How about a simulation game where you're the GB and you have to protect the Watchtower's assets from depletion?
You start with a certain number of publishers who provide weekly donations. Your goal is to increase income by increasing the number of publishers and driving them relentlessly to give more, more, more. To keep the publishers' money coming in, you must maintain a healthy level in three vital areas: fear of the emminent end, isolation from outside information, and guilt. You do this by means of the subject topics you choose to dispense each week, and by dispatching special representatives (CO's, DO's, and occasionally the dreaded ZO) to whip them back into shape when they're getting lax.
You are only allowed to crack down hard on them every other week, through the Watchtower. Interim weeks can only contain relatively mild drivel in the Awake!
Each weekly article will stimulate growth in only one of the three vital areas. You must choose based on the problems occurring in the congregations: independent thinking, weariness from carrying the heavy load, family members going apostate, influence from the internet, and evil, lying TV shows about child abuse.