gits! The one thing I could still do it was go door knocking.

    So it doesn't surprise me that disfellowshipped people are still required to go on the doors. The Borg doesn't like to lose any salespeople.

  • blondie

    As to field service while DF'd,

    You can get literature for your "personal" use. To me that means 1 copy of the WT and 1 copy of the Awake. Special items such as the WT-CD and Insight books will not be ordered for you. One copy of the publication being studied at the congregation book study will be allowed. Many congregations require that you talk to an elder about any literature requests, and he will coordinate it with the literature/magazine area.

    You cannot check out a territory so will have to randomly choose who you will call on.

    Even if you if you turn in a record slip, it will not be counted (nor will it be backdated on your service record if you are reinstated.)

    And if it gets back to the elders that you are representing yourself as a JW in good standing in the field ministry, reinstatement may be long in coming.

    (Why would anyone who is DF'd want to go in the ministry anyway?!)

  • SYN

    The only reason the Tower lets you Witness while you're DFd is to improve their sales. Hey, you might as well sell their magazines while you are being actively shunned by the rest of the Congregaton, right?


    Going out in the sevice while D/F..WBTS dosen`t want to lose those cash sales!We gave you the boot,bring us money$$$$!!!Where are WBTS priorities?Cash,cash and more cash$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..LOL...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    The reasoning is that since you are not part of the congregation, you can do whatever you want because you are not sponsored by the organization. Anybody that was told that they SHOULD go out in service while disfellowshipped was told incorrectly.As was mentioned, you are supposed to ONLY get a personal copy of a your record cards are no longer with the active publishers so time is not counted.

  • Truth2Me

    Hummm this is interesting...I ran into a Df'd brother at Walmart not long after I had been Df'd....he told me that you can still preach on your own.....but I found this hard to believe because I know that the year before, when he had been Df'd his calls were assigned to someone else to follow up on. Then he was reinstated....but I can't recall if he got his calls back....then he was Df'd again.

    I have a secret to confess.....I never felt comfortable making donations at the I never did. Once, I had saved up a jar of change, and I dumped that into the box because I felt guilty for all the literature I had, but that was it. Unless someone gave me a donation while out in service..then I didn't contribute. When I first started studying, and the sister who was studying with me got me a subscription for the mags, I wrote a check for $24 for them. I had just got my first checking account, so I was just getting the hang of writing checks. I think that check was the first one I ever wrote....and I forgot to sign it!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I dicovered that months later, when I found out they never cashed it...but noone wanted to say anything about it to me.

    I remember in the KM one month they listed "suggested" donations for certain items...for CD's and CD-ROM they wanted some ridiculous amount of money. I cannot remember exactly what the amount was, but it was several times the cost to buy a music CD or CD-ROM from a store.....rediculous!!!!!!! and where is this money going?


  • Ray
    I remember in the KM one month they listed "suggested" donations for certain items...for CD's and CD-ROM they wanted some ridiculous amount of money. I cannot remember exactly what the amount was, but it was several times the cost to buy a music CD or CD-ROM from a store.....rediculous!!!!!!! and where is this money going?

    I have seen somewhere on the Net and they sell for about $70.

    Come on! Most reading and games CD's on the market sell between $10-$25.

    OH! Where the high price of WTBS CD'S going? WTBS, that who. Money maker.

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