The old man and the boy where working in the field one day.
A man with a back pack and an angry look on his face walked up to them. He said " I 'm looking to move to your city can you tell me what the people are like here?"
The old man said " what were the people like where you came from?" The man said " they were bad, mean and hatful I couldn't wait to get out of there." The old man said "you find people just like that here." "Thanks for warning " said the stranger " "I'll go somewhere else."
A few weeks latter another man walked up to the old man and young boy. He said "tell me old man what the people are like here because I think this maybe my new home" " What were the people like were you came from"? the old man asked, "the were wondwerful, I loved them, we all cried when I left"------------"well" the old man said "thats the way people are like here, Just like that." The stranger smiled and walk to the city.
"Why Grandfather did you tell those two men different things?" "I didn't" said the old man "For whatever a man sees in himself is what he will see everywhere else."
"ingorance is 100% curable"----------------Jessie Cahill